Cinematographic and Geometric Criteria for Virtual Camera Path
Generation for the Visualization of Shipwreck Data
Katerine Davis
, Vaibhav K. Viswanathan
Christopher M. Clark
, Timothy Gambin
and Zo
e J. Wood
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, U.S.A.
Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, U.S.A.
University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta
Virtual Camera Path, Probabilistic Road Map, Rule of Thirds, Marine Archeology Visualization.
This paper presents the use of cinematographic and geometric measures for determining the path of a virtual
camera for the generation of computer graphics video sequences focused on showing an underwater shipwreck.
This work rises from the applied challenge of mapping underwater shipwrecks, reconstructing a computer
graphics model then creating an educational visualization of the wreck. The primary algorithm presented
in this work computes the optimal camera pitch and height along a path utilizing a probabilistic roadmap
(PRM) that weights nodes using a computational models of cinematographic and geometric principles. These
principles were used to evaluate potential viewpoints and influence whether or not a view is used in the final
path. Specifically, the algorithm uses a computational evaluation of the cinematographic ‘rule of thirds’ and
a geometric evaluation of the model normals relative to the camera viewpoint. A user study of video output
from the system suggests that our computed paths are ranked higher than simple circular or random paths and
that the ‘rule of thirds’ is a more important criteria than the geometric principle explored.
Determining the path of a virtual camera through a
digital scene in order to display the most relevant in-
formation in an aesthetically appealing way is an es-
sential challenge when producing video output for a
computer graphics applications. There exist millions
of exquisite computer graphics models and scenes
carefully crafted by artists and computer scientists.
In order to show off these models and scenes, typ-
ically animators must hand create camera paths, of-
ten called fly-throughs. They do this by carefully
choosing camera viewpoints that display specific fea-
tures of the models and interpolating smooth paths be-
tween these points. This is a time consuming process
that requires artistic ability to do well. We present a
method to generate automatic fly-throughs for three-
dimensional (3D) computer graphics scenes focused
on a single model, building off the rich history of cin-
ematographic principles, specifically focused on the
general composition ‘rule of thirds’ (Krages, 2005).
We use this cinematographic and an additional geo-
metric consideration to generate videos that are ap-
pealing to users and feature good views of the most
salient information in our scene.
In particular this work is focused on creating edu-
cational videos that allow a user to see and understand
shipwrecks of archaeological significance. This work
is a part of a larger project (von Fock et al., 2017) that
uses underwater robots, sonar scans, video footage,
and photogrammetry to create 3D computer graphics
models of shipwrecks. Specifically, this work focuses
on generating camera paths in a virtual underwater
world, featuring the reconstruction of the World War
II shipwreck, X127, mapped by the 2016 ICEX team.
Arising from this multi-disciplinary robotics and
computer graphics project, our virtual camera work
is inspired by the related problem of determining the
path of the robot used in the same project. Specifi-
cally, to create a computer graphics reconstruction of
the real world ship wrecks we use a photogramme-
try pipeline that uses discrete frames from video data
acquired by Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
deployments. To determine the path of the robot
for optimal video coverage for the photogrammetry
pipeline, we use a probabilistic roadmap (PRM) algo-
rithm that utilizes a rapidly-exploring random tree to
quickly cover a space and generate small maps with
Davis, K., Viswanathan, V., Clark, C., Gambin, T. and Wood, Z.
Cinematographic and Geometric Criteria for Virtual Camera Path Generation for the Visualization of Shipwreck Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0006543801910198
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 1: GRAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-287-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
good coverage. PRMs are ideal for classic robotics
problems because they are highly customizable and
can create paths that follow kinematic constraints of
different robots. PRMs have also been used in a vari-
ety of other applications such as video games, charac-
ter animation, and even computational biology (Hsu
et al., 2003). For determining the path of the robot,
a measure of information gain tied with the gradient
of an occupancy map generated via sonar mapping
is used to determine an optimal path for acquiring
video footage of the wreck (Viswanathan et al., 2017).
The video footage is then used in a photogrammetry
pipeline to create a computer graphics model of the
Similarly, our algorithm to compute the path of the
virtual camera uses a PRM planning algorithm to gen-
erate the fly-through camera path, given that PRMs
have good coverage while keeping maps small. In or-
der to evaluate a given node in our camera path, we
use both cinematographic and geometric considera-
tions to determine the value of the node. Specifically,
these considerations evaluate viewpoints from heights
and camera pitches generated along a specified path.
The “rule of thirds” is used to characterize cinemato-
graphic principles, and object normals are representa-
tive of geometric evaluation.
This paper presents: our image processing system
that renders a given 3D scene from a specified camera
position and direction, then analyzes the image using
computer vision with regards to cinematographic and
geometric principles; our probabilistic roadmap algo-
rithm that generates customizable, visually appealing
camera paths for a fly-through of a 3D scene focused
on a single model. We also present our evaluation of
variations in the path selection criteria via user’s eval-
uations of videos produced by our system. In general,
users are pleased with the paths our system creates
and prefer the paths generated with cinematographic
principles over simple, flat paths.
A large body of work exists related to probabilistic
roadmaps, virtual cameras, and computational evalu-
ation of image composition.
Cinematography and Image Composition. A
canonical work in the area of combining cinematog-
raphy with computer science is that of Christianson
et al. (Christianson et al., 1996). This paper created a
camera control language to formalize cinematography
principles for use in computer graphics. The idioms
encoded focus on character interaction and movement
rather than composition rules such as the rule of thirds
used in our work.
The detection of the rule of thirds in still images is
presented in (Mai et al., 2011). Mai et al. use saliency
and generic objectness analysis to determine the sub-
ject of a photo and analyze where it is relative to the
thirds lines. Other works detecting the rule of thirds
utilize it along with other image composition rules to
create aesthetically pleasing images through cropping
and retargeting (Liu et al., 2010), (Setlur et al., 2005).
Since our work focuses on scenes with a single main
object we use a simple object detection technique to
evaluate the rule of thirds.
Recently, evidence of the desirability of an auto-
matic virtual camera planning, Unity Engine incorpo-
rated a virtual camera system, Cinemachine, to en-
able users with several virtual camera planning op-
tions (cin, 2017). The system includes the ability to
specify a camera to track AI characters in a game,
identify ‘priority based shots’ and other features.
Motion Planning Algorithms for Camera Control.
Recent work by Joubert, et. al., (Joubert et al., 2016),
focuses on taking well-composed video footage from
a quadcopter of human subjects interacting with each
other using GPS and Inertia Measurement Unit sen-
sors. To transition between static shots, the drone uses
a real-time trajectory planning algorithm that tries to
maintain visually pleasing shots while moving.
Another related work is that of Li and Cheng who
navigate virtual environments with a real-time camera
control module (Li and Cheng, 2008). This module
generates camera motions that automatically control
a third-person camera for use in video games. They
maintain a real-time camera by using a lazy PRM that
follows the game avatar. The PRM uses intercuts to
avoid occlusion and collisions while preserving cine-
matography rules.
Other research related to automatic camera con-
trols include visualizations focused on historical data
(Stoev and Straer, 2002), examinations of viewpoint
quality (Sokolov and Plemenos, 2005), and surveys
of camera controls primarily applied to game settings
(Christie and Olivier, 2009).
Probabilistic Roadmaps. A vast body of work ex-
ists examining probabilistic roadmap theory and its
applications in robotics (Li and Shie, 2002), includ-
ing those using RRTs and PRMs for planning the
path of an AUV, (Poppinga et al., 2011), (Lavalle,
1998), (Lavalle et al., 2000), (Candeloro et al., 2015).
The robotics portion of our shipwreck mapping
project uses a PRM planner and an AUV to help cre-
ate the shipwreck model (Viswanathan et al., 2017).
GRAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
An occupancy map is created from a high level AUV
scan of the shipwreck area and used in a PRM. The
PRM creates additional AUV missions that make low
altitude flyovers of the area optimized for “maximiz-
ing information gain” or getting good video data of
the shipwreck. The photogrammetry pipeline (von
Fock et al., 2017) used to create the model of the ship-
wreck requires photos of the shipwreck from as many
angles as possible. Our “high weight node” list was
inspired by this work’s PRM that maximizes infor-
mation gain. However, this work is optimizing for a
high number of camera angles to use photogramme-
try while we focus on maximizing viewpoints from a
cinematographic and geometric perspective.
