gle CIG. Though our framework is being built on top
of META-GLARE, our methodology is general, and
can be adapted for similar CIG systems (such as, e.g.,
PROforma (Fox et al., 1998) or Asbru (Shahar et al.,
We are currently implementing our approach
using Java (Java-based prototypes of META-GLARE
and its extensions to cope with comorbid patients are
available). As soon as the implementation will be
completed, we plan to develop an extensive experi-
mentation of our framework, especially in the context
of comorbidity treatment. Moreover, we plan to ex-
tend our approach to provide a more comprehensive
support for distributed execution of CIGs to grant tre-
atment continuity, contextualization, and responsibi-
lity assignment and delegation.
This research is original and has a financial support of
the Universit
a del Piemonte Orientale.
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