circular designs. This could lead to results similar to
those presented in (Kammerer, et al., 2008). But our
aim was to evaluate modalities on already existent
interfaces (very similar actually) in order to evaluate
the integration of eye-gaze based modalities in
existent systems.
While no effect of the menu was highlighted,
interaction modalities were considered differently by
users. In general, the multimodal modality using a
button in addition of the gaze was more appreciated
and performed better than the others. While in pre-
experiments the instant opening showed great results
(menus were on the edge of the screen at that time),
it did not perform that well, both in terms of
appreciation and speed. Some of the users did not
even see the difference between Instant and Button.
This is probably good news as it does not totally
exclude the instant opening from interaction
We designed Relocated DwellTime in order to
provide control to the user but in practice, users did
not mark Relocated DwellTime that way. The
theoretically added control was balanced by the
added complexity of the modality. The expected
extra control could probably be more visible with a
task where the user must analyze the interface more
It is important to note that the experiment was
conducted by novices. If the task itself was easy
enough to let us consider users were expert in the
main task, they were not expert in using the eye as
an interaction medium. It is important in further
experiment to consider having users more
experienced with eye based interactions to compare
For a military task such as characterizing a point,
it seems that the Button interaction would be more
adapted, giving the user more control with the
interface over the task flow at very little cost.
Choosing between a circular and a linear menu
should be done considering the impact on the task
rather than on the interaction modalities.
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Analyzing Eye-gaze Interaction Modalities in Menu Navigation