Molecules like C-SNARF-1 were mainly
developed for fluorescence imaging of intra-cellular
pH which requires the use of confocal microscope
where the analysis of the fluorescence spectrum is not
possible. However, there exists multi-channel
confocal microscopes which allow obtaining images
at different fluorescence wavelengths. Because the
model is established, images obtained for a reduced
number of individual emission wavelengths may be
sufficient to reconstruct the whole spectra shape,
hence allowing pH determination without calibration.
Concerning the fabrication of a fluorescent fiber
optic pH sensor, work is still ongoing using C-
SNARF-1 as a pH indicator. Fiber optic pH
measurement based on the analysis of the spectra
shapes should be presented shortly.
This work was partially supported by the European
Commission [grant number FE2007/2013, operation
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BIODEVICES 2018 - 11th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices