Devices Used for Non-Invasive Tele Homecare for Cardiovascular
A Systematic Literature Review
Jessica van der Zweth
, Marjan Askari
, Marco Spruit
and Christof van Nimwegen
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Keywords: Devices, Tele-Health, Tele Homecare, Cardiovascular Diseases.
Abstract: The aim of this Systematic Review (SLR) was to provide an overview of devices used for non-invasive tele
health care by patients diagnosed with heart failure (HF). All English studies published in the past 10 years
that focused on tele home care for coronary heart diseases, cardiac arrhythmia or heart failure patients were
systematically searched in Scopus and Pubmed. Articles were selected if added value of tele-monitoring for
these patients was studied. Selected titles and abstracts were screened to determine eligibility for further
review. Types and number of devices per disease were then withdrawn and categorized for the three
diseases. Eight devices were found in the literature to be used in non-invasive tele homecare for patients
diagnosed with heart failure, of which weight scales and blood pressure monitors were most commonly used
and are the most frequently occurring combination. The knowledge on which tele homecare devices are
most commonly used gives insights into which devices are the best choice needed for patients with heart
failure, where product suppliers and healthcare providers can respond to. The results create future directions
for studying different aspects of tele homecare devices, such as usability aspects, which is an important
factor for acceptance of telemedicine.
Due to the aging and growth of the population, the
prevalence of most diseases especially chronic
diseases has been increased in the past decade, and
this increase is expected to continue (RIVM, 2014).
In 2011, there were more than 5.2 million people
with a chronic disease in the Netherlands, which
accounts for 32% of the population (RIVM, 2014).
One of the main chronic diseases is cardiovascular
disease (CVD). Worldwide, cardiovascular diseases
have the highest prevalence of all chronic diseases
(WHO, 2010), and are the main cause of death
(Bashi, 2017). Within cardiovascular diseases the
highest burden is caused by coronary heart disease,
stroke, and heart failure (RIVM, 2014). The
prevalence of CVD in the Netherlands is expected to
increase to 1,426,000 in 2040 due to aging and
growth of the population (Bots, 2015).
To keep healthcare affordable despite these
demographic changes, self-management and self-
care are suggested to be utilized (Lorig, 2001). The
application of technology in the home setting can
have positive effects on the self-care and self-
management of patients, and may result in saving
costs, better care access and improving outcomes
(Peeters, 2016). An example of the application of
technology in the home setting is tele homecare,
which is a technology that aids in self-care and self-
management. It is often used by people with a
chronic disease, like diabetes or CVD (Schers,
2012). Tele homecare, which is a form of
telemedicine, is increasingly used in healthcare. Few
studies creating awareness of the importance of
success factors of telemonitoring have been
published in the last few years (Inglis, 2011). There
is no overview of current demand of the market,
which is an important aspect for both care providers
and product suppliers in this rapidly growing sector.
No Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been
performed yet that researches the devices that are
used for tele homecare of coronary heart disease,
cardiac arrhythmia, or heart failure. The objective of
this SLR is therefore to provide an overview of these
Zweth, J., Askari, M., Spruit, M. and Nimwegen, C.
Devices Used for Non-Invasive Tele Homecare for Cardiovascular Patients - A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0006541603000307
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 300-307
ISBN: 978-989-758-281-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The systematic search was performed in March
2017, using the PubMed and Scopus databases for
English-language, full-text articles with focus on
devices that were used for healthcare professionals
and patients with coronary heart diseases, cardiac
arrhythmias, or heart failure.
2.1 Search Strategy
The following search query was used in the final
search to search as broad as possible:
((telemonitor* OR telehealth OR telemedicine OR
telehomecare* OR tele-mon*) AND (heart failure*
OR coronary* OR arrhythmia*) NOT (implement*
OR machine learning OR robot* OR meta-analys*
OR review OR ICD OR pacemaker* OR child*
OR infant*)).
After applying the search strategy and
identifying possible hits, duplicate articles were
removed. Next, the articles were reviewed based on
title and abstract and irrelevant articles were
excluded. Finally, the full-text articles were assessed
to determine the appropriateness for inclusion.
2.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
For this study we included papers which focus on
non-invasive tele homecare for cardiovascular
diseases. Since the literature on tele homecare (and
it’s added value) began to expand during the past 10
years, only articles that were published in the last 10
years (i.e., from January 2007 to March 2017) were
included. All observational and experimental
studies, as well as randomized clinical trials and
quasi experimental studies were included. We
selected English language articles that investigate
ambulant adult patients who are diagnosed with one
of the cardiovascular diseases with the highest
prevalence in the Netherlands (i.e. coronary heart
disease, cardiac arrhythmia and heart failure (Public
Health & Care, 2017)), and who are able to
independently use tele homecare devices. Articles
that address the added value for patients or
healthcare professionals for one of these diseases
were included. Grey literature, opinion papers, and
letters were excluded to ensure the quality of the
included studies. Additionally, SLRs and meta-
analyses were excluded as well, but their reference
lists were checked for any additional articles to be
included in our study. Articles investigating the
usage of tele homecare outside of the home setting
or using invasive devices/interventions were
2.3 Analysis
The following data were extracted from the final
included articles: (1) study design; (2) country; (3)
study duration; (4) participant characteristics; and
type of cardiovascular disease; (5) study objective;
(6) description intervention group; and the control
group (7) tele homecare devices used; (8) added
value; (9) usability aspects.
In the next phase, demographic data of the
included studies were described. The added value of
tele homecare was reported generally. The number
of devices and their types were categorized per
disease to give an overview of what types of devices
were used. We also investigated the prevalence of
common combinations of devices.
3.1 Search Outcome
After the initial search, a total of 1,463 studies were
identified for this review, of which 1,461 were found
by the initial search of the databases and 2 were
additionally identified through other sources. After
the removal of duplicates, the titles and abstracts of
remaining articles were screened. In this screening
stage, 1195 studies were excluded, resulting in 156
studies for the full-text assessment for eligibility. In
the full-text assessment, 112 studies were eliminated
because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. As
such, 44 studies remained in the final set for data
extraction, which are included in this systematic
literature review.
3.2 Study Characteristics
As shown in Table 1, a total of 44 studies remained
in the final set to be examined for the devices for
coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia, and heart
failure. Most of these studies were conducted in
Europe (48%) and the United States (48%).
Of the included studies, only eight studies paid
attention to the feasibility or usability of the devices.
However, no in-depth results were provided.
No studies were found in this SLR that focused
on cardiac arrhythmia. The given percentage of
coronary heart disease and heart failure is based on
the total number of included studies for that specific
Devices Used for Non-Invasive Tele Homecare for Cardiovascular Patients - A Systematic Literature Review
disease (coronary heart disease: n=5. heart failure:
For coronary heart disease, significant positive
results were found for 10 aspects of the added value
(91% of the total measured values were positive)
and 1 aspect gave significantly negative results (9%
of the total measured values was negative).
For heart failure, 26 aspects were significantly
positively proven (90% of the total measured values
was positive)) and 24 were significantly negatively
proven (10% of the total measured values was
Table 1: Demographic data related to the included studies.
Disease (CHD)
number of
Publication period
Sample size
> 100
> 100
3.3 Tele Homecare Devices
A total of eight different devices were used in the
included studies. The number of included devices,
and the types of these devices can be found in Table
2. Most of the included studies (74%) studied 1 to 3
devices in their study. Weight scale and blood
pressure devices (BPDs) were by far the most
commonly used devices in the included studies,
followed by heart rate and ECG devices. Pedometers
and motion sensors were only used once. The given
percentage of coronary heart disease and heart
failure is based on the total number of included
studies orf that specific disease (coronary heart
disease n=5, heart failure n=39).
The most commonly occurring combination of
used devices is blood pressure devices (BPDs) with
weight scales (57% of the studies included this
combination). The combination of BPDs and heart
rate devices occurred in 39% of the papers. This is a
noticeable result, since the heart rate monitor is only
used in combination with BPDs. The combination of
weight scales and heart rate devices occurs in 36%
of the articles, indicating that the combination of
heart rate monitors and weight scales occurs in all
articles but one. Lastly, the combination of pulse
oximeters and BPDs occurs often, in 23% of the
articles. Pulse oximeters are used in 10 of the
articles, and in all these, it occurred in combination
with the BPD.
When looking at a combination of three devices,
the BPD, weight scale, and heart rate monitor is
noticeable. This combination occurs in 36% of the
articles. In a combination of 4 devices, BPDs,
weight scales, heart rate devices, and ECG devices
occurs most commonly: in 9% of the articles. A
combination of 5 devices occurs in 5% of the
articles, with the combination of BPD, weight scale,
heart rate monitor, ECG device, and a device
measuring the urine output data being the most
3.3.1 Disease Specific Analysis
When specifically focusing on CHD, it can be seen
that none of the included articles used more than
three devices. The combination of two devices is
found with the BPD and pedometer, and with the
BPD and ECG device (20% of the articles). When
looking into a combination of three devices the
BPD, ECG device, and pulse oximeter is most often
used (20% of the articles).
When looking into heart failure, the most
commonly used combination of devices is BPDs
with weight scales (64%), followed by BPDs and
heart rate devices (44%) and BPDs and pulse
oximeters (26%). When looking into the
combination of three devices, BPDs, weight scales,
and heart rate monitors are often used together
(41%). The combination of four devices can be
found with BPDs, weight scales, heart rate monitors,
and ECG devices (10%) and BPDs, weight scales,
heart rate monitors, and pulse oximeters (8%).
Additional information is available on request.
We found an increase in the average number of
devices that are used for tele monitoring over the
past few years (Figure 1).
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 2: Types and Number of Tele Homecare Devices.
# of included devices
1 3
4 5
Device used in # of studies
4.1 Main Findings
In this systematic review we synthesized recent
evidence on the used devices for tele homecare for
patients diagnosed with heart failure (HF). Eight
devices were found in the literature to be used in tele
homecare for patients diagnosed with the coronary
heart diseases, cardiac arrhythmia, or heart failure.
Our results showed that most studies used one to
three devices in a study on tele homecare for heart
failure patients. In these articles, the weight scale
and blood pressure monitor are by far the most
commonly used tele homecare device, and also the
most commonly occurring used in combination with
each other. The second most occurring combination
is BPDs and heart rate monitors, of which it is
noticeable that the heart rate monitor only occurs in
combination with a BPD. Additionally, the
combination of BPDs, weight scales and heart rate
monitors occurred most often, when looking at the
combination of three devices. Of the included
studies, only eight studies paid attention to the
feasibility or usability of the devices, mentioning
that not much is known yet about this. However,
they stress the importance of this aspect in the usage
of tele homecare.
Figure 1: Average number of devices per year.
4.2 Implications
It is expected that this SLR will mainly have
implications for product suppliers, and healthcare
providers. It is expected that this SLR will give
product suppliers insight into the current demand of
the market regarding tele homecare devices for
patients with heart failure. This, in turn, enables the
product suppliers to better respond to the market
demand. Additionally, these results can be the
foundation for future research in which the reasons
why these devices are used could be investigated.
This will contribute to the overall knowledge on the
use of these devices.
Our results showed that only eight studies
created awareness of the importance of feasibility or
usability of the devices. It is important to study
usability, as it is one of the main success criteria of
implementing and utilizing tele monitoring. This
success depends on the features and design, which
are incorporated in the device (Seto, 2012). Usability
is however a fairly unknown topic in telecardiology
and future studies are needed to study this topic
more extensively. In addition, a set of
comprehensive usability guidelines for these devices
is needed to test the usability aspects of the devices
in a standardized manner. Future studies are needed
to generate these guidelines.
Our results also showed that there is an increase
in the number of devices that are used for
telemonitoring in the past fews years. This finding
also supports the fact that usability of the devices
Devices Used for Non-Invasive Tele Homecare for Cardiovascular Patients - A Systematic Literature Review
needs to be studied and improved in order to
guarantee the success of the complex telemonitoring
programs that utilize various devices.
The added value of the telemonitoring is studied
for some of the CVDs. More studies are needed to
generate more insight regarding the effect of the
Besides implications for product suppliers, also
healthcare providers might benefit from the results
of this SLR. They can use this knowledge on which
devices are used worldwide. This could help
healthcare providers in deciding which devices they
should invest in.
4.3 Strength and Limitations and
Future Directions
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SLR
systematically assessing tele homecare devices used
for patients diagnosed with heart failure. We only
included studies after 2007 to provide information
on the more recently used technology. Although the
search was accurate and thorough, it is still plausible
that we missed articles.
This study also has some limitations. This
research only investigated devices in the studies in
which the added value of tele homecare devices was
investigated. The inclusion of only these studies may
cause missing devices in our overview. We did not
investigate the added value of these devices
thoroughly; therefore future studies are needed to
study this aspect in depth. Lastly, future research is
recommended to provide more information on why
certain devices are more used than others, in order to
provide more information for product suppliers, and
healthcare providers. Gender related choices and
analysis should be performed to give more insight in
preferences and functionalities of devices. Usability
aspects of these devices is needed to be studied as
well, since usability is one of the success factors of
accepting and using the devices and therefore
Having the knowledge on which tele homecare
devices are most commonly used gives insights into
which devices are mostly needed for patients with
heart failure, to which product suppliers and
healthcare providers can respond. The results create
future directions for studying different aspects, such
as usability of these devices as this is an important
factor for the acceptance of telemedicine.
Articles included in the SLR are indicated by an asterisk.
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HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
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Devices Used for Non-Invasive Tele Homecare for Cardiovascular Patients - A Systematic Literature Review