same histogram information to feature vectors of
the pixels from the same cell.
• Encoding in covariance matrix the correlation
between ROI cell colour information and the
position of the cell in the grid.
In the process of development of the method
presented in this paper, we tested a mask allowing
getting rid of a large part of the pixels of the ROI
which are background, selected the metric for
covariance descriptors that is most appropriate for
this task, reviewed common feature functions,
developed new ones and carried out a detailed
experimental analysis of their efficiency.
The method can be further improved by
incorporating a frame-to-frame prediction (particle
filter, for example) for each particular video stream
separately, and by using adaptive descriptors, which
encode information on multiple occurrences of the
person, and are being updated during the person
This work was supported by the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Russian Federation R
& D State project №2.5048.2017/8.9.
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