welfare when the ratio between ad level parameters
and user price sensitivity is low or high. As for the
author, social welfare is still a relative implication and
depends on certain conditions.
In general, the implementation of internet
neutrality in the United States is considered to bring
harm to internet service providers because it lowers
the level of investment and innovation in the
provision of internet services. Referring to the
Consumer Communication Services (Stratecast 2010)
model of analysis, the existence of internet neutrality
lowers the investment level of Internet service
providers due to increased risk. However, according
to Hooton (2017), existing empirical data show that
internet neutrality does not lead to economic threats
in the form of a decrease in investment. Hooton
(2017) noticed that there was no causal impact from
FCC policies on the investment of internet service
provider companies. Despite these facts, economic
factors can be considered as a major reason for the
FCC to abolish internet neutrality. In addition, these
economic factors lead to the drive in doing innovation
that also decreases. The author sees that technological
innovation can not run fast if not offset by the
advantages of existing technology. Given the
neutrality of the internet, service providers can not
take much advantage because there is no price
differentiation in accessing technology. Therefore,
innovation would be hampered.
The phenomenon of the removal of internet neutrality
can be related to Manuel Castells' thesis of the
information society and the limitations on technology
accessibility. The era of globalization has brought
progress and development in various aspects of life,
especially in terms of information. Globalization
characterized by global events worldwide has proven
that globalization is influenced by the revolution of
communications and information technology (Held
2000). Globalization can also be said as the beginning
of an information age that emphasizes the importance
of the role of information in contemporary society
(Webster 2002). Such change is proved by the fact
that society has undergone a transition from industrial
society to the information society that began in the
1970s (Castells 2010). The main characteristic of the
information society can be seen in its structure
consisting of networks and not individual actors. In
addition, the information society also works through
a constant flow of information in technology (Castells
2010). According to Castells (2010), the existing and
emerging networks are the main features that define
the information age. In Castells's thesis of the
information age, there is the emergence of a network
society that can be associated with users, service
providers, and content providers on the internet.
Furthermore, Castells (2010) sees a structural
change in the global economy occurring within the
span of the 1970s to the 1990s. Castells describes the
new economy based on a model of the development
of informationalism, with the network as an important
attribute in it. In the new informational economy
described by Castells (2010), there are new indicators
in looking at the company's competitive level of
knowledge related to technology, information, and
access to the network. The author then saw that in the
era of information globalization, access to the
network becomes an important factor that determines
the flow of such information. But then, there is the
fact that the network used in the information age is
also included in technological innovation. As a form
of innovation, there is the view that innovation in the
globalization era should be appreciated by enforcing
intellectual property rights which would limit the
people's access to the technology.
Entering the era of globalization, technological
developments are accelerating and bringing new
agendas and questions, particularly in relation to the
accessibility of these technologies. The existence of
intellectual property rights is a proof that despite the
advances in technology and new discoveries, not all
individuals is able to access the technology without
paying the price. Referring to the writings of Dharos
and Braithwaite (2002), the progress and
development of technology, followed by the
recognition of intellectual property rights granted to
the owners of the work. The right allows the work
owner to obtain royalties from any access made to his
work. The existence of such appreciation for the work
is seen can improve future innovation, the
competitive level among innovators, to lead to
economic growth (Dharos and Braithwaite 2002). But
then, it creates new problems, especially if the
implementation is over-done and includes technology
that should be public goods. Dharos and Braithwaite
(2002) also see that over-implementation can lead to
human rights abuses. A common case is that limits on
access due to the application of intellectual property
rights result in the difficulty for developing countries
in accessing technology. OOne of the most crucial
areas of technology but has access restrictions is