people to a more global civilization. Although there
is still debate about the impact of globalization
whether to make progress in society or even decline.
Building civil society in the era of globalization
would want to lead to the progress of adaptive social
change, in the sense of humanist and sustainable
change, but reality illustrates, so far the implications
of the application still find obstacles in society.
This process then makes public good become
one of the challenges in global civil society. Based
on one of the opinions of Dragira Vujadinovic in
which Vujadinovic argues that global civil society is
associated with global actions, voluntary and
spontaneous to forms association at the transnational
and global levels, the existence of the form of social,
political and economic mobilization, and aims to
improve the quality of humanity globally, then it can
be concluded that global civil society is a society
that is always related to all forms of globalization,
whether it is action that carried out, the association
that formed, and the issues that happen, and the
purpose of the global civil society itself. Anthony
Giddens in a paper "Global Civil Society 2001"
states that the concept of global civil society is
closely related with globalization, if democracy
becomes more global then civil society space that
beyond the borders of the state will be possible to be
formed. Giddens calls it 'globalization from below',
which becomes the balancer for the trade
liberalization process driven by the biggest
companies in the world on one side and state
institutions on the other side. The report says that the
role of the global civil society actually is not single
because they have several positions in viewing the
globalization. Some of these positions are first as
supporters, they are individual person and groups
who are enthusiastic about globalization and are
ready to support all of the global policies. The
second group is the rejecter that is of those who
want to stop globalization and believe in the power
of the nation-state. The second group is subdivided
into some subdivision that are groups that continue
to support global capitalism but reject the opening of
state borders, leftist groups that strongly reject
global capitalism, religious radical groups,
nationalist to anti-colonialism. A third group is a
reformist group in which they accept the reality that
there are a global dependency and potential for
human advantage, but they see that humanizing
human is one of the needs that must also be in this
process of globalization. The last is the fourth group
that is a group that does not show much partiality in
the sense that they are neither rejecting nor
accepting it, they have their own agenda without
government or economic institutions. They are the
groups that create community empowerment. They
try to advocate and make society more responsive to
the state. Civil society can be global as long as
voluntary associations are motivated by solidarity
sentiment between countries. For example, civil
groups can develop a sense of collective identity and
destiny that exceed territoriality: for example in the
age line, class, gender, profession, race, religious
belief or sexual orientation. The world will always
need independent organizations and individuals to
act as watchdogs, ethical guardians and advocates of
the marginalized or under-represented. Civil society
in all its forms has an important role in holding all
stakeholders, including itself, to the highest levels of
This study used a qualitative type of research.
According to Moleong, a qualitative methodology is
a research method based on the written word and
orally from the action that can be seen. The
researcher used qualitative methods with the
descriptive approach because theresearcher wants to
analyze the role of global civil society in global
policy. The research pattern used in this research is
descriptive, that is exposure to data or description.
Secondary data will be conducted by searching data
from various sources such as books, internet, thesis,
journals that will serve as a reference for the
research. Whereas the technique of data analysis, is
a process to obtain and arrange systematic data
obtained from the interviews, documentation and
results obtained from the field which then describe
in certain categories by determining which data are
significant and include conclusion in order to be
understood by the person who read it.
2.1 Positions and Transnationalization
of Global Civil Society
There are already some global organizations in the
world level in the framework of global policies such
as the United Nations and its subordinate
organizations or the World Trade Organization
(WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
the World Bank. Unfortunately, some organizations
that are expected to become a forum of cooperation
among many countries of the world is more often
dominated by the developed countries.Some of the
positions of Global Civil Society in understanding
that has been mentioned before surely affect the