face a serious stage of threat treatment which is hate
Securitization come from non-security issue that
politized and raised the urgency by authorities or
significant actors and see it as a threat. Not only that,
hate speech now facing new phase when we see how
government react into it. As a process of
securitization running into more serious stage, hate
speech perpetrator now must face several charged
made by Indonesian National Police through
different laws such as KUHP, UUD 1945, and Law
of Information and Electronic Transaction. Since
hate speech have no special law or agency that made
by government to officially overcome it, now it
seems like the law would be made soon with every
serious damage that hate speech create. Thus, in
securitization stage, hate speech become closer into
success than failed. Even the outcome of
securitization which is ratified law is have not been
made for hate speech but how Indonesian
government face the hate speech issue is in serious
term. In the conclusion, hate speech now is almost
securitized if we see how now Indonesian authorities
is take a role in overcome hate speech issue.
One thing we should keep in mind that
securitization has a possibility to degrade the
democracy process in Indonesia. By making one
issue to be securitized, that issue is no longer non-
political and no longer become small issue to talk
about. Once issue which is not security issue
determine to get securitized its means using all
means that government has become the option. So,
we might rethink about this possibility before
making an issue securitized. Nevertheless, the hate
speech concern into securitization by using the
internet and spread it to the public need to be aware
of. As if we see how the public opinion is easily
shaped and the government rules about hate speech
has reach the final say. And now Indonesia will face
the election year in 2018-2019, for sure the
challenge that government has is more than eradicate
the hate speech but also who behind it to prevent
further catastrophe.
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