The Face Recognition Processes - Neurofuzzy Approach
Wojciech Biniek, Edward Puchała and Maria Bujnowska-Fedak
Nokia, Strzegomska 36, 53-611 Wroclaw, Poland
Department of Systems and Computer Networks, Faculty of Electronics, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology,
Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wroclaw, Poland
Department of Family Medicine, Wroclaw Medical University, Syrokomli 1, 51-141 Wroclaw, Poland
Face Recognition, Face Landmarks Detection, Biometrics, Fuzzy Logic, Neurofuzzy Systems.
The paper deals with the novel neuro-fuzzy approach for face recognition problem. A proposed method
consists of two steps. The first one means image preprocessing (face detection and landmarks extraction).
In particular, this concerns points on the face such as the corners of the mouth, points along the eyebrows,
on the eyes, nose and jaw. In the second step, based on extracted features, neurofuzzy system recognizes to
whom detected face belongs. Classical fuzzy controllers need an expert knowledge to define set of rules and/or
defuzzification process. Main concept of neurofuzzy approach is to replace expert with neural networks. This
paper shows that, neurofuzzy system can suit face recognition process and provide better results than other
popular techniques.
Facial appearance is definitely very important biomet-
ric characteristic as the most decisive way to recog-
nize and distinguish people. Since photography was
invented it is used in passports or identity cards as
it guarantees unambiguous identification. Nowadays,
there exist a lot of archival photos databases, which
can be automatically searched. Therefore, large vari-
ety of applications for face recognition process, opens
up, e.g. looking for suspects in police database, phys-
ical and logical access to protected resources and hu-
manoid robots. Face recognition process is intuitive
and obvious for humans, whereas it can be very chal-
lenging for computers and artificial intelligence , be-
cause it is impossible to create simple rules leading
to mathematical model of this complicated process.
Usually face recognition systems begin with image
processing in order to detect if there is a face and
where is it localized. There are many methods of face
detection, based on face anatomy. Using standard im-
age processing operations like shifts, scaling and ro-
tations, face image can be normalized to simplify next
steps of recognition. There are defined two categories
of methods which can be applied for image process-
ing (Bolle et al., 2004): based on facial appearance,
face geometry or hybrids. Approach presented in
this paper deals with face geometry method, which
closely depends on position and geometrical relations
between face details, like eyes, mouth, nose etc. In
this case, recognition is a matter of comparison with
layouts of details stored in database of known faces.
Feature-by-feature comparison may be inefficient and
lacks generalization and there is a need for more opti-
mized solution. Another promising concept that could
be apply for face recognition is so called “computing
with words” introduced by (Zadeh, 1996). Its origin
dates back to his famous article ,,Fuzzy Sets” (Zadeh,
1965, p. 338-353) where he introduced new approach
for describing not precise and many-meanings con-
cepts as opposed to well-known mathematical meth-
ods, which use classical divalent. Inspiration for cre-
ating fuzzy logic was human’s brain, which use not
precise terms of natural language and can create very
complicated models of complex reality, making good
decisions and deal with many complicated tasks with-
out any measures and calculations. Computing with
words is particularly useful when: i) available infor-
mation has low accuracy level, ii) there is a toleration
for inaccuracy and task can be done with low cost, iii)
problem cannot be solved using classical methods or
it is just too complicated to define it numerically. In
theory, it suits very well face recognition problem, be-
cause people usually describe others using not precise
terms like ,,big/small eyes/nose” etc. The main draw-
back of this approach is that systems based on fuzzy
logic have no ability to learn and everything must be
defined explicitly by creating set of rules manually.
Biniek, W., Puchała, E. and Bujnowska-Fedak, M.
The Face Recognition Processes - Neurofuzzy Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006538300830088
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 2: BIOIMAGING, pages 83-88
ISBN: 978-989-758-278-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Steps of recognition process.
Face recognition process requires self-learning tool
like neural network. Therefore, combining com-
plementary solutions of fuzzy logic and neural net-
work appears to be a very promising path (Dhava-
likar and Kulkarni, 2014). However, in general fuzzy
logic and neural networks approach the design of in-
telligent systems from quite different perspectives.
Fuzzy logic allows making definite decisions based
on imprecise or ambiguous data, whereas neural net-
works tries to incorporate human thinking process
to solve problems without mathematically modeling
them (Yuan et al., 2004). Even though both methods
can be used to solve nonlinear problems, and prob-
lems that are not properly defined, they are fully in-
dependent (Vyas and Garg, 2012). Both neural net-
works and fuzzy logic are powerful design techniques
that have their strengths and weaknesses summed up
in Table 1. This paper presents neurofuzzy approach
in face recognition process. Presented solution con-
sist of two main step: image processing and face
recognition. Figure 1 shows flow chart of presented
process in details.
Table 1: Properties of neural networks and fuzzy logic
(Makhsoos et al., 2009).
Neural Networks Fuzzy Logic
Implicit, the system
can not be easily
interpreted or modified
Explicit,verification and
optimization are very
easy and efficient
Trains itself by
learning from
data sets
None, everything must
be defined explicitly
In this section all elements of presented process will
be explained. In particular this concerns: image pre-
processing, face detection and neuro-fuzzy system.
2.1 Image Preprocessing
Image preprocessing is responsible for finding human
faces in an image, estimating landmarks and normal-
izing face image to selected size. Face detector and
landmark estimator is already implemented in dlib Face detector is made using the stan-
dard Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature
combined with a linear classifier, an image pyramid
and sliding window detection scheme. Blue frame in
figure 2a marks the result of the detection step, which
is just estimation where the face is located. Based
on this estimation, landmarks positions are detected.
Landmark Detector was created by using dlib’s imple-
mentation after One Millisecond Face Alignment with
an Ensemble of Regression Trees (Kazemi and Sulli-
van, 2014). Green frame in figure 2a is a region which
contains all detected landmarks and a role model for
normalization shown in figure 2b. This process is very
important, because it automatically creates reference
system for landmarks coordinates, so it is possible to
analyze every case in the same way.
(a) Face detection and
(b) Normalization
Figure 2: Steps of image preprocessing.
2.2 Face Geometry
Landmarks detector provide positions of 68 land-
marks arranged on the face. Based on detected land-
marks it is possible to separate selected regions such
BIOIMAGING 2018 - 5th International Conference on Bioimaging
as the mouth, left and right eye, nose and face shape,
which consists of jaw and eyebrows. This approach
makes the fuzzy representation of features more use-
ful and understandable and as a consequence the com-
puting with words strategy. It is also possible to mea-
sure distance between selected points and regions.
This solution should give more precision in the whole
process, because it includes region arrangement rela-
tive to each other. Features can be combined in many
different ways.
(a) Face shape features (b) Eyes features
(c) Nose features (d) Mouth features
(e) Distances between re-
Figure 3: Example of possible features set.
Figure 3 shows exemplary combination of geo-
metrical features for selected regions (figures: 3a, 3b,
3c, 3d) and spatial relations between regions (figure
2.3 Neurofuzzy System
Classical fuzzy controllers need predefined member-
ship functions and set of rules linked with them. This
is made usually by human expert.
Face recognition process is a problem that re-
quires specially defined solution, that will fit spec-
ified cases, with no need for human expert. The
Figure 4: Structure of neurofuzzy network (MF - Member-
ship function, NE - Neuron).
best way to create neurofuzzy system is to represent
it as multilayer network with one output node (neu-
ron). Figure 4 shows a scheme of an exemplary con-
troller. Presented solution uses singleton as fuzzifi-
cation method and neural network as defuzzification
block (Rutkowska et al., 1999). This scheme can
be mathematically described using following expres-
y = ¯w
, (1)
¯w is a vector of neural network weights,
i is a number of input variables,
k is a number of membership functions for each
variable universe,
n is a number of all possible rules, which is a prod-
uct of number of input variables with number of
membership function,
is a mean value of normal distribution, which
is used here as membership function,
is a sigma parameter (standard deviation) for a
normal distribution.
In the structure of neurofuzzy controller shown
in figure 4 we can separate two specific functional
modules. First one consists of layers L1 and L2,
which represent fuzzification using singleton method
and fuzzy inference blocks in classical fuzzy con-
troller. Layer L3 is a neural network which realizes
defuzzification part. Output of L1 consists of values
of membership functions existing in input variables
universe. One of the most popular membership func-
tion is Gaussian function, which appears in many con-
texts in the natural sciences.
Of course, it is possible to use another member-
ship functions - this can be a subject of further re-
search. Shape of Gaussian function depends on two
parameters: x is a mean value (central value)and σ
responsible for width of the distribution. Figure 5
The Face Recognition Processes - Neurofuzzy Approach
0 1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10
Membership Function
Figure 5: Universe of fuzzy variable with standard distribu-
tion membership functions.
shows exemplary universe of fuzzy variable. These
parameters can be set precisely, depending on uni-
verse of each variable. Variable universe can be de-
fined as difference between its largest and smallest
value observed in training set. The easiest way to
start is to convert universe of input and output vari-
ables into linguistic domain like ,,small/average/big
nose”, set them evenly into variable space and learn-
ing in the iterative way. Result of this step is set of
parameters pairs (x
, σ
) which describe all member-
ship functions for each fuzzy set in the whole variable
space. Layer L2 is a representation of fuzzy infer-
ence. Each element in this layer is specific combi-
nation of L1 outputs. Size of this layer depends on
number of input variables and number of membership
functions for each variable universe. Layer L3 repre-
sents defuzzification block of the system using neural
network. Number of neurons in input layer is equal to
outputs from layer L2. It is also possible to define spe-
cific parameters like number and size of hidden lay-
ers, number of learning epochs, activation function.
