Improving Environmental Health through Reduce Reuse Recycle
(The 3rs) and Trash Cans with Attractive Pictures at High School in
Percut Sei Tuan Sub-district
Evi Naria
, Ernawati Nasution
and Devi N. Santi
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: The 3Rs, Attractive Pictures, Waste Management.
Abstract: Waste management should be carried out by implementing the concept of the 3Rs. Waste is generated in
various places including in schools. Students frequently do not collect the waste into a trash can and often
leave the waste in the schoolyard, desk drawers. Even though the slogan “keep the school clean” is instructed
to the students, but they still often litter the school environment. This activity aims to improve students’ litter
education in waste management by implementing the 3Rs and providing trash cans with attractive pictures to
attract students to collect the waste into the trash cans. The method was participatory method and training to
manage waste based on the concept of the 3Rs. The result shows that students were able to manage waste by
applying the concept of the 3Rs. Students understood the concepts of the 3Rs, and created some products such
as phone stand, hand soap dispenser, and reusable grocery bags. Trash cans with attractive pictures were
provided in several areas around the school such as teachers’ room, canteen, and classroom. Students actively
participated in waste management by applying the 3Rs. This activity beneficially reduces environmental
pollution and simultaneously improves personal autonomy in environmental sustainability.
Solid waste is largely found in our environment since
people do various daily activities that generate waste.
Waste is a cultural problem since it affects various
aspects of life. Therefore, the waste needs to be
properly managed to minimize the negative impacts
of waste on the environment. Waste management is
expected to be able to improve environmental
cleanliness and environmental aesthetics, prevent
pollution, and reduce disease transmission pathways.
The waste materials are very diverse, but in general,
the waste contains 75% organic waste and 25%
inorganic waste.
When the solid waste is not managed with a
proper waste management method, the waste can
adversely impact human health and the environment,
especially in metropolitan cities such as Jakarta,
Semarang, Surabaya, Bandung, Palembang, and
Medan. A survey found that the volume of solid waste
generated in Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, and Surabaya
in 1987 was 0.5 kg/capita/day (Sudrajat, 2006). It is
predicted that metropolitan cities such as Jakarta,
whose population reaches 10 million, produces solid
waste approximately 5,000 tons/day. The potential
waste production in Bandung was 1.300 tons/day and
1.500 tons/day in Surabaya.
The excessive solid waste causes short and long-
term effects, especially on human health. Short-term
effects occur when human directly contact with
infected waste, such as toxic waste and waste with
pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause various
health problems. Long-term effects occur when waste
piles become the habitat of various disease vectors
which will cause to the water, air, and soil pollution.
Therefore solid waste must be properly managed to
minimize the risks to human health. Proper waste
management does not only positively impact on
human health, but also on environmental aesthetics.
The 3Rs is one of the most effective methods that
should be implemented in waste management.
According to Law Number 18 of 2008 concerning
waste management, Reduce is an attempt to reduce
waste production which includes saving and selecting
materials by considering their characteristics such as
minimizing the use of the hazardous material. Reuse
is an attempt to reuse goods without any change and
process. Recycle is an attempt to use goods for other
Naria, E., Nasution, E. and Santi, D.
Improving Environmental Health through Reduce Reuse Recycle (The 3rs) and Trash Cans with Attractive Pictures at High School in Percut Sei Tuan Sub-district.
DOI: 10.5220/0010101409170921
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
purposes by changing or processing the waste become
new goods. According to Aryenti (2011), improper
waste management method can cause various risks to
human health and the environment.
The 3Rs waste management offers environmental,
social, and economic benefits (Suwerda, 2012). A
proper method in waste management can reduce the
waste piles around the settlements and eradicate
resting sites and breeding sites of vectors. Thus, the
environment becomes cleaner and more comfortable
for the human. Moreover, recycling the solid waste
will produce products which can be sold to strengthen
household economically.
Apinhapath (2014) states a sustainable waste
management is required to solve waste problems and
to achieve environmental sustainability. It is effective
to reduce waste management costs of each process
including collection, transportation, processing, and
recycling or final disposal.
Waste is usually produced where people gather to
do certain activities such as schools. Students carry
out various activities that can produce solid waste.
Sadly, schools as a second home for students
generally still do not have good waste management.
School should be clean so that students are
comfortable to learn. But, several schools still have
scattered waste around the school environment.
Taufik (2016) conducted a study on school waste
management and found that 39.87% of students
sometimes put the waste in any area in the school
environment and 19.26% of students never put waste
into a trash can. School activities were finished and
solid waste was scattered around the school
environment. The materials of school waste were
very diverse such as paper, plastic food packaging,
and water bottle waste. Even though the slogan “keep
the school clean” was instructed to students, but they
still left waste everywhere, including in the desk
drawers. The researcher suggested the other
researchers provide trash cans in that school and hold
an extracurricular program to teach students about
waste management, at least about personal waste
management since another study found that personal
waste can reach o.8kg/day.
Karlina (2017) studied eco-literacy (ecological
awareness) of students in waste management
activities. The study found that after following two
cycles of outdoor-based learning study, students' eco-
literacy increased in several aspects: knowledge
(20%), application 49.6%, and attitude (19.4%).
According to Widyaningrum (2015), the participation
level of high school students in managing school
waste was active category with a mean score of 166.5.
Meanwhile, students' knowledge of waste
management was good enough with a score of 15.2.
According to Boiyo (2015), students generally have a
negative attitude toward student participation in
environmental cleanliness in school. Students often
assume that school environmental cleanliness is the
responsibility of school janitors.
According to Musfirah (2017), school waste
management needs to be taken seriously. Students
generally still do not manage waste optimally. In
Musrifah’s study, the students were taught
theoretically and practically about waste
management. After the treatments, it was found that
the experimental group and control group were
different with a p-value of 0.041.
This study is a public service as an intervention in
environmental health by implementing the 3Rs and
providing trash cans with attractive pictures,
especially interesting images, at two high schools in
Percut Sei Tuan Sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency.
It is regrettable that schools as the second place for
students still do not implement a proper waste
management. Solid waste is still scattered around the
school environment. Therefore, this activity will help
schools to create a better waste management. Trash
cans with attractive pictures of interesting images
provided in schools are expected to attract students to
actively participate in waste management.
The target of this study was people who are
economically unproductive. Therefore, students were
choosen to be the participants. The activity involved
50 students from two high schools in Deli Serdang
Regency: 25 students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Aisyiyah and 25 students of SMK Mandiri. Students
were trained to implement the 3Rs to ensure that
students will be able to practically reduce, reuse, and
recycle waste in school and other environments.
Through this training, students were expected to have
skills in recycling solid waste to be beneficial goods.
To support the training, trash cans with attractive
pictures were provided in several strategic areas in the
schools. Trash cans with attractive pictures were
expected to attract students to actively participate in
waste management.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
3.1 Waste Management Training with
the Concept of the 3Rs
The information about the concept of reuse and its
example were provided for students. Then, students
were asked to give other examples of goods to reuse.
Students reported some reuse activities that they did
such as storing plastic bags, using cloth handkerchief
than the tissue, and using a rechargeable battery.
The definition of reduce, as an attempt to
minimize waste production, was explained to the
students. Several examples were also provided to the
student to ensure they really understand the concept
of reduce such as using reusable water bottles, taking
refill products, and bringing their own grocery bags.
Students then reported the example of reduce
activities that they did such as using reusable water
bottles to schools. The survey showed that 68% of
students brought reusable water bottles to school. It
means that students did not buy bottled mineral water
which can produce plastic bottle waste.
Students also got information about the concept of
recycling as processing the waste to become
beneficial and valuable goods. Students were trained
to recycle various waste materials and create several
kinds of products such as phone stand, hand soap
dispenser, and grocery bags.
1. Phone stand
Phone stand was made from used a cardboard box.
All students were able to create phone stands
easily. Students were highly interested in this
product since every student had a phone. Phone
stand is needed to get a safe phone position.
Students were satisfied with their product since
they can use it.
2. Hand soap dispenser
Hand soap dispenser was made from disposable
bottles. All students of SMK Mandiri finished this
product smoothly. Meanwhile, only 60% of
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Aisyiyah who finished the
product based on the indicators.
3. Grocery bag
The grocery bag was made from a used t-shirt. All
sizes of t-shirt can be used to make grocery bags.
The process of creating a grocery bag from a used
t-shirt is easy. It only consists of two simple
processes: cutting and tying. About 90% of
students were able to finish this product well.
Besides for grocery bags, students can also use the
bag to bring their books and water bottle to school.
Some students reported that they used the bags to
bring goods when they went swimming.
Meanwhile, some students planned to make other
bags and sell them to earn money.
3.2 Creating Waste Management
In the activity, there was a session in which students
were encouraged to creatively create several slogans
about waste management. This session aimed to
improve students’ awareness of the importance of
environmental cleanliness. The slogans become a
persuasion to other students to participate in
maintaining environmental health. There were four
selected slogans which were printed on banners, as
1. Smart students keep the environment clean
2. Clean environment for clean hearth and soul
3. Take care of nature, nature will take care of you
4. Don’t be a litterbug
3.3 Providing Trash Cans with
Attractive Pictures
Trash cans with interesting images aimed to attract
students to put waste into the trash can and built
student habitual to not litter in the school
environment. Trash cans with images were especially
ordered from a factory. The trash cans were creatively
designed by using interesting images and colors.
Various images about the beauty of nature, such as
flowers, were chosen to persuade students to love the
nature. Several cartoon images were also used since
the students like cartoons.
The trash cans were located in several strategic
and accessible areas such as classrooms, canteen, and
schoolyard. The areas were considered as strategic
areas since the students often do activities and usually
produce solid waste there. Trash cans were also
located in some other areas, such as teacher’ room. So
that the teachers can be a role model for students in
participating in school environmental health.
This activity helped the schools to inform the
students about students’ role in supporting the
programs of school waste management. Thus, all
students were expected to understand about waste
management. The students can practice the 3Rs
method, especially to recycle waste to become
beneficial goods. Students can process the waste to be
beneficial and valuable goods which they can use for
their daily activities. Therefore, the awareness of
waste utilization as an opportunity to earn own money
grows in students’ mind.
This activity also improved students’ skills and
understanding of waste management in their
Improving Environmental Health through Reduce Reuse Recycle (The 3rs) and Trash Cans with Attractive Pictures at High School in Percut
Sei Tuan Sub-district
environment. Thus, the waste problems in the school
can be properly solved by involving students to
participate in waste management. Students’
understanding of waste management will encourage
them to practice waste management and to be
responsible for their personal waste.
Schools are cleaner, beauty, and comfortable for
students. Trash cans with attractive images are
available in schools to encourage them to be
responsible to put their waste into the trash cans. In
addition, there are several banners which persuade
students to participate in school waste management.
All students involved in the activity
comprehensively understood the implementation of
the concept of the 3Rs in the school environment.
Furthermore, they will implement their knowledge of
waste management in other environments besides
schools, such as family and other environments. The
practice of the recycle, creating grocery bags, phone
stand, and hand soap dispenser, aimed to provide
students the information about waste management by
implementing the principle of the 3Rs (Reuse, reduce,
and recycle). Students understood the concept of the
3Rs by the practice of reusing an unused t-shirts
(reuse), using their own grocery bags (reduce), and
creating new beneficial goods from the unused t-
shirts (recycle).
Practically, this activity helps to reduce
environmental pollution and improve students’
autonomy in maintaining a clean and healthy
environment. Banners, with the slogans which
persuade students to do waste management, are an
effective media since students will see the banners
every day. Thus, students will be encouraged to
always remember school waste management.
Students can also practice their knowledge of waste
management in other places besides the schools, such
as at home. Waste management is an activity which
should be done continually to stop the growth of
waste piles. Waste, which is assumed as unuseful
goods, can be recycled to become beneficial and
invaluable goods.
The students were trained to manage solid waste by
implementing the concept of Reuse, Reduce and
Recycle (the 3Rs). Students were able to create some
products from solid waste such as grocery bags from
an unused t-shirt, hand soap containers, and phone
stands. Trash cans, with attractive images, which
were located in several strategic areas in the schools,
can improve the participation of students and teachers
to maintain school environment cleanliness.
Moreover, the slogans can encourage students to have
better perception toward waste management.
Students and teachers need to continually improve
their participation in waste management by
implementing the concept of the 3Rs. Trash cans with
attractive pictures can be used to maintain a clean and
healthy school environment by collecting the solid
waste into the trash cans. Students involved in the
activity are expected to retell their knowledge of
waste management with the concept of the 3Rs to
their family, friends, and neighbors. It is also
suggested to school to hold and support the events
related to waste management, such as holding a
competition for recycling unused goods.
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Improving Environmental Health through Reduce Reuse Recycle (The 3rs) and Trash Cans with Attractive Pictures at High School in Percut
Sei Tuan Sub-district