creativity will emerge if someone has a personal
factor and driving force for creativity in the creative
process. At this stage, someone will seek and find an
inspiration, then understand and bring new ideas.
The third indicator of creativity is press. The
highest score is obtained by group 1 and group 3,
i.e.100 included in the very good category. The
lowest score is obtained by group 2 i.e. 67 included
in the fair category. This indicator of creativity has a
description of students' ability to make scrapbook
with their own techniques. Group 1 makes a
scrapbook using materials available around them,
group 3 makes a scrapbook by making caricatures of
several group members and drawing some
decorative fugures in the scrapbook. This press
indicator or the driving creativity aspect according to
Csikszentmihalyi (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996)] can be
done through programmed and conditioned
activities. This driving factor is the one will foster a
person's interest and motivation to be involved in the
creative process.
The last indicator of creativity is product. The
highest score is obtained by group 3 i.e. 100
included in the very good category. Group 2 obtains
the lowest score, i.e. 60 included in the fair category.
This creativity indicator has a description of the
suitability of the material, the students' skills in
decorating the scrapbook and the readable writing in
the scrapbook. The scrapbook made by group 1
contains unsuitable materials about 'types of colloids
and their properties’. Group 1 writes several
characteristics, namely adsorption, physical, optical,
kinetic, conjugation and protective properties, which
are very unsuitable for the colloidal properties in
question, namely protective colloids. Meanwhile, the
scrapbook made by group 3 contains unsuitable
questions. The scrapbook made by group 2 does not
contain the colloidal properties in question, namely
the Tyndall effect. The scrapbook only contains
differences in colloids, suspensions, and solutions,
and tools, materials and procedures of the
Based on the research results, data analysis and
discussion, it can be concluded that students'
creativity in the making of scrapbook media on the
properties of colloids obtains the average score of 83
and is included in the good category.
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