The experimental investigation of proposed approach
was divided into three stages. The first one covers
the aspect of defining how input features determine
results of the whole system. Reducing the number
of input features can be beneficial for system ability
to generalize, because in the case of too many fea-
tures the classifier will overfit. The second one was
performed in order to show how size of the data set
influences classification process. The last one is a
comparison with other classification methods. Neuro-
fuzzy system will be compared with k-nearest neigh-
bors, naive Bayes, decision tree and neural network
approaches which are standard tools used for face
Training set used in this case, comes from FERET
(Phillips, 2016) database. In total 248 people which
have at least three frontal photos of their faces, were
selected. This means that the number of elements (L)
of the training set ranges from 248 to 744. As a train-
ing algorithm, back propagation method was used.
Test set consists of one photo of each person cho-
sen randomly from available samples (248 elements).
Presented solution using input vector of features with
X = (x
, x
, · · · , x
, x
, (2)
where x
, x
, · · · , x
are single features read from
face image. The result of the operation of the system
is the number of the class to which the object belongs.
There are 248 classes (one for each person).
3.1 Features Selection
Way to check how input features influence final result
is to increase number of used features in each itera-
tion. In this case there are about 48 features. While
iterating from 1 to 48 selected number of features we
need to check final correct recognition of whole sys-
tem. Result of this experiment is presented in Figure
6. The biggest difference in the correct recognition
value can be seen between 1 and 10 selected features.
The correct recognition increases strongly with the
number of features for low values, much slower in the
range of 10-48 features (20% increase) and saturates
for larger number of features. Therefore, face recog-
nition process based on neurofuzzy system needs at
0 10 20 30 40
Number of features
Correct recognition [%]
Correct recognition depending on number of features
Neurofuzzy Mamdani
Figure 6: Correct recognition depending on number of fea-
BIOIMAGING 2018 - 5th International Conference on Bioimaging
least 10 input features to get about 80% correct recog-
nition. It is also possible to determine which features
are dominant. Figure 7 shows most dominant features
listed below marked on exemplary face. It is notewor-
thy that the most decisive features are those related to
face geometry (width and height) and distances be-
tween separated regions - for example distance be-
tween corners of the eyes. The dominant features, in
decreasing order of use, are as follows:
1. face9 (points 8 - 27),
2. general2 (points 36 - 45),
3. face14 (points 21 - 22),
4. face6 (points 5 - 11),
5. face11 (points 18 - 25),
6. general5 (points 16 - 35),
7. general7 (points 0 - 31),
8. face4 (points 3 - 13),
9. mouth1 (points 48 - 54),
10. general8 (points 0 - 48).
Figure 7: Face with selected 10 most dominant features.
3.2 Influence of Size of the Input Data
This experiment studies how number of people in the
input set influences the final result. Figure 8 shows the
correct recognition value depending on size of input
set for learning. Each iteration of this experiment has
been performed for 1 to 248 faces.
In Figure 8 results for different size of samples
per person, corresponding to 1, 2 or 3 photos, are pre-
sented. In all cases the correct recognition values de-
creases with the size of the input set by 10%-15%. It
is obvious that set with three photos per person guar-
antees the best correct recognition, which decreases
when the number of photos per person for learning is
Size of input set
Correct recognition [%]
Correct recognition depending on size of input set
One photo per person
Two photos per person
Three photos per person
Figure 8: Correct recognition depending on size of input
3.3 Comparison with other
Classification Methods
There are many methods of solving classification
problem. Comparison with other classification meth-
ods is a way to verify if method works correctly. It
is not possible to easily assign classifier to specific
problem. The best way to select suitable method
is by comparison. This paper compares neurofuzzy
approach with k-nearest neighbors (for k = 5 neigh-
bors), naive Bayes using normal distribution func-
tion, decision tree and neural network. As a com-
parative criterion, the value of the correct classifica-
tion was used. Figure 9 shows result of this com-
parison. Developed and presented in this work neu-
rofuzzy approach gives the best correct recognition
with the value over 85%. This is probably caused by
fuzzification process, which normalizes input values
and naive Bayes is based on normal distribution. Pre-
sented result depends on initialization of input param-
eters and can change in some specific cases, which
can be investigated in future work.
0 10 20 30 40
50 60
70 80
90 100
Decision tree
Neural network
Neurofuzzy Mamdani
Naive Bayes
Correct recognition [%]
Figure 9: Neurofuzzy correct recognition comparison with
other classification methods.
The Face Recognition Processes - Neurofuzzy Approach
Obtained results confirms that neurofuzzy system can
suit face recognition process. The approach was ver-
ified by features selection experiment and influence
of size of the input data. Finally, neurofuzzy ap-
proach was compared with other classification meth-
ods, which shows presented system works better. The
proposed work can be further extended by adding dif-
ferent types of membership functions or checking oth-
ers parameters of the system. Try to use different
features reduction techniques is also worth attention.
A comparison of the presented approach with deep
learning methodology will be analyzed in the future
too. Presented system has a wide range of appli-
cations in research and human-computer interfaces.
Based on the obtained results, we can say that neu-
rofuzzy approach fits better face recognition process
than other most popular classification techniques, es-
pecially neural network, which is also a part of neu-
rofuzzy system.
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BIOIMAGING 2018 - 5th International Conference on Bioimaging