Table 5: Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea
Scale Score.
Description of breathlessness Score Group
I get breathless only with
strenuous exercise.
0 A
I get short of breath when
hurrying on level ground or
walking up a slight hill.
1 A or B
On level ground, I walk
slower than other people my
age because of breathless-
ness, or I have to stop for
breath when walking at my
own pace.
2 B
I stop for breath after walk-
ing about 100 yards or af-
ter a few minutes on level
3 C
I am too breathless to leave
the house, or I am breathless
when getting dressed.
4 D
In this paper, we presented a smart-phone based sys-
tem to record cough, and then detect if the cough pat-
terns are indicative of COPD. Our proposed system
involves an application for recording cough, remov-
ing noise, an information gain approach for feature
selection, followed by a Random Forests based algo-
rithm for classification. We presented our results that
demonstrated high accuracy with good Precision, Re-
call and F-measure. We presented practical ideas to
further improve accuracy of classification of our algo-
rithm. Towards the end, we presented important clin-
ical applications of our proposed system for compre-
hensive in-home COPD monitoring by patients them-
This work was supported in part by the US National
Science Foundation under grants CNS 1205695, IIS
1559588 and CNS 1718071. Any opinions, thoughts
and findings are those of the authors and do not re-
flect views of the funding agency. The work was also
supported by The Florida-Georgia Louis Stokes Al-
liance for Minority Participation (FGLSAMP) Award
HRD #1612347. Furthermore, we thank the patients
and volunteers for providing cough sample data.
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On Detecting Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Cough using Audio Signals Recorded from Smart-Phones