was 28.9 per 100,000 population. That is, as many as
29 people out of 100,000 people in North Sumatra are
positive for HIV/AIDS (Metronews, 2016). A total of
3,301 people out of a total of 8,112 were HIV-
infected. They are 2,474 men and 827 women.
Whereas AIDS patients in the same year were 4,811
people. They were 3,756 men and 1,055 women.
The findings of this study strengthen the social
reality in North Sumatra that 41.3 percent of young
and productive age suffer from HIV/AIDS. The
emergence of this disease because as much as 94
percent of the age of students and students have had
premarital sex with multiple partners. Sex first
occurred during school at the high school level and
continued to repeat until college. Therefore, the study
concluded that the absence of educational relations
and knowledge about HIV/AIDS with premarital sex
behavior among students in North Sumatra.
Based on the data described above, it is known
that urban areas such as Medan and Siantar District
tend to have high premarital sex. The same reality
occurs in tourist areas such as Karo and Toba
Samosir. The same phenomenon is found in industrial
areas such as Deli Serdang.
This fact occurs for several reasons: first, the
socio-economic conditions of families classified as
relatively poor, secondly, the high cost of living as
students and students, thirdly, the lifestyle in urban,
industrial and tourism areas which is strongly
influenced by others and fourth, low moral and ethical
values for students and students.
The tendency of students and students to have
premarital sex tends to be caused by: first, the free
association between students and students through
dating, secondly the influence of internet technology
through news and porn films, and the three factors
want to feel or try sex. Not all students and students
who have premarital sex have HIV/AIDS. Although
some of the research informants said that they had
repeated premarital sex, they did not have the deadly
disease. This fact occurs because of sufficient
knowledge to anticipate the spread of the disease.
However, some of them cannot avoid contracting
HIV/AIDS. In general, those who contract HIV/AIDS
are students and students caused by first, not having
enough knowledge to anticipate HIV/AIDS, and
secondly, having the shame of asking fellow friends
how to anticipate this deadly disease.
The trap of students at premarital sex starts from
dating. In other words, premarital sex for the first time
is done with her boyfriend. Premarital sex is done
repeatedly with his girlfriend. In fact, some
informants said that they had done it since junior high
school and repeated it during high school and also
when they were students. Student and student social
life like this occurs in urban areas, industries, and
tourist areas. In these areas, relationships and
interactions with parents tend to be limited. Even
among students and students do not live with their
parents (living in dormitories or boarding houses).
The life of free dating, the desire for sex and a
lifestyle among students makes them trapped in
premarital sex done repeatedly. Ironically, sex with a
boyfriend does not continue the marriage. A number
of informants in this study mentioned that broken
hearts with boyfriends made them sell themselves to
every man. This fact has implications for the
character of sex, namely: first, done with the first
girlfriend boyfriend, second boyfriend, and third
boyfriend and so on, second, done with another man.
In the second character, this student uses pimps or
through reflexology or night entertainment centers
such as in the city of Medan.
Based on this study, several things were found:
first, there was no relationship between the level of
education and knowledge of HIV/AIDS on premarital
sex. All informants in this study acknowledged the
dangers of premarital sex to HIV/AIDS. In fact, they
know this danger from various reports in newspapers,
television, and information from their friends.
However, the danger does not make them avoid
premarital sex. Second, the level of education and
knowledge of HIV/AIDS is not a major factor for the
use of HIV/AIDS prevention tools. During premarital
sex, HIV/AIDS prevention tools such as condoms are
used to prevent pregnancy. So, the main thing that is
concerned with premarital sex offenders is preventing
pregnancy and not preventing contracting the deadly
disease. The fact obtained from this study states that:
the level of education and knowledge of HIV/AIDS
does not dampen the desire not to have premarital sex.
This is contrary to the fact that there should be higher
levels of education and knowledge of HIV/AIDS so
this fact has implications for the low level of
premarital sex.
The level of education and knowledge about
HIV/AIDS is one of the factors that should influence
the low level of premarital sex. This fact is caused by
the role of schools (education) to instill the danger of
sex for students. That meant not only the potential for
the outbreak of the deadly disease, but also for the
dignity of a student. Educational factors should be
able to instill social values, ethics, and norms in
which students understand the dangers of premarital
sex. In this case, the role of teachers and parents
requires synergy to control students from their daily