in their country teritory. There were two
possibilities: first, government understanding to this
organization was more on the point of view that was
called by Nancy as politic, in that the understanding
was overly organizational, considering that group as
government enemy trying to have practical politic.
In one side, understanding in such way was not a
mistake. However, in another side, it seems
necessary to look at this group from political point
of view, in which the study was so philosophically
deep using theories in order to understand the unity
of society modus into the group members, how inter-
members interaction patterns and how the social
process taking place inside it. In this case, it would
be certainly needed the role of intelectuals.
The second possibility would be the frequently
studies performed about this group from the political
point of view and/or dimension, such as in academic
world. For example this could be seen from the
studies in terms of this problem that coule be easily
found, moreover in the internet era as this time.
However, according to the writers the problems
were that these studies was lack of attention or they
were made as a basic/material by government to
assist them in comprehending and looking for
formula to anticipate terror from ISIS group.
Nancy’s thought regarding politic and political
differences was used to discuss the difference
between what he called as society and community.
According to him, political is a domain in which
community plays its role. “The political is the place
where community as such is brought into play
(Nancy in Eryana, 2012: 4). It could be further
understood that community according to Nancy was
a different concept from Comunion so called as
society that was considered as engineering product
over society to create integration unity into one
single identity (Eryana, 2012: 8). Community was
the rejection form from society as the engineering
product to create similarity.
Nancy’s thinking regarding society and
community was very interesting to be used to see the
ISIS group ideology and political dynamic or
changing. In the beginning of its present, this group
was truly as a container such as described by Nancy
that was as a refusal form against a contrived society
concept. In this case, the meaning tended to be the
state and its system. In the middle of a state system
dominated by secular tenet, making the people in
states with Islam majority and tend to be
fundamentalist made a certain reaction as a rejection
and even a resistance against the system making
them as society as stated by Nancy.
ISIS itself was founded on 9 April 2013 under
Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi (AbuBakrAlBaghdadi was
ISIS group leader who was already appointed as Iraq
and Syria Islamic State. He came fromal-BuBadri
tribe inhabiting Samarra and
Diyala,Baghdad,Iraq.AbuBakrAlBaghdadi claimed
that he was the descent of Prophet MuhammadSAW;
therefore, he felt entitled and appropriate to be
calipha or Moslem leader all over the world.
Through ISIS he led, he wanted to be the only
Moslem leader all over the world.Source: Scientific
Article fromAbdul Waid (ISIS: Islam Struggle and
Political System Setback)
leadership as a group or community trying to be
a place for Moslems to gather in Iraq and Syria with
one of predominant ideologies, Islamic brotherhood,
rejecting secular state system hegemony. As it
progresses, their activities didn’t actually reflect
their consistent rejection against the system making
them as a unity or trying to agitate them. This
community even then came up as a new system
forming wanting to take part in making the
community as one similarity known as Khalifah
Islamiyah that they massively declared. It could be
minimally occurred in certain territory scope
covering Libya, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon and
several other countries in Middle East (Waid, 2014).
In terms of community, this tried to turn every
individu into society, but not presenting community
concept in the middle of individual diversity such
the dreaming of Jean Luc Nancy.
This case was basically similar to the dynamic
taken place among groups having communism
ideology foundation, that was initially considered as
an ideal government method in which a society
could live together side by side without solicitudes
since every citizen had similar rights and
obligation.However, the one that subsequently
developed was communism comprehended as a way
to equalize perception in terms of ideal society
concept. Finally, the real communism
comprehension was a way of living together turning
into an understanding in creating equality in the
society (Merchant, 2007; Elyana, 2012).
The group face having communism foundation
was directly proportional with the one of recent ISIS
extremist group. They didn’t glorify any longer on
how to live together, though there was difference.
However, they imposed diferrences in order to be
similar as they expected. The extrem thing was that
they glorified and legitimated assault, murder
anddemolition to other communities, although they
have a very similarity with them, for example
religion. Such community was not the one dreamed