We present a system to generate fly-through anima-
tions using a robotics motion planning algorithm,
probabilistic roadmaps. Cinematographic and geo-
metric principles, specifically the rule of thirds and
model normals, are used to generate virtual camera
paths, resulting in visually pleasing video output. The
sample scene used here features a digital 3D model of
an actual shipwreck in Malta, the X127, placed in an
underwater scene. The basic algorithm is as follows:
R(N, E) = Roadmap(Nodes, Edges);
Data: rootNode, pathLength
Result: Path of pathLength from rootNode
while currentPathLength < pathLength do
// select node c to expand from
if even iteration of loop then
c highWeightNodes[iteration];
c rand node in R;
while c < weightThreshold;
randomly generate c’ from c;
calculate edge e from c to c’;
R.add(c’, e);
currentPathLength c’.pathLength;
c’.weight calculateWeight(c’);
if c’.weight > highWeightThreshold then
Algorithm 1: High Level PRM Camera Path Genera-
tion Algorithm.
Figure 1: Top down view of the the shipwreck scene. Semi-
elliptical path of varying radius shown in pink. Caustics
turned off for clarity.
3.1 PRM Algorithm
PRMs use a RRT to explore a configuration space
with small maps that provide good coverage. The
configuration space used in this work is the height and
pitch of the camera. At this time, the camera paths
are generated along a set elliptical path with variation
in radius. An example path shown from a top down
view can be seen in Figure 1. The underwater world
has various rock and seaweed models throughout and
features a central shipwreck model that is our primary
target for the camera to view from interesting angles.
Nodes are placed on a tree starting from a single
root node, which is the camera’s starting configura-
tion. An entire tree of nodes is called a roadmap. This
roadmap contains all nodes in one run of the PRM al-
gorithm, regardless of whether or not these nodes end
up on the final fly-through path. We use the term path
to describe a set of nodes on our roadmap that form
a complete course from start to end configuration of
the desired length. Broadly, the algorithm adds nodes
to a roadmap until a path of the desired node count
is generated. First, a starting configuration is selected
with a good viewpoint. Then, a node to expand from
is selected using specific criteria and new nodes are
generated again with specific criteria discussed below.
A node’s value is calculated based on the measured
quality of the rendered view from that node.
Root Node Generation. All paths and roadmaps
must begin with a starting configuration, specified in a
root node. To start from a good initial configuration,
200 potential root nodes are generated by selecting
random heights and pitches within reasonable start
values. The weight of all these nodes are calculated
based on the current viewpoint evaluation criteria as
Cinematographic and Geometric Criteria for Virtual Camera Path Generation for the Visualization of Shipwreck Data
described below in Section 3.2 and the best node is se-
lected as the root node. Once the root node is chosen,
it is added to the roadmap and the algorithm proceeds
with the node selection step.
Node Selection. For the algorithm to proceed, a
node to expand from must be selected. We want to
select a node with a better weight to generate more
aesthetically pleasing paths. Throughout the entire
path generation process, a list of “high weight” nodes
is maintained that have values above a certain thresh-
old. On half of the iterations through the path genera-
tion, a node from this list is selected to expand from.
On the alternate loop iterations a random node with a
weight above a threshold value in the roadmap is se-
lected to expand from. This threshold is significantly
lower than the threshold for the high weight node list.
Additionally, this threshold decreases slightly each it-
eration in order that a node will be selected even if
the roadmap only contains low quality nodes. Using
node weight thresholds can be seen as a pruning step
and this process helps keep the roadmap size small
by not expanding the roadmap in directions with low
quality nodes.
Node Generation. In order to display our scene
in a compelling way, the roadmap must expand out
through our configuration space to show the ship-
wreck at a variety of angles. Once a node to ex-
pand from has been selected as described above, a
new node is generated based off this old node. This
node generation is done by taking the height of the old
node and adding and subtracting a height delta. A ran-
dom height is then chosen within this new range. The
same process happens for pitch, selecting a random
pitch within a delta of the old node’s pitch. Height
delta was typically in the range of 1-3 and pitch delta
was generally between 5
and 15
. In our current vir-
tual world, one meter in the real world is about 1.6
units in our virtual world.
Given that in general, fly-throughs follow a mostly
circular path, we use a simplification on the planning
of the camera and determine the x and z coordinates
along with the yaw and roll by calculating the polar
coordinates of a circle around the main model. We
allow for variations in the radius (25-30 units) and ec-
centricity to create interesting paths. Figure 1, shows
the top down view of one variation on a path gener-
ated by our system. In addition, during node genera-
tion, the height is constrained to be above the seafloor
and below a specified maximum height. Once a new
node is generated, we must evaluate the scene from
that node’s position and camera view direction.
3.2 Viewpoint Evaluation
The process of evaluating the camera viewpoint spec-
ified in a given node is based on cinematographic and
geometric criteria. We choose to evaluate these crite-
ria in the image domain, thus must render our com-
puter graphics scene to evaluate the image. The node
object is passed from the PRM generation code to
the OpenGL code, rendered using OpenGL with the
results then evaluated using OpenCV. The calculated
weight is then set for the node and used in the node
selection process for the next iteration of the PRM
The 3D underwater OpenGL scene includes sand,
rocks, seaweed, bubbles, caustics, and the X127 ship-
wreck model. An example of all these elements in
the scene can be seen in Figure 5. The primary ele-
ment in the scene is the X127 shipwreck, created from
an actual shipwreck in Malta using a photogramme-
try pipeline using input video gathered from an AUV.
Since the X127 wreck lays on a diagonal, the deeper
part of the wreck sits in water that is too murky for
the AUV to take high quality video footage.
A PRM node’s position and direction vectors are
used to set a virtual camera in the OpenGL scene.
Then the resulting scene is written to a framebuffer
and transferred to the OpenCV image format, which
is used to evaluate how closely the image follows the
rule of thirds and whether the model is primarily fac-
ing towards the camera.
Rule of Thirds Detection. One of the canonical
rules of aesthetics from a cinematographic perspec-
tive is the rule of thirds, which can be described as
splitting an image up into three uniform sized sec-
tions, both horizontally and vertically. The subject
of the photo or horizon line should be placed along
one of these lines or at the intersection of two such
lines as can be seen in many famous photographs and
paintings. Thus for automatic camera path genera-
tion a good view of the scene should follow the rule
of thirds so our algorithm evaluates nodes relative to
how well a given view follows this rule.
We combine several of the methods provided in
OpenCV to evaluate how well an image conforms to
the rule of thirds. First the input image is converted to
grayscale and blurred. The image is then thresholded
to detect edges and then the contours or outlines of
the shapes in the image are computed. The contours
are approximated as polygons and bounding rectan-
gles and circles are formed. An example of the output
from these computations can be seen in Figure 2.
To use this methodology in our program, a ker-
nel size of ve by five is used in the normalized box
GRAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 2: OpenCV methodology to draw bounding rectan-
gles and circles around detected contours in an image.
Figure 3: Rule of thirds detection. On the right the OpenGL
scene is rendered and on the left, OpenCV is used to detect
the largest shape in the image and compared to the thirds
lines of the image.
filter. In addition, bounding circles are eliminated
and only one bounding rectangle is preserved, specif-
ically the largest. There are various ways to consider
a rule of thirds composition, thus we conducted a user
study with static images of our scene and found that
users preferred the top horizontal line of the ship to be
aligned with top third horizontal extent of the image,
i.e. where the shipwreck created a horizon line at the
top thirds line of the image. Thus, the largest y coor-
dinate of the largest bounding rectangle is found and
used to compare against the top third of the entire im-
age to evaluate whether the key feature of our scene
conforms to the rule of thirds as shown in Figure 3.
See Equation 1. This measure is set as the weight of
the node to be used in node selection. A limitation
of our method is that we currently can only have one
main model in our scene for our detection algorithm
to work well.
weight = |(BBox.y/ImageHeight 2/3)|
Model Normals Detection. From a geometric per-
spective, we want camera views that show us as much
of the model as possible. The node weight calcula-
tion detects how much of a given object is pointing
towards the camera via use of the model’s normals.
Specifically, a vertex shader is used to transform the
normals into the camera’s eye space. When these nor-
mals are then used to color the rasterized fragments, a
normal that is pointing primarily in the direction of
the camera will be colored blue. OpenCV is used
to detect the proportion of pixels that represent frag-
ments facing the camera, which is then used to weight
the nodes in the search space.
Thirds and Normals Combination. The rule of
thirds and normal detection both have shortcomings
so we explored combining them to try to get the best
path possible. The rule of thirds is optimal for creat-
ing smooth paths but can occasionally score well for
views of the wreck from poor angles. For example, a
very low viewpoint, almost from the seafloor can cre-
ate a path following the rule of thirds just as well as
one from a higher, more scenic view. The normal de-
tection does a much better job with this, but can create
very jumpy paths that leap from one extreme angle to
another. To combine the thirds scores that are better
if they are lower and normals scores where a higher
score is better, we use the following equation:
weight = (1 |(BBox.y/ImageHeight 2/3)|)+
n=0 > threshold)/ImageSize
An example of a node viewpoint being evaluated with
both methods is shown in Figure 4. This combina-
tion method was noticeably slower because it required
rendering the scene, converting the image to OpenCV
format, and running OpenCV algorithms twice for
each node viewpoint.
Node Weight & Best Weight List. To drive the
path towards a reasonable solution in a shorter amount
of time, a highWeightNode list was used during the
node selection process and every other iteration of
the PRM loop, a node is selected from this list. For
the rule of thirds, nodes with weight 0.04 or lower
were added to the best weight list while nodes with
weight 0.25 or higher were considered good for nor-
mals scores. Since these methods were combined by
subtracting the thirds score from 1 to create positive
values, a good combination score was defined as 1.21.
Storing Complete Paths. Each time a new node is
added to the roadmap, the algorithm checks if that
Cinematographic and Geometric Criteria for Virtual Camera Path Generation for the Visualization of Shipwreck Data
Figure 4: Combination node weight calculation. Rule of
thirds and model normals are detected for each viewpoint
and the combined weights are set as the node weight.
node completes a path of the desired path length. If a
full length path is found then the roadmap is traversed
from the newest node back up to the root node. Posi-
tion and direction vectors of each node in the path are
then written out to a file allowing our system to play-
back a path from a file. Videos can then be created by
using the full list of camera positions and directions
to create a Catmull-Rom spline between the nodes. A
spline path interpolating between nodes in a generated
path can be seen in pink in Figure 1.
In this work, a PRM algorithm adds nodes to a tree
until a path of sufficient node count has been gener-
ated. A node to expand from is selected, then new
nodes are generated given precise parameters. Vir-
tual camera viewpoints, specified in new nodes, are
evaluated on cinematographic and geometric princi-
ples, i.e., the rule of thirds and model normals, and
assigned a weight. These weights are used in the
node selection process, generating aesthetically pleas-
ing camera paths.
Parameters to control the path generation include
variations on the path such as length, radius, elliptical
factor, radius variation, camera speed (via spline com-
putation between nodes) and camera specific vari-
ables such as initial height and pitch, height and pitch
delta, and finally evaluation criteria such as color and
blur threshold factors. PRM variables include “high
weight” list threshold for thirds, normals, and com-
bination, frequency of selecting from high weight list
versus random selection, threshold when selecting a
random node to expand from for thirds, normals, and
combination, and limits when changing the threshold
for selecting a random node.
Table 1: Viewpoint evaluation method study results. 1 is
most preferred and 5 is least preferred. Columns 2 - 6 show
the number of participants that gave that ranking and the
last column shows the average score for each video. Video
A was the highest ranked with an average score of 2.14.
Video 1 2 3 4 5 Avg.
A (Thirds) 13 10 8 2 2 2.14
B (Random) 0 0 2 11 22 4.57
C (Combo) 10 5 9 8 3 2.69
D (Flat) 7 11 10 5 2 2.54
E (Normals) 5 9 6 9 6 3.06
4.1 User Studies
With so many different parameters we evaluated our
results with a user study comparing output videos.
Output videos include ones that keep all parameters
the same and vary the method used for calculating
node weights (the rule of thirds, model normals, com-
bination), judged against a completely flat path, and
a completely random path. A second study included
videos that used a combination of thirds and normals
to calculate node weights but then varies path param-
eters, including path length, radius, deltas, elliptical
factor of path, and more. The camera viewpoints in
the best generated path from both studies can be seen
in Figure 5.
In each survey, participants were asked to rank ve
15 second videos in order of preference.
Viewpoint Evaluation Methods Study. The first
study focused on evaluating camera paths that were
generated via different evaluation methods. For this
survey, path parameters were kept constant and only
node evaluation criteria were changed. The paths had
a slightly elliptical orbit that was 0.75 width in the z
component. The initial height varied between 4 and
12 and the initial pitch angle varied between 45
below the horizon line. The max height delta pos-
sible was 2.5 and the max pitch change was 7.5
. The
thresholds of what defined a “good” node were kept
constant throughout all path generation for both sur-
veys. The viewpoint evaluation methods used to pro-
duce each video are as follows: Video D was a com-
pletely flat path with no variation in height, Video B
displayed a path that was randomly generated with the
above parameters, Videos A, E, and C used the rule
of thirds, model normals, and a combination of both
respectively to evaluate potential camera viewpoints.
To avoid bias, 30 paths were generated of each
type and the path with the best average node score
was chosen for the study. Results of the study for the
35 participants are displayed in Table 1.
GRAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
The results show that people preferred the path
generated with only the rule of thirds. The second
highest path was flat, followed closely by the combi-
nation path. Normals came in a solid fourth with ran-
dom at a strong last place. The results were surpris-
ingly spread out, with all paths except random having
at least two rankings for every possible position.
Path Types Study. This study kept the viewpoint
evaluation method constant, using a combination of
rule of thirds and model normals. The variable being
studied here was path type. Videos A through E re-
spectively displayed paths with large variation, many
nodes, small variation and perfectly circular, largely
elliptical, and random. Excluding random, 30 paths
of each type were generated and the best scoring path
of each type was used in the study. Since the random
path used no evaluation criteria, one random path was
generated and used in the study. This study had 32
participants total. The primary conclusion from this
study was that user’s preferred the automatic camera
paths and in particular the paths with the largest al-
lowable variations in view and path radius variations,
with 18 of 32 people ranking it number 1 and 12 peo-
ple ranking it number 2.
Figure 5: Camera viewpoints used in the winning path in
the user studies. A spline interpolates between these views
to create a 15 second fly-through of the scene.
From these studies, we can conclude that overall
the use of our automatic camera path generation is
appealing to users, winning out over planar circular
paths and random paths and with the rule of thirds
being more important than our current geometric cri-
teria of using normals alone. There is a large variety
of variations and future work discussed below.
Table 2: Information corresponding to best paths; average
weight of all nodes in final path, number of nodes in the
entire roadmap and seconds spent generating the roadmap.
Criteria Num Avg Roadmap Time
nodes Weight Size
Thirds 12 0.0131 1134 38.5
Norms. 12 0.1681 202 6.4
both 12 1.0467 663 36.4
both 12 0.99642 243 19.5
both 45 0.9858 1080 48.8
both 10 0.993663 56 12.4
both 12 0.917036 238 19.4
4.2 Performance and Limitations
Implementation of this work was done in C++ us-
ing the Open Graphics Library application program-
ming interface and the Open Computer Vision library.
It was run on a 2015 MacBook Pro running macOS
Sierra 10.12.3 with a 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5 processor.
All motion planning algorithms can be time and
memory consuming to run, with the PRM being no
exception. One way to generate a smooth camera
path is to put so many nodes on a circular path that
each viewpoint is extremely close together. The cam-
era will flow smoothly through node transitions due to
the short distance between viewpoints. We attempted
this in our initial implementation, generating paths of
length 40 in about 10 seconds with full roadmaps con-
taining over 20,000,000 nodes. The time it took to
generate longer paths went up exponentially, taking
30 seconds to generate a path of length 50 and a path
of length 60 could not be generated in five minutes.
We experimented with many different optimizations
such as limiting the number of children per node, spa-
tially hashing the configuration space and limiting the
number of nodes in each spatial range, and selecting a
random point in the configuration space and expand-
ing off the nearest node to it.
Using splines to interpolate the camera path be-
tween viewpoints, enabled us to use fewer nodes in
a path, which in turn meant lower time and memory
costs, allowing us to generate and compare a larger
number of paths. The final algorithm uses around
12 nodes to generate a path. This decision is justi-
fied by the assumption that a movie director creating
an overview scene like our circular fly-through would
only place a few key viewpoints and let the camera
operator move smoothly between these views. The
evaluation type, path length, average node weight,
roadmap size, and time to generate the path for the
paths evaluated in our user study, excluding the flat
and random ones, are summarized in Table 2.
Cinematographic and Geometric Criteria for Virtual Camera Path Generation for the Visualization of Shipwreck Data
Limitations and Future Work. Our fly-through
generation system has a number of limitations that
will be improved in future iterations of this project.
First, our system currently only works on scenes with
one central model because our rule of thirds detection
algorithm only looks at the single largest shape. A
more complete comparison with existing work would
also be highly valuable for positioning this work in a
larger context. We are exploring adding more motion
modeling constraints on the camera motion in terms
of pitch and height and adding other variables that can
be varied and computed using the PRM. These vari-
ables notably include completely free positioning of
the camera and solving for the yaw of the camera. We
are also exploring additional evaluation criteria such
as object detection of specific items of interest to the
viewer and including camera collision detection.
We acknowledge the hard work on the entire ICEX
2016 team.
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Candeloro, M., Mosciaro, F., Srensen, A. J., Ippoliti, G.,
and Ludvigsen, M. (2015). Sensor-based autonomous
path-planner for sea-bottom exploration and mosaick-
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GRAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications