Understanding of School-age Children in Caring of Dental Caries by
using Animated Digital Video
Nian Afrian Nuari
, Syiddatul Budury
, Theresia Anita Pramesti
Department of Nursing, STIKES Karya Husada Kediri, Indonesia
Department of Nursing, University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Indonesia
Department of Nursing, STIKES Wiramedika Bali, Indonesia
Keywords: Dental, caries, school, video
Abstract: Dental health education must be introduced early to children so they can find out how to maintain good and
correct dental and oral health, and it important too for who has caries so they can prevent more severe
caries. The research aimed to determine the effect of the use of educational media on digital animation
videos toward the understanding and caring of dental caries. This research used pre experimental design.
The population this research was school age children with dental caries. The sample picked up with
purposive sampling. The research was conducted by giving intervention using animated digital video for 3
times sessions. Respondents were given pre-test and post to measure understanding of dental caries and
caring of dental caries. The result showed there was an effect of the use of digital animation video toward
understanding of dental caries and caring of dental caries. Educational media is one of the factors that can
support the distribution of information well. Learning media using interactive animation makes children
very interested.
Poor dental health in school-aged children, for
example, it can disrupt the growth and development
of school age children because pain in cavities can
disturb activities and the quality of life of school age
children. Teeth and mouth are also a "gateway" for
the entry of germs and bacteria so that they can
interfere with the health of other organs. Cavities not
only affect the quality of life in the presence of pain,
but can also cause complications of acute and
chronic infections that cause permanent disability
and death (Ministry of Health Rupublic of
Indonesia, 2014).
The results of basic health research in 2014
found that the proportion of dental and oral problem
populations in children aged 1 to 4 years was 10.4%
and only 25.3% of the population received dental
care. The correct tooth brushing practice for children
aged 1 to 10 years is only 1.7%. Whereas from the
percentage of Indonesian population aged > 10 years
in correct brushing behavior in East Java province in
daily brushing as many as 93.5%, brushing teeth at
morning bath 95.2%, taking an afternoon bath
84.0%, after eating morning 2.8%, after waking up
5.1%, before going to bed at night 22.6%, after
lunch 9.2%. From the results of dental examinations
in Kediri District, the results of 27 children, 22
children (81.5%) experienced dental caries and only
5 children (18.5%) had healthy teeth..
The factors that cause dental caries consist of
causes in the internal and external causes of the
individual. Factors that cause dental caries are
factors that are directly related to the process of
dental caries, including host, microorganism,
substrate, and time. While external factors are
economic status, family, occupation, dental health
facilities, and dental health education received
(Purwaningsih, 2018).
Dental infections can cause 41 kinds of chronic
diseases such as kidney damage, maxillary sinusitis,
meningitis, rhematod arthritis and even death
(Cappelli and Mobley, 2008a). The mechanism of
damage caused by dental infections is called focal
infection. Chronic infection of the teeth can spread
to other parts of the body through the blood
circulation (hematogenous) where infective material
spreads through the blood circulation and infects
other organs. In addition, transmission of infection
can also occur through lymphatic and lymphogenic
Nuari, N., Budury, S. and Pramesti, T.
Understanding of School-age Children in Caring of Dental Caries by using Animated Digital Video.
DOI: 10.5220/0010024900002917
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Laws, Arts and Humanities (BINUS-JIC 2018), pages 580-583
ISBN: 978-989-758-515-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
flow. Infective material travels to the regional lymph
into other body organisms or spreads into the jaw
bone and connective tissue then accumulates tissue.
Transmission can also occur through the
gastrointestinal and respiratory tract where infective
material is blocked and causes tonsillitis, pharyngitis
and various stomach disorders. Aspiration of
infective material then causes laryngitis, tracheitis,
bronchitis or pneumonia (Cappelli and Mobley,
In school children, the body's immune system
has not been formed as perfect as in adults. Once a
dental infection attacks the organ, the consequences
will be fatal. In addition to school-aged children,
there are milk teeth that will date and change with
adult teeth. The shape and health of adult teeth will
depend on the quality of the health of the milk teeth
because the perforated milk teeth will leave the
bacteria on the gums and infect the roots of future
dental candidates so that recurrent dental infections
occur (Cappelli and Mobley, 2008b). Dental health
education must be introduced as early as possible to
children so they can find out how to maintain good
and correct dental and oral health.
Visual education animation media is one of the
interventions to increase the knowledge of schoolers.
In the Health Promotion Model theory concept there
are several components that influence such previous
experience and personal factors, one of which is
knowledge, knowledge factors are the main factors
and which are the main components that also
influence individual knowledge and perception with
the desired end result. In Health Promotion model
theory the paradigm shift of health services from
curative to promotive and preventive has been
responded by nursing theorist Nolla J. Pender
focused on the Health Promotion Model (HPM)
(Tommey, A.M., & Alligood, 2016). This model
combines two theories, namely expectancy theory
and social cognitive theory which considers the
importance of health promotion (individual
characteristics and experience) and prevention of
disease is logical and economical The theoretical
approach focuses on the individual's ability to
maintain his health condition, better when a person
is in good health and also better to take preventive
action and then try to take actions that lead to
improvement of the conditions he has (Tommey,
A.M., & Alligood, 2016). Nurses must also show
caring attitudes to help school-age children meet
their oral hygienic needs (Nuari et al., 2018). The
purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
the use of educational media on digital animation
videos toward the understanding of dental caries and
the prevention behavior of dental caries.
2.1 Research Object
The population this research was school age children
with dental caries in Kediri Indonesia. The sample
picked up with purposive sampling.
2.2 Design/ Approach
The research design used pre experimental design
without control.
2.3 Data Collection
Data were obtained with questionnare for knowledge
about dental caries and prevention behaviour
obtained with check list. The intervention given to
the respondent with used video digital animation.
The research was conducted by giving intervention
using animated digital video for 3 times sessions.
Respondents were given pre-test and post test to
measure understanding of dental caries and caring of
dental caries.
2.4 Ethical Consideration
The implementation of ethic feasibility is carried out
in accordance with the procedure by conducting
ethical feasibility test at the relevant institution. All
respondents in this study do inform consent
2.5 Method of Analysis
Research data were analyzed by descriptive statistic
and Bivariate analysis. The data was analyzed by
description analysis and Paired T Test. (0,05).
Table 1 shows that 60% of respondents school-age
children have female gender and 50% are 6 years
old. While the number of school-age children who
experience dental pain is 83.3%. Teeth that often
experience dental caries in school-aged children are
molars as much as 46.7%. The number of teeth that
experienced dental caries was 30% with 2 dental
Understanding of School-age Children in Caring of Dental Caries by using Animated Digital Video
caries. From the data also obtained as many as 50%
of children no teeth were released. Table 2 shows
that there is an influence of the use of digital
animation videos on understanding school-age
children about dental caries. Table 3 shows that
there is an effect of the use of digital animation
videos on the prevention and caring of dental caries.
Table 1: Distribution of Frequency Variable
Variable Category F %
Gender Male 12 40
Female 18 60
Age 6 years old 15 50
7 years old 12 40
8 years old 3 10
Dental Pain Ever 25 83,3
Never 5 16,7
Type of dental
Incisors 7 23,3
Molars 14 46,7
Canine tooth 2 6,7
Incisors and molars 7 23,3
Number of carious
1 tooth 7 23,3
2 teeth 9 30
3 teeth 4 13,3
4 teeth 7 23,3
5 teeth 1 3,3
6 teeth 2 6,7
Number of loose
none 15 50
1 tooth 11 36,7
2 teeth 4 13,3
Table 2: The Analysis Of Variable Understanding Of
Dental Caries
No Understanding
about dental caries
N Mean SD
1 Pre Test 30 51,6 17,827
2 Post Test 30 75,0 11,962
Paired T Test P value: 0,000
Table 3: The Analysis Of Caring Behaviour Of Dental
No Caring behaviour
of dental caries
N Mean SD
1 Pre Test 30 4,67 1,708
2 Post Test 30 7,03 1,217
Paired T Test P value: 0,000
From the results of the study, it was found that
before the intervention of giving animated videos
obtained a mean of 51.6 for understanding school-
age children about dental caries. Matters that are not
yet known by respondents include food that results
in dental caries, cavities, tooth brushing and dental
check-ups. After a pre test examination, a health
promotion intervention is then provided with this
animated digital video media. In this session nurses
also provided Health Promotion by using animated
videos about tooth brushing that discussed the
effects of not brushing teeth, foods that cause dental
caries, and the process of cavities. The second
session, which was to re-display the animated video
about tooth brushing that discussed how to brush
your teeth, when you brushed your teeth and the
time to check your teeth. In the third session, the
video was started again from the beginning to the
end and continued with the practice of brushing
teeth. In this third session also conducted post test
knowledge and caring behavior. In addition nurses
also provide feedback to parents as a reference in
guiding children about oral hygiene.
From the results of the study also obtained before
the intervention was found the mean of 4.67 for the
caring of dental caries includes how to brush teeth
correctly and sequentially. After the intervention for
the prevention behavior of dental caries has a Mean
of 7.03. In conducting health promotion, it cannot be
separated from using learning media. When doing
health promotion, nurses uses educational visual
animation as a learning media. This media must be
adjusted to the aggregate of health workers in
conducting health promotion. The use of this media
in health promotion is also in accordance with the
development school children in the cognitive
aspects. School age knowledge of the world remains
closely related to concrete experiences or perceived
feelings. In addition, School children are dominated
by what they see, feel and experience (Nuari, 2017).
The school-age children have different cognitive
abilities (Nuari, 2015a). The application of object or
animal recognition application using interactive
animation, this provides and presents knowledge
about an object in which its use is easy and
accompanied by an attractive appearance so that it
can helps school age children learn to recognize
these objects in their environment. With new
learning methods that have sprung up now provide a
choice of learning methods that are appropriate to
the needs of users. One of them is interactive
learning based on information technology that has
many advantages from conventional learning
methods. Learning media using interactive
animation makes children very interested.
Educational media is one of the factors that can
support the distribution of information well,
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
education media is a tool that can be used to convey
information. Various media in conducting health
promotion such as posters, flipcharts, leaflets and
booklets have been proven to increase knowledge.
However, the media is less effective if the intended
target is school children who in fact have not been
able to read and understand the writing to the full.
Several studies have found audio media health
education methods in animated format to make
children learn in a fun way as children watch
animated videos at home. The animation format also
awakens the world of children's imagination and
eliminates boredom because children are made in the
same position as watching cartoons. Health
education with animated audio visual animation can
therefore offer an interesting, not monotonous and
informal education according to the characteristics
of the way school age children learn. This is not
different from the results of the study that the
Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) models
based on visual animation can improve learning
outcomes (Nuning Rahayuningsih, Ashadi, 2013).
Cognitive abilities are able to influence a person's
behavior in doing something and increase self-
empowerment (Nuari, 2015b). The school-age
children who are independent and have good self-
empowerment can improve their behavior in
maintaining oral hygiene (Nuari, 2016).
Learning media using animated digital video can
improve understanding of school-age children about
dental caries knowledge. In addition, it can improve
the behavior of caring dental caries by showing a
positive response by doing healthy living behavior,
especially for oral health.
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Understanding of School-age Children in Caring of Dental Caries by using Animated Digital Video