Students' Critical Thinking Ability through Guided
Inquiry-based Digital Student Worksheet
Ade Yeti Nuryantini, Fitri Sulastri and Ea Cahya Septia Mahen
Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Jalan A.H. Nasution No 105 Bandung Jawa Barat Indonesia
Keywords: Digital student worksheet, guided inquiry, critical thinking ability, sound wave.
Abstract: The 21st century science learning requires students to be proficient in technology. Students are required to
have various skills such as creative thinking, innovative thinking, critical thinking, and problem solving. In
reality, students' critical thinking skills are still lacking and teachers have not utilized teaching materials in
the form of digital student worksheet to train the students. This guided inquiry-based digital student
worksheet development research aims to find out the implementation of the learning process using digital
student worksheet, and the improvement of students' critical thinking skills on sound wave material after
using guided inquiry-based digital student worksheet. The method used is a development research with
ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) models. The product research
subjects were 33 students. The results of the study are the implementation of the learning process using
guided inquiry-based digital student worksheet is in the very good category, and the usage of guided
inquiry-based digital student worksheet on sound wave material can improve students' critical thinking
skills with a moderate increase in average.
Various efforts continue to be made to improve the
quality of education in Indonesia, especially in the
field of science, in order to produce the scientific
skills potential of students, who are able to advance
Indonesia. The demand of science learning in the
21st century is to prepare students with various skills
and abilities such as creative , innovative and critical
thinking, and problem solving (Zubaidah, 2016).
Along with the development of the times, the
development of science and technology in the 21st
century is growing rapidly. An increasingly
sophisticated technology can be used to support the
learning process. Some familiar information and
communication technologies (ICTs) are mobile
phones and laptops. Smartphones and laptops are
useful for finding and accessing various information
needed by students.
The results of interviews with physics teachers
and students in high schools revealed that the
method most often used by teachers in learning
process was the lecture method. Teachers are the
more active one in each learning process so that the
learning is considered as teacher-centered learning.
This results in students being less active in learning
process such as being less active in asking questions.
According to the teacher's explanation, active
students tend to ask repeated and similar questions
eventhough asking activity is one of the things that
can train students' critical thinking skills (Ningsih &
Bambang, 2012). Therefore, it can be concluded that
students' critical thinking skills are still insufficient.
The results of interviews regarding the use of
teaching materials such as student worksheet also
have not been oriented towards achieving students'
critical thinking skills. Consequently, it is necessary
to develop student worksheet in order to train
students' critical thinking skills. Student worksheet
is developed in the form of digital in order to utilize
ICT in the learning process because schools already
have computer laboratory that can be used in physics
learning. Most students also own a laptop.
Student worksheet is sheets containing a series of
activities that must be carried out by students
(Prastowo, 2011, p. 203). Student worksheet has
several functions: (1) to increase student activity, (2)
to make it easier for students to understand the
material. (3) as teaching material for students to
practice, (4) to facilitate the teacher in carrying out
Nuryantini, A., Sulastri, F. and Septia Mahen, E.
Students’ Critical Thinking Ability through Guided Inquiry-based Digital Student Worksheet.
DOI: 10.5220/0010024700002917
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Laws, Arts and Humanities (BINUS-JIC 2018), pages 572-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-515-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the teaching materials (Prastowo, 2011, pp. 205–
In this study, the developed student worksheet
followed the guided inquiry learning stage. The
guided inquiry stage consists of orientation, problem
formulation, proposing hypotheses, collecting data,
testing hypotheses, and making conclusions (Putra,
2013, pp. 101–104). The results of previous studies
reveals that inquiry-based learning can help students
understand scientific concepts (Apedoe, Walker, &
Reeves, 2006, p. 419)
Inquiry is a learning process that maximally
involves all students' abilities to search and
investigate systematically, critically, and logically so
that students are able to find their own knowledge,
attitudes, and skills as a form of behavior change
(Hanafiah & Suhana, 2009, p. 77). Hence, the
teacher must be proficient in creating learning
processes that maximally involve the ability of
Inquiry-based learning builds new knowledge by
planning investigations based on previous learners'
knowledge, investigating and drawing conclusions
based on data (Lehtinen, 2017). The benefits of
inquiry activities are: (1) making fun activities in
learning the basics of physics, (2) increasing
motivation to find different natural phenomena, (3)
creating a positive attitude towards physics
(Ropeková & Kires, n.d.).
One of inquiry learning levels is guided inquiry.
Guided inquiry learning requires students to play an
active role in the learning process and help students
develop the skills they need (Hale & Mullen, 2009).
