the medium category. It can be concluded that after
applying guided inquiry-based digital student
worksheet there is an increase in students' critical
thinking skills. This is in accordance with the results
of research conducted by previous researchers that
the use of guided inquiry-based student worksheet
can optimize the ability of critical thinking of
students with good categories (Damayanti,
Ngazizah, & Setyadi K, 2013).
The results of n-gain analysis on each indicator
of critical thinking skills presented in Table 4 show
that the lowest n-gain is the indicator hypothesizing,
while the highest n-gain is the indicator focusing on
the question. Based on the results of the students'
answers to the hypothesized indicator, students
experienced a slight misconception in expressing the
hypothesis so that the n-gain indicator of
hypothesizing is the lowest compared to other
indicators. Based on the results of research, students
are difficult to make hypothesis so that they get the
lowest score in hypothesizing, and this is because
students lack of knowledge before learning begins.
They are also not used to independent learning,
whereas students are accustomed to relying on
teachers in learning (Rosnaeni, Muslimin, &
Saehana, 2018).
Guided inquiry-based digital student worksheet was
developed with the steps of ADDIE (Analysis,
Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation).
The implementation of guided inquiry-based digital
student worksheet was implemented very well.
There was an increase in students' critical thinking
with moderate category after using guided inquiry-
based digital student worksheet.
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