A Legal Perspective for International Agreement on Climate Change
Jelly Leviza
, T. Keizerina Devi A.
and Puspa Melati
International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Economic Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Legal Perspective.
Abstract: Climate change is now increasingly a concern with the international community considering the resulting
negative impact is very complex and cause threats. Almost all areas of human life will be affected by
climate change. Therefore the UN has made efforts to formulate an international agreement on climate
change through at least three legal instruments. Starting from the Climate Change Convention that was born
from the Rio de Janeiro Conference in 1992, then the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement. The problem
is that the implementation of the three international agreements above is not as easy as imagined because of
differences in interests between member countries or because of different international economic and
political motivations. Therefore, the need for international legal studies concerning the constraints born of
the three instruments the law concerned.
Climate change is the greatest global health threat in
the twentiethcentury which led to a change in global
climate patterns resulting in an uncertain weather
phenomenon (Wang, 2015). Climate change occurs
because of changes in climate variables, such as air
temperature and rainfall continuously over a long
period of time between 50 to 100 years
(Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, 2004). Climate
change is also affected by unstable weather
conditions, such as storms, extreme temperatures,
and drastic changes in wind direction
(Ratnaningayu, 2009).
The impacts of climate change occur on many
fronts, ranging from ecological, economic to social
impacts. Ecologically, climate change among others
has influenced the condition of river basin
ecosystem (Effendi, 2012).
While economically, climate change, as the 2015
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Study has brought
about an economic loss of up to 60% higher than the
2009 estimate. It will result in a gross domestic
product of 11% lower across Asia in the year 2100
(Groof, 2017). Still according to the economic
perspective, Climate change also brings influence on
the pattern of tourist visits. The climate that was
initially considered comfortable enough for them
ended up being uncomfortable again. It really has a
negative implication on the volume of tourist visits
to a tourist destination (Suwarto, 2011).
The social impacts of climate change, especially
in the tropics, are the threat of increasing public food
security, the decline in agricultural land area and
environmental degradation, especially after 2050
(Lassa, 2015).
Due to the complex impacts of climate change as
mentioned above, the UN has initiated an
international agreement on climate change, namely:
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change/UNFCCC (1992). As a follow-up to the
UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol (1997) was adopted
since 2005. The last international consensus on
climate change has been realized through the Paris
Agreement (2015) which has been in effect since
November 4, 2016 (Camero, 2017).
According to the UNFCC that: "Climate change"
means a change of climate which is altogether the
composition of the global atmosphere and which is
in addition to natural climate variability observed
over comparable time periods. "Climate change
adaptation and mitigation measures need to be
continued by involving all parties at all levels, from
international, regional, national to local levels.
Leviza, J., Devi A., T. and Melati, P.
A Legal Perspective for International Agreement on Climate Change Issues.
DOI: 10.5220/0010094916841687
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Therefore, the need for synchronization and
harmonization in the context referred to.
The indicators that can be used to determine
whether the synchronization and harmonization of
steps in each level has been or has not been realized
is through legal arrangements. Based on these
conditions it is necessary to have legal studies
related to it for each level.
This paper will focus on international law
regulation on climate change. At that level, further
analysis needed to see whether existing international
legal instruments will be sufficient to accommodate
the measures required by the international
community to address the problems arising from
climate change.
This paper uses the normative juridical method.
Normative legal research method or literature law
research method is a method used in legal research
conducted by examining the library materials in the
form of applicable legal norms contained in the
legislation or judgment decisions (Soekanto, 1986).
The normative juridical method in the context of
this paper is used to examine the legal norms of
climate change contained in various international
agreements or treaties.
In detail, the normative analysis is addressed to
three international legal instruments governing
climate change, first from the 1992 Climate Change
Convention, then the second is the Kyoto Protocol,
and the last is the Paris Agreement.
3.1 United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change/
The United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change divides countries into 2 groups,
developed countries listed in Annex I and
developing countries not listed in Annex I.
Annex I countries as well as non-Annex I
countries shall submit reports referred to National
Communication, which is a report on the inventory
of greenhouse gas emissions and its national climate
change programs and policies. However, the
deadline for the submission of National
Communication to non-Annex I countries is longer
than the Annex I countries (Setyaningrum, 2015).
As the results of various studies, the
classification between Annex 1 and Non Annex 1
countries is often considered to be one of the causes
of the Kyoto Protocol's failure (Aniagyei, 2015).
Other issues that should also be observed from
the UNFCCC is concerned with the decision-making
process. The UNFCCC tends to be ineffective and
unfair. It is not effective because the process
hampers the exchange of information necessary to
spur international climate cooperation. Then it is
unfair because of its failure to properly distinguish
between one country and another based on its
domestic capability.
In addition, the principle of consensus as used in
the UNFCCC lacks clear definition. Mexico and
Papua New Guinea proposed a majority vote, but it
is still considered not to solve the problem (Vogel,
3.2 Kyoto Protocol
The statement of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) that climate change is
unavoidable and irreversible (IPCC 2014) is one
indication of the failure of the Kyoto Protocol in its
main mission: to reduce the amount of GHGs
entering the atmosphere (Amanda, 2015).
The protocol was rejected by the United States
Government during President Bush on the grounds
that the protocol has liberated countries with high
populations such as China and India. In contrast, the
economic interests of the United States are being
harmed (Hovi, 2010).
3.3 Paris Agreements
The Paris Climate Change Agreement is different
from its predecessor the Kyoto Protocol. All
countries, not just the developed countries, are
required to reduce their emissions. Negotiations no
longer focus on separation of responsibilities, but
each country is required to make each plan
according to its national conditions: Intended
Nationally Determined Contribution / INDC.
The Paris deal is more likely to mobilize political
pressure than to apply the implementation of
international law. This is manifested by creating a
transparent set of steps and a review process for each
country (although this is considered by observers to
be unclear).
A Legal Perspective for International Agreement on Climate Change Issues
Table 1: Perspective on Several Obstacles in International Agreements on Climate Change
oto Protocol Paris A
1. The distinction between Annex 1 and Non Annex
1 countries is a cause of failure of the Kyoto
Failed to realize
its main mission:
to reduce the
amount of GHG
entering the
The review
mechanism for the
steps that have been
made by member
countries is still
considered unclear.
2. The decision-making process can be an obstacle to
the exchange of information needed to spur
international climate cooperation.
Rejected by the
United States
because it was
The mechanism for
implementing the
convention is still
very dependent on
the good faith of the
3. Failure to distinguish between one country and
another based on its domestic capacity.
Countries with
large populations
such as India and
China are given
obligations as
countries, even
though in fact
they have a lot of
The involvement of
national and local
entrepreneurs and all
levels of society in
each member country
is needed
4. The principle doesn’t have a clea
The Paris Agreement creates a process whereby
each country should propose a stronger emissions
cuts plan every five years. But in reality it is difficult
to realize because there is no enforcement
mechanism. The Paris deal like most other
international agreements relies heavily on voluntary
Therefore, there is a need for momentum that can
be used to encourage countries to implement the
Paris Agreement. Furthermore, much is needed of
the involvement and role of policymakers,
businessmen, scientists and activists. Each country
should design and implement new policies, invent
and use new technologies, be much more ambitious.
(Manolas, 2016).
Perishable Based on the above description it can be
concluded that the issue of climate change is a very
worthy issue to get the attention of the international
community. The complexity of issues arising from
climate change can be seen in a variety of fields,
ranging from ecological, economic, social and
political fields. If left in the long run then this issue
will be a serious threat to human life on earth.
Therefore, there is a need for good legal regulation
so that the steps needed to anticipate climate change
can be done as expected.
International agreements on climate change can
be seen in at least three international legal
instruments ranging from the Climate Change
Convention, the Kyoto Protocol agreed in Japan and
the last is the Paris Agreement.The issue of climate
change is not necessarily successfully overcome by
the three legal instruments mentioned above. The
three instruments in reality have their respective
deficiencies so that it becomes an obstacle in the
implementation. One of the most highlighted is the
distinction between developed and developing
country groups.
Developed countries in the aforementioned legal
instruments have an obligation which for some
people is considered more severe (unfair) when
compared to the obligations imposed on developing
countries. Though developing countries such as
China and India in fact it became one of the
countries that became the largest contributor to
emissions in the world. For that reason, the United
States also expressed an attitude to reject the
international legal instruments on climate change.
Therefore, in the future, international agreement
on climate change as stated in international legal
instruments should pay attention not only to
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
ecological matters but also to consider and consider
economic and political issues. It is important that
international agreements on climate change are not
rejected as they have been.
Accomodation of ecological, economic, social
and political issues in the international agreement is
absolutely used as material to formulate an
international legal instrument that is expected to be a
tool to anticipate the impact of climate change that
has now become increasingly evident to grow into a
global threat.
In addition, international legal instruments on
climate change are also expected to give more
impetus to the contributions of all parties, from the
Central Government, regional governments,
international organizations, non-governmental
organizations to the wider community wherever they
The involvement and synergy of related parties is
needed because the climate change issue will not be
able to be solved if it only relies on the government's
The research for this paper was financially supported
by Universitas Sumatera Utara.
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A Legal Perspective for International Agreement on Climate Change Issues