In addition, guided inquiry learning is also used to
improve learning, and emphasize attitudes and skills
in addition to knowledge. Students are divided into
several groups to conduct investigation activity
which is designed to help them build their own
knowledge. Learning with guided inquiry also has
the potential for education in computer science
(Kussmaul & College, 2012). Inquiry-based learning
can be used by utilizing ICT (Kellow, n.d.)
Critical thinking questions are used in the guided
inquiry process to guide students in understanding
the concepts learned (Irham, Mawardi, & Oktavia,
Therefore, this study aims to produce digital
student worksheet which is designed using guided
inquiry stages to improve students' critical thinking
skills in sound waves material in XI grade.
This study uses development research method with
ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation and Evaluation) approach developed
by Robert Maribe Branch (Sugiyono, 2017). The
selection of ADDIE model was done because this
model has stages that are easily understood and
implemented to grow the development products
similar to student worksheet. The study was
conducted by analyzing the curriculum used in the
school where the research was conducted, namely
the 2013 2017-revised curriculum and sound wave
material in class XI. After that, a product design was
made in the form of digital student worksheet that
can be used to train students' critical thinking skills.
Then the design was compiled and packaged using
microsoft power point software to produce learning
media that can be applied in physics learning on the
sound waves material. To find out the improvement
of students' critical thinking skills, a pretest was
taken before digital student worksheet was applied
and a posttest was also conducted after the students
were being treated by using the digital student
worksheet. In addition, observations were made
regarding the implementation of the learning process
using digital student worksheet which was assessed
using an observation sheet.
3.1 Results
3.1.1 Analysis
The results of the analysis of teaching materials in
the form of student worksheet used in schools show
that it has not been oriented to students' critical
thinking skills. In addition, schools also have not
utilized ICT in the learning process.
Analysis related to the material chosen was
sound waves. Material selection is based on previous
research where students experienced misconceptions
related to sound wave material in the form of sound
wave propagation (Hasanah, Tri Anita Nur, Choirul
Huda, 2017). Therefore, the sound wave material
needs to be visualized so that students easily
understand the material.
The curriculum used in the school was the
2013, 2017-revised curriculum. The curriculum
analysis was done by analyzing core competence
(KI/kompetensi inti) and base competence
(KD/kompetensi dasar) on sound wave material that
Students’ Critical Thinking Ability through Guided Inquiry-based Digital Student Worksheet
was used as a reference in the development of
guided inquiry-based digital student worksheet.
3.1.2 Design
At this stage the student worksheet framework was
designed using guided inquiry stages, formulating
learning objectives, formulating the material to be
discussed in the first, second, and third meetings as
outlined in a lesson plan. Then the preparation of
research instruments was arranged in the form of
validation sheets to determine the feasibility of
digital student worksheet, observation sheets to
determine the implementation of the learning
process, and tests of critical thinking skills to
determine the improvement of students' critical
thinking skills after using digital student worksheet.
3.1.3 Development
At this stage the media was made based on the
results of previous designs using Microsoft power
point and packaged as interesting as possible by
loading images, animations and videos. After the
digital student worksheet was finished, validation
was carried out by material experts, media experts,
and physics teachers to find out the feasibility of
digital student worksheet. Validation results from
material experts, media and high school physics
teachers are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Validation results from material expert, media
expert, and physics teacher.
No Ex
erts Score Cate
1. Material 4,00 Ver
2. Media 3,17 Goo
3. Physics Teache
3,80 Very Goo
Average 3,66 Very goo
The results above shows that guided inquiry-
based digital student worksheetthat has been
developed is worthy of use with a very good
3.1.4 Implementation
The fourth stage is implementation. At this stage, the
implementation of digital student worksheet was
carried out on students three times. The results of
student worksheet fulfillment students are presented
in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Graph of digital student worksheet fulfillment.
The average value has increased, so we can see
the achievement of the learning process using guided
inquiry-based digital student worksheet at each
Observations regarding the implementation of
the learning process using digital student worksheet
are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Percentage the learning process implementation.
Meeting Activities
Students Total
1 80% 80% 80%
2 100% 100% 100%
3 97,5% 92,5% 95%
During the implementation phase, pretest and
posttest were also conducted to determine the
improvement of students' critical thinking skills. The
results of pretest and posttest are presented in Figure
Figure 2. Comparison of students’ pretest and postest
The results above show that there was an
increase between the pretest and posttest scores.
Increasing students' critical thinking skills is
calculated using n-gain. The results of n-gain
analysis are shown in Table 3.
