effect on the intensity levels, this method makes
colors more saturated as c increases. Inte restingly,
saturation is not increased as aggressively as in A →
(I,S). Again, this is beca use our algorithm does not
try to increase saturatio n to a ce rtain predefined level
γ, but aims to smooth out sudden differences in the
saturation histograms of neighboring frames. This
is w hy, as we will discuss later, our metho d is better
for stabilizing satu ration in vide os rather than single
(A,P) → I: We observe that the results of this method
are nearly identical to those of P → I. We explain
this by the fact that P compresses th e histogra m after
A enhanced the intensity. This largely undoes the
enhancements that the A method m ade. As a result,
the output images suffer from the same problems we
observed whe n using P → I, namely lo ss of deta ils
due to the histogram compre ssion.
(A,P) → (I,S): We observe that the results of this
method are very similar to those of A → (I,P). Ho-
wever, the saturation is less d ramatically increased.
We explain this by the fact that, after the A method
has ma de the satura tion very high, the P method
compresses the saturation histogram, thus making the
color vib rance less extreme.
From all above, we draw the following preliminar y
qualitative conclusions. The Anbarjafari method
(A) with a mean goal value around γ = 0.7 shows
itself to be best for intensity stabilization of single
images. However, it is not effective in stabilizing
tone fluctu ations – when applied to saturation (A
→ S), it may actually enhance tone fluctuations. In
contrast, o ur method (P) is effective in smoothing
tone fluctuations, but less effective in stabilizing
5.1.2 User Survey
We refined the qualitative observations presented
above, which a re drawn from ou r own study of the
computed results, by conducting an online survey that
involved a wide group of people, thereby rea lizing a
more represen ta tive qualitative evaluation. The sur-
vey material con sisted of five pages, one page for an
image in each image class d efined in Sec. 5. 1.1. Each
page contained all stabilized images for the respective
input image, laid out identically to Fig. 5. We also in-
cluded an additional column representing the actual
input image. However, the c olumn was not marked
as such, so the particip ants could not know which is
the in put and which the outputs of the stabilization.
For each image row, the participant was asked to pick
the image that they thoug ht was the b est in terms of
enhancing the info rmation in th e brighter and darker
areas of the image and without introducing too much
noise or losing information. This answers the ques-
tion ‘which parameter values are best for a given me t-
hod combination? ’. Next, at the end of each page,
participants were asked to r eview the six images they
picked as best for the six rows and pick the best one
among these. This answers the question ’which met-
hod combination d elivers the b e st results, given that
all methods are run with their optimal parameter va-
The survey was cond ucted using Goo gle Forms.
Participants were encouraged to look at each row of
images for roughly 10 seconds, so tha t the survey
could be finished in about 5 minutes. However, the
participants could spe nd m ore time if desired, and
were also allowed to go back to previous pages to
review or change their answers. Note that the parti-
cipants did not see any annota tions on the survey pa-
ges such as the method names and parameter values
in Fig. 5. Eighteen people participated in the survey.
All are specialists in image processing and computer
vision, and are well familiar with endoscopy videos
and their issues. The participants were aged betwe e n
20 and 50, the majority being male.
Table 2 presents the aggregated results of the sur-
vey. Rows indicate method comb inations, and co-
lumns indicate parameter values, just like in Fig. 5.
Each cell contains two n umbers, sepa rated by a slash.
The first number indicates how many times an image
generated by the respective method and parameter-
values combination was chosen best in a row of ima-
ges – thus, best for all tested parameter values. The
second number (in bold) indicates how many times an
image was chosen as best for an entire survey page –
thus, best for all method and parameter values combi-
nations tested.
We get several insig hts from these fig ures. First,
we see that the parameter values γ = 0.6,a = 0.02 and
γ = 0.7,a = 0.04 get most votes, the former being
seen best when the combined method (A,P) is used,
and the latter when the individual Anbarjafari (A)
method is used, respectively. These are thus g ood
values for a wide set of images a nd a wide set of
users. Note that the setting γ = 0.7 matches what we
found ourselves in our preliminary qualitative evalua-
tion (Sec. 5.1.1). Hence, we use these values as pre-
sets in our tool (Sec. 4). Secondly, w e see that very
high parameter values are never p referred. This mat-
ches our own findings that such values yield too much
disappearance of relevant details (Sec . 5.1.1). Thirdly,
we see that the Anbarjafari method applied to satura-
tion (A → S) with γ = 0.7,a = 0.04 has the highest
number of overall best results. This matc hes our ear-