of competition alone, but must be a prerequisite for
business process and management of economic sector
policy by every country in ASEAN region and other
countries that have interests with ASEAN market.
Consumer protection is an important tool in
building an ASEAN people-oriented human
resources. ASEAN has realized that the interests and
welfare of consumers must be taken into account in
all aspects to achieve an integrated economic region,
given the ASEAN Economic Community will create
a single market-based production where consumers
have an important role for the progress of ASEAN
countries so it needs to be protected in all aspects.
In analyzing case studies in this study the authors use
the theory of regime effectiveness of Arild underdal.
Underdal classifies the effectiveness of the regime
into three categories, namely the first regime that is
considered effective, the two regimes with
performance that are between effective and not, are
termed mixed performance regimes, and the third
regime with a low level of effectiveness.
Effective regimes are indicated by simple
problems with good problem-solving abilities. A
regime classified in mixed-performance regimes, has
scores that combine positive and negative points,
such as complex problem levels with high problem
solving abilities, or simple problems with relatively
low problem-solving abilities. Ineffective regimes
scored negatively on all aspects, both from the nature
of the problems encountered and the problem-solving
skills they have.
Related to the effectiveness of an international
regime, there are several variables namely dependent
variable, independent variable, and intervening
variable (Underdal, 2001: 13). In this dependent
variable is divided into three categories namely
output, outcome, and impact. Output is a set of rules,
programs, and organizational set for the
operationalization of the regime. This is done so that
the planning of a particular agreement can be realized
(Underdal, 2002: 4-15) Usually this output is written
like tracts, delays and others, or unwritten which is
usually found in norms, principles, and so forth.
While this Outcome shows a behavioral change of the
actors who are subject to certain decisions and
conditions in the regime. Then the last is the impact
associated with the magnitude of the possibility of the
regime is successful.
Of the three variables in this dependent variable
then the author understands that starting from the
output which is a rule issued by a regime, then can be
seen how the effectiveness of the regime by looking
at how the behavior of actors who are members of the
regime. Whether affected or not and obedient or not.
The regime can be said to succeed if its members are
obedient and its behavior changes according to what
has been determined by the regime.
Then, the second variable, that is the independent
variable. If the dependent variable, the authors see the
effectiveness through the behavior of members, then
in this independent variable the author can say that
the effectiveness of a regime seen in how the regime
overcome the problem. When referring to the article
Underdal (2002: 18), the regime that can be said to
succeed is a benign regime compared to malign
because if the regime is benign, the regime will be
easy to reach agreement. In this independent variable,
there are categories of malignancy problems, problem
solving capacity, and intervening problems.
In the category of problem malignancy, problems
arise when issues or conflicts raised in a regime have
great potential to make countries reluctant to
cooperate. The problem of malignancy has three
categories which include Incongruity or disagreement
because not all members of the regime consider issues
as conflict or problems, asymmetry or different
interests between members of one with other
members causing division, and cumulative cleavages
or large accumulated differences possibly to cause
division. The second problem is the problem solving
capacity problem which is related to the functions of
elements such as institutional setting, power
distribution, and the expertise and energy available to
the regime can work (Underdal, 2002: 18-22).
The effectiveness of a regime can also be seen
based on its intervening variables, which in this
variable the effectiveness of a regime is seen based on
its level of collaboration (Underdal, 2002: 7). There
are six scales that can be the size of the collaboration
level; namely joint ideas, secret coordination of
actions, explicit formulation of rules, centralized
assessment, implementation at the national level,
planned coordination of actions, and integration
between planning and implementation (Underdal,
2002: 7-8)
The first step in regime policy evaluation is to
determine the object of evaluation, evaluation
standards, and how to evaluate the object of the
evaluation. The object of further evaluation is
translated into three parts, namely output, outcome,