1 4 7 1013161922252831
Peserta Didik
Pretest Posttest
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
Table 3: Improvement Interpretation Critical Thinking
Notes Pretest Posttest N-Gain
Average 41 65 0,41
Interpreation Moderate
The results of the n-gain analysis of each critical
thinking skills indicator which consists of
formulating a question, identifying conclusions,
finding differences, giving reasons, hypothesizing,
applying concepts, identifying assumptions with
unstated reasons are presented in Table 4
Table 4. N-gain for each critical thinking skills indicator.
Results critical thinking skills indicator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pre 86 64 3 58 61 4 11
Post 95 77 42 70 64 23 52
N-Gain 0,6 0,3 0,4 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,5
3.1.5 Evaluation
The evaluation phase was carried out at each stage.
Researchers make improvements to the digital
critical thinking skills that has been made. The
improvements made are as follows.
Table 5. Evaluation on the digital student worksheet made.
No Input Action
1. The student
worksheet presented
is too rigid
Adding pictures,
animations and
videos so that
student worksheet is
not too ri
2. The scope of the
material is not just a
concept, but must be
mathematical also.
Make improvements
in the form of
adding material and
making a formula
for getting an
3. In digital student
worksheet, practice
uestions were adde
Adding practice
questions to digital
student worksheet
4. The next and previous
buttons should be
Deleting next and
previous button
3.2 Discussions
3.2.1 Validities’
The validity of guided inquiry-based digital student
worksheet data was obtained from two expert
lecturers (material experts and media experts) and
one high school physics teacher.
Based on table 1, it is obtained the results of
validity by material experts with very good
categories. While the results of validity by media
experts obtained validity with good categories. The
results of validity by high school physics teachers
are also very good.
3.2.2 Implementation
Table 2 shows that the implementation of the
learning process using digital student worksheet at
the first meeting as a whole is 80% in the good
category. In addition, the observer commented on
several stages that were not carried out in the
learning process because researchers were not able
to pay attention to the time and material presented.
Besides, the cause of the lack of maximal use of
time allocation with learning material is that it was
students' first time in using digital student
worksheet, so that the implementation of the
learning process is not optimal.
In the second meeting, the overall
implementation of the learning process using digital
student worksheet was 100% (very good).
At the third meeting, the implementation of the
overall learning process using digital student
worksheet was 95%. Some stages were not carried
out because there was less discussion between one
student and the others.
The results of previous research on the
development of physics student worksheet showed
that the results of the implementation of learning
using student worksheet was quite well so that it can
be said that student worksheet can be used
practically in learning (Nissa & Sukardiyono, 2017).
Other research also found that student worksheet can
accommodate guided inquiry learning steps, namely
orientation, formulating problems, making
hypotheses, conducting experiments, analyzing data,
drawing conclusions, communicating results, and
developing new problems, judging from the learning
achievement which was 100% achieved (Hujatulatif,
Roektiningroem, & Maryanto, 2017).
3.2.3 Improvement of Critical Thinking
Increased students' critical thinking skills were
analyzed using n-gain. N-gain is 0.41. According to
Hake (1999:1) in (Thohir, Wasis, & WW, 2013) the
score range 0.3 <g <0.7 is in the medium category,
so that the improvement of students' critical thinking
skills based on the research that has been done is in
Students’ Critical Thinking Ability through Guided Inquiry-based Digital Student Worksheet
the medium category. It can be concluded that after
applying guided inquiry-based digital student
worksheet there is an increase in students' critical
thinking skills. This is in accordance with the results
of research conducted by previous researchers that
the use of guided inquiry-based student worksheet
can optimize the ability of critical thinking of
students with good categories (Damayanti,
Ngazizah, & Setyadi K, 2013).
The results of n-gain analysis on each indicator
of critical thinking skills presented in Table 4 show
that the lowest n-gain is the indicator hypothesizing,
while the highest n-gain is the indicator focusing on
the question. Based on the results of the students'
answers to the hypothesized indicator, students
experienced a slight misconception in expressing the
hypothesis so that the n-gain indicator of
hypothesizing is the lowest compared to other
indicators. Based on the results of research, students
are difficult to make hypothesis so that they get the
lowest score in hypothesizing, and this is because
students lack of knowledge before learning begins.
They are also not used to independent learning,
whereas students are accustomed to relying on
teachers in learning (Rosnaeni, Muslimin, &
Saehana, 2018).
Guided inquiry-based digital student worksheet was
developed with the steps of ADDIE (Analysis,
Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation).
The implementation of guided inquiry-based digital
student worksheet was implemented very well.
There was an increase in students' critical thinking
with moderate category after using guided inquiry-
based digital student worksheet.
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BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference