A Relationship between Smoking and Triglyceride Levels at USU
Engineering Students
Muhammad Syahputra
, Sry Suryani
and Fachri Aulia Darmawan
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Student of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Smoking, Triglycerides, Universitas Sumatera Utara Engineering Students.
Abstract: As time went along with their own tobacco human civilization known to man. On cigarettes have been found
around 4000 types of toxic chemicals including nicotine and tar in which the nicotine contained in cigarette
smoke can affect blood lipid profile one triglyceride so that smokers had higher triglyceride levels than
nonsmokers. This study was to determine whether there is a relationship between smoking and blood
triglyceride levels with the design of the study conducted using an analytic study of 58 people with the USU
engineering students to take blood samples of smokers. The relationship between the variables of smoking
with blood triglyceride levels are determined based on data collected from interviews and take measurements
of blood triglyceride levels, measurements were performed one at a time without a follow-up observation.
The result showed there were 13 respondents (22.4%) who have triglyceride levels above normal. There is a
relationship between smoking and blood triglyceride levels (p = 0.001). There are differences in average blood
triglyceride levels among light smokers with heavy smokers (p = 0.000) and between smokers moderately
heavy smokers (p = 0.045). but there is no difference between the average blood triglyceride levels among
light smokers with moderate smokers (p = 0,053).
Tobacco consumed by humans in many ways and the
most common is consumed as a tobacco cigarette.
Smoking prolonged will affect the incidence of health
problems such as cancer, raised his cardiovascular
disease and disease of lungs (Setiati S, Alwi I, Sudoyo
AW, 2014). Smoking is one of the causes of
atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus (DM). Smoking
also affects the physiological factors, pathologic,
hematologic and metabolic respectively. From the
results of previous studies have reported that smokers
had higher levels of serum triglycerides (TG), high
blood glucose concentration and levels of high-
density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were lower
than non-smokers (Niemiec P, Nowak T, Iwanicki T,
2015). Plasma lipids consist of triacylglycerol (6%),
phospholipids (30%), cholesterol (14%), and esters
cholesteryl (36%) and slightly fatty acids long-chain
non-esterified (4%). Most of the fats and oils in nature
consists of 98-99% of triglycerides. Triglyceride is a
glycerol ester, an alcohol and a fatty acid trihydrate
correctly called triacylglycerol (Almatsier S.
Prinsipdasarilmugizi, 2010).. During digestion, two
of the three fatty acid molecules are leaving one of
monoglycerides, one molecule of glycerol with a fatty
acid molecule attached to it (mono means "one").
Lipoprotein metabolism disorders cause various
hypo- or hyperproteinemia. The most common is
diabetes mellitus; this disease occurs in insulin
deficiency caused excessive Free fatty acid (FFA)
mobilization coupled low utilization of chylomicrons
and Very low density Lipoprotein (VLDL) causing
hypertriglyceridemia. Most other pathological
conditions regarding fat transport because congenital
abnormalities can cause hiperkolestrolemia and
premature atherosclerosis. Smoking among college
students has become a daily habit, and even become
a staple. Therefore, the authors are interested in
looking for the relationship between smoking
behavior and increased blood triglyceride levels in
students of mechanical Engineering faculty of
Universitas Sumatera Utara (Murray RK, Granner
DK,Rodwell VW, 2009).
Syahputra, M., Suryani, S. and Darmawan, F.
A Relationship between Smoking and Triglyceride Levels at USU Engineering Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0010081106280630
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Samples were students of the Faculty of Engineering
2013-2016 USU force another active as a student and
the samples taken are the subject of the selected
populations and have met the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. The sampling technique in this research is by
consecutive sampling.
1. Criteria for inclusion:
a. Male students who smoke at the engeneering
faculty of the Universitas Sumatera Utara
b. Willing to become respondents to sign a consent
2. Exclusion criteria:
a. Diabetes mellitus
b. Suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD)
c. dyslipidemia
d. obesity
e. Vegetarian
Table 1: Distribution subject frequency based on the degree
of smokers
Frequeny Percentage
Light 32 55,2 %
Medium 19 32,8 %
Heavy 7 12,1 %
Total 58 100 %
Based on the number of cigarettes smoked each day,
the smokers were divided into three, namely light
smokers, moderate, and severe. Subject of the study
were 32 people (55.2%) were light smokers, while 19
subjects (32.8%) are moderate smokers. while the
remaining 7 (12.1%) were heavy smokers. From this
data it can be concluded that the subject was light
smokers more than moderate smokers and heavy.
Table 2: Correlation Degree Smokers Blood Triglyceride
Triglyceride Levels
Normal High Jumlah
N (%) N (%) N (%)
Light 30 66,7 2 15,4 32 55,2 0,001
13 28,9 6 46,2 19 23,8
Heavy 2 4,4 5 38,5 7 12,1
Total 45 100 13 100 58 100
Fisher on Chi Square test produces p-value of 0.001
(p <0.05) for the degree of relationship of smoking
with blood triglyceride levels. This indicates that the
degree of smoking had a relationship with blood
triglyceride levels. This is according to research
obtained by Widea Rossi concluded that
hypertriglyceridemia increased risk in those who
smoked more than 20 cigarettes each day (Desvita
WR, 2014}
Table 3. Test Results Post Hoc Test (Tukey)
Group I GroupII P value
Light Smoker
Medium Smoker 0,053
Heavy Smoker 0,000
Light Smoker 0,053
Heavy Smoker 0,045
Heavy Smoker
Light Smoker 0,000
Heavy Smoker 0,045
From the results of Anova test showed that there were
significant differences in the average blood
triglyceride levels among light smokers with heavy
smokers. Furthermore, to find a group that has a
significant value of the test post hoc test (Tukey).
Obtained the result that there are differences in
average blood triglyceride levels among light
smokers with heavy smokers (p = 0.000) and between
smokers moderately heavy smokers (p = 0.045). but
there is no difference between the average blood
triglyceride levels among light smokers with
moderate smokers (p = 0,053). this is according to
research conducted by (Ioannis Mammas N., 2013)
that smoking is associated with high triglycerides and
serum levels of HDL-cholesterol is low. As well as
the levels of LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol level
that is strongly associated with smoking rates
(Mammas IN, 2013)
A Relationship between Smoking and Triglyceride Levels at USU Engineering Students
There is a relationship between smoking and blood
triglyceride levels (p<0,001).
The authours gratefully acknowledge financially
supported of the Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The study was supported by the research
grant TALENTA USU 2018.
Almatsier S., 2009. Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi. Jakarta: PT
Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Desvita WR., 2014. Bobot Pengaruh Merokok Terhadap
Kadar Trigliserida pada Pasien Skizofrenia yang
Dirawat Inap di RSJ Prof Soeroyo Megelang.
Mammas IN. 2013. Cigarette smoking, alcohol
consumption, and serum lipid profile among medical
students in Greece, 13: 282-287
Murray RK, Granner DK, Rodwell VW., 2009. Biokimia
harper. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. Jakarta, .27
Niemiec P, Nowak T, Iwanicki T, et al. 2015. The
rs2516839 polymorphism of the USF1 gene may
modulate serum triglyceride levels in response to
cigarette smoking. Int J Molecular Sciences. Jun 10; 16:
Setiati S, Alwi I, Sudoyo AW, et al. 2014. Internal
Medicine Textbook. 6th ed. Jakarta Pusat: Interna
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches