essentially being developed into an anti-China
region as part of the ongoing geopolitical strategy.
2.2 Clash of Civilization Theory
This theory is widely known as the thought of
Huntingnton who sees that conflicts that occur in the
post ideological era are fueled by differences in
identity, religion, or more generally culture (Orsi,
2018). Basically these aspects are a core of the
civilization that became the view of human life.
Relations between civilizations should be dynamic,
where civilizations sometimes experience fame and
development, rise and fall, and unite or separate, but
in the context of differences in civilization will tend
to subdue, eliminate, or intend to get rid of other
civilizations where this is the root of the clash
between civilizations. The development of
civilizations in practice is not in an equal position
especially when it has been incorporated into a
world political arena. Therefore, the position of
civilization by Huntington then divided into two,
first that acts as a primary force or the main power
and has a significant influence and authority against
other civilizations , and secons is the secondary
power civilization dependent on primary power
(Huntington, 2005). And in the broader context
civilization can include values, norms, institutions
and patterns of thought that are the most important
part of a society. Identity, Culture, Language, and
Religion are important parts of civilization where in
the decades of world development this has been
proven to play a central role in political activity
(Jackson and Sorensen, 2014).
In his book Huntington shares some of the major
civilizations in the contemporary era which include:
Chinese Civilization, Japanese civilizations, Hindu
Civilization, Islamic Civilizations, Western
Civilizations and African Civilizations. And for
about two decades after the end of the Cold War, the
western civilization represented by the United States
has become the only civilization with primary power
that has given its influence to other civilizations.
Therefore it is not surprising that this civilization is
able to make United States as a super power state
that instill values and norms in the international
community order through the process of
westernization and modernization. But since the rise
of China in the 21st century, western civilization
seems to have serious rivals where China and its
civilization potentially shift the western civilization
that has been considered the most universally
powerful civilization. As a result, the so-called
political uncertainty of the world entered a dilemma
with competition between Western and Chinese
civilizations. The terms of substantive underlying
clash is nothing else that the revival of China marks
a rise of Asia that seeks to show the validity and
their values that are considered superior to Western
civilization that assume their values as universal and
able to influence domestic policy and overseas
countries in Asia. What happened to Japan, North
Korea, and even Taiwan is a concrete example to
justify it. How these countries have succeeded in
demonstrating the process of modernization that led
to westernization by adopting western values such as
freedom, equality, democracy, individualism, limits
on the power of government against authoritarian
rule, conducting checks and balances, promoting
competition, and making decisions with fast,
although sometimes ignore the impact on the long
term. But this was immediately challenged by the
presence of power and ethos Confucian owned by
the Chinese to show to the Asian community the
importance of promoting the values of authority,
hierarchy, subordination of the rights and interests of
the individual, the need for consensus to avoid
conflicts and build peace , recognizing the state's
supermarkets on society and individuals and
emphasizing decision-making based on long-term
goals (Huntington, 2005). Based on the fundamental
difference between the values and norms assumed
by western and chinese civilization this is what
makes the civilization relationship between the two
are not able to convert and tends to cause clash
between civilizations itself. Therefore it is not
surprising that in relation to the formation of
democratic indo-pacifism under the initiation of
Quad states united in the alliance of western
civilization and a counterbalance to threats of
Chinese civilization which is nothing but fear-based
where they perceive China potential power will
destroy the democratic system and create a new
system in a regional order based on the values of
Continuity of use of the name of the Indo-Pacific is
continued until today although basically this idea is
at risk due to their own countries Quad early days of
its establishment it did not work to maintain their
alliance. Australia withdraws from Quad
membership which is considered controversial, then
became one of the main causes of the vacuum of the
security alliance even up to a decade. In November
2017, the leaders of the United States, Japan, India,