Limitations and Future Work. Our fly-through
generation system has a number of limitations that
will be improved in future iterations of this project.
First, our system currently only works on scenes with
one central model because our rule of thirds detection
algorithm only looks at the single largest shape. A
more complete comparison with existing work would
also be highly valuable for positioning this work in a
larger context. We are exploring adding more motion
modeling constraints on the camera motion in terms
of pitch and height and adding other variables that can
be varied and computed using the PRM. These vari-
ables notably include completely free positioning of
the camera and solving for the yaw of the camera. We
are also exploring additional evaluation criteria such
as object detection of specific items of interest to the
viewer and including camera collision detection.
We acknowledge the hard work on the entire ICEX
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GRAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications