A Survey on Databases for Facial Expression Analysis
el Weber, Catherine Soladi
e and Renaud S
FAST team, IETR lab, CentraleSupelec, Avenue de la Boulaie, 35576 Cesson-S
e, France
Facial Expression, Database, Multimodal, Survey.
Facial expression databases are essential to develop and test a system of facial expressions analysis. We
propose in this paper a survey based on the review of 61 databases. To the best of our knowledge, there are no
other surveys with so many databases. We identify 18 characteristics to describe the database and group them
in 6 categories, (population, modalities, data acquisition hardware, experimental conditions, experimental
protocol and annotations). These characteristics are useful to create or choose a database relevant to the
targeted context application. We propose to classify the databases according to these characteristics so it can
be helpful for researchers to choose the database suited to their context application. We bring to light the
trends between posed, spontaneous and in-the-wild databases. We finish with future directions, including
crowd sourcing and databases with groups of people.
Since human face conveys information about the
emotional state, automatic facial expression analy-
sis has gained a growing interest in the past deca-
des. A wide range of applications are covered, such as
human-computer interaction or medical applications.
Facial expression databases are essential to develop
and test a system of facial expression analysis.
The first public facial expression databases appea-
red in the late 1990s (Lyons et al., 1998), (Lundqvist
et al., 1998), (Kanade et al., 2000) as automatic facial
expression analysis was taking off. Some of these da-
tabases are still used today as a test bed in order to
compare to other methods. These first databases con-
tain posed expressions acquired in the laboratory en-
vironment. Differences exist between posed expressi-
ons and spontaneous expressions, the latter being ex-
pressions that a person naturally displays in everyday
life (Cohn and Schmidt, 2004), (Schmidt et al., 2006),
(Valstar et al., 2007). These differences rely in the in-
tensity and the dynamics of the expression. A system
trained on posed expressions will be less performant
when testing on spontaneous expressions. Therefore
databases of spontaneous expressions began to appear
in the 2000s (Schmidt and Cohn, 2001), (Toole et al.,
2005). Since then, new databases are made available
almost every year. More recently, automatic facial ex-
pression analysis in in-the-wild conditions have been
identified as one of the main challenge to tackle (Mar-
tinez and Valstar, 2016). In-the-wild conditions refer
to an unconstrained environment, as met in real life
conditions. Databases meeting this criteria know a
growing interest since the beginning of the 2010s.
A database is defined by many characteristics
going from the number of subjects to the annotations
describing the data. They have a direct impact on the
use of the database. For instance, a database of frontal
posed expressions is not suitable to train and test a sy-
stem aimed at analyzing in-the-wild expressions. So,
before creating or choosing a database, one must pro-
perly identify the targeted application context in or-
der to define the desired database characteristics. We
propose to group the different characteristics of a da-
tabase in 6 categories: population, modalities, data
acquisition hardware, experimental conditions, expe-
rimental protocol and annotations.
To the best of our knowledge, the existing sur-
veys on databases of facial expressions only review
about 15 databases (Anitha et al., 2010), 20 databases
(Cowie et al., 2005) (Fu et al., 2012) or 30 databa-
ses (Kaulard et al., 2012). In this paper, we propose
a survey based on the review of 61 databases, taking
into account unimodal databases (only facial expres-
sions) as well as multimodal databases (facial expres-
sions combined with other modalities). In section 2,
we review the databases according to their characte-
ristics while bringing to light the different trends be-
tween posed, spontaneous and in-the-wild databases.
In section 3, we indicate the future directions. We
conclude the paper in section 4.
Weber, R., Soladié, C. and Séguier, R.
A Survey on Databases for Facial Expression Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006553900730084
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this section, we review the existing databases ac-
cording to their characteristics, each subsection cor-
responding to one of the 6 categories as reported in
table 1. We use a codification of the characteristics in
order to refer to them easily in the following tables.
When possible, we attempt to compare databases of
posed, spontaneous and in-the-wild expressions. In
this case, we use the following formatting to distin-
guish them in tables: no particular formatting for po-
sed databases, bold for spontaneous databases and ita-
lic for in-the-wild databases. For the sake of clarity,
we don’t report the references to the databases in this
section. The reader can find them in the appendix.
Table 1: Characteristics of a database. We propose a co-
dification of these characteristics in order to refer to them
easily in the following tables.
Category Characteristic Code
# of subjects P.1
Women/Men % P.2
Age range P.3
Ethnic group(s) P.4
Modalities Available modalities M.1
# of cameras AE.1
Resolution AE.2
Background EC.1
Lightning EC.2
Occlusions EC.3
Head pose EC.4
Method of acquisition EP.1
Available expressions EP.2
Facial features A.1
Action units (FACS) A.2
Emotional labels A.3
Emotional dimensions A.4
2.1 Population
The characteristics of population are the number of
subjects (P.1), the women/men distribution (P.2), the
age range of the subjects (P.3) and the ethnic groups
contained in the population (P.4). The choice of po-
pulation is important because of interpersonal variabi-
lity: shape and texture of the face varies with identity,
gender, age and ethnic group. For example, the mean
opening of the eyes differs between Asians and Cau-
casians. In order to develop a method that is robust
to interpersonal variability, the database should con-
tain the broadest range of ethnic groups and a good
distribution of age and sex among the subjects, i.e. an
interpersonal variability as great as possible.
Table 2 reports a classification of the databases ac-
cording the number of subjets (P.1). A majority of the
databases of posed expressions have less than 50 sub-
jects. Comparatively, more databases of spontaneous
and in-the-wild databases contain more than 90 sub-
The women/men percentage (P.2) is most of the
time between 40/60 and 60/40. However, there are ex-
ceptions such as JAFFE only containing women. Da-
tabases with mostly women ( 70%) are CK, Belfast
Naturalistic, UT-Dallas and CAS(ME)2. Databases
with mostly men ( 70%) are Multi-PIE, NVIE and
There are two main trends for age range (P.3): low
(18-30 years old) and moderate (18-40 to 18-60 years
old). Radboud Faces and AFEW are the exceptions
since they contain children.
Most of the databases contain various ethnic
groups (P.4) such as Caucasian, African Subsa-
harian or Asian, Caucasian group being a majo-
rity in this case. However, some databases pro-
pose only one or two specific ethnic groups: Cau-
casian and Asian (OULU-CASIA), Caucasian and
Mediterranean (Radboud Faces, ADFES), Caucasian
and South-American (BINED - Set 3), Asian only
(JAFFE, NVIE, CAS(ME)2, CHEAVD), Turkish only
(BAUM-1) and Caucasian only (GEMEP, D3DFACS,
BINED - Set 1 and 2, DynEmo).
2.2 Modalities
Modalities refer to the nature of the acquired signals.
We can distinguish databases according to the number
of modalities: unimodal (only one modality) vs. mul-
timodal (two or more modalities). Historically, the
first databases are unimodal with 2D video (Univer-
sity Of Maryland, CK) or image (JAFFE, KDEF) of
the face. 2D video is essential to study the dynamics
of facial expression. In the 2000s, bimodal databa-
ses began to appear, due to interest in audio-visual
emotion analysis (Zeng et al., 2009). The first data-
base combining facial expression and audio is Belfast
Naturalistic. In parallel, Smile Database is the first
database to combine 2D video of face and physiolo-
gical signals, in order to analyze smile. Later, two
new modalities are investigated: body movement and
3D face model. The first databases combining facial
expression and body movement are FABO and GE-
MEP, the latter adding also audio. The first database
of static 3D model of facial expression is BU-3D FE.
The same research team rapidly proposed BU-4D FE
with dynamic 3D model.
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Classification of the databases according to the characteristic P.1 (number of subjects). The following formatting
distinguishes databases: no particular formatting for posed databases, bold for spontaneous databases and italic for in-the-wild
P.1 Databases
50 University Of Maryland, JAFFE, PICS - Pain Expressions, MMI, GEMEP, FABO,
DISFA, RECOLA, CAS(ME)2, BP4D-Spontaneous, BAUM-1, EmoTV
(50, 90) KDEF, OULU-CASIA, MUG, Radboud Faces, BINED - Set 2 and 3
(90, 130) BU-3D FE, BU-4D FE, Bosphorus, Smile Database, RU-FACS, BINED - Set 1,
UNBS-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive, PICS - Stirling ESRC 3D Face
DB, BioVid Emo, GFT, Belfast Naturalistic, VAM
(180, 250) CK, CK+, NVIE, AM-FED, Vinereactor, CHEAVD
280 Multi-PIE, UT-Dallas, DynEmo, AVEC 2013 AViD-Corpus, AFEW, SFEW, HAPPEI,
Thus, the available modalities are facial expres-
sion (2D or 3D), audio, body movement and physi-
ological signals. The exception is NVIE, combining
facial expression both in the visible and infrared dom-
ain. Table 3 reports a classification of the databases
according to these modalities (M.1). We can notice
that spontaneous databases are often multimodal and
cover every possible modality. MAHNOB-HCI and
RECOLA are particularly interesting because they
combine facial expression, audio and physiological
signals, which makes them ideal databases for mul-
timodal emotion analysis. In-the-wild databases are
either unimodal (facial expression) or audio-visual. It
is indeed very challenging to get a high interpersonal
variability with the modalities of body movement, 3D
model and physiological signals since they require a
heavy hardware setup.
2.3 Data Acquisition Hardware
We focus here on the data acquisition hardware for
image and video. We consider 3 characteristics: num-
ber of cameras (AE.1), camera resolution (AE.2) and
frame per second (FPS, AE.3).
Regarding the number of cameras (AE.1), approx-
imately half of the reviewed databases use only 1
camera facing the subject. There are 3 use cases
when several cameras are used: 3D acquisition, multi-
view acquisition and body movement acquisition. For
example for 3D acquisition, BU-4D FE and BP4D-
Spontaneous use 2 stereo cameras and 1 texture video
camera. Multi-view acquisition refer to simultaneous
image or video acquisition of the face from different
views. The cameras are always installed on different
angles of profile view (angle of yaw). The excepti-
ons are Multi-PIE and Bosphorus in which additional
cameras are mounted above the subjects, thus combi-
ning yaw and pitch angles. Body movement acquisi-
tion also require several cameras. Most of the time
1 camera is dedicated for facial expression acquisi-
tion and 1 or more camera is dedicated for body mo-
vement acquisition. The following databases are con-
cerned (in brackets the number of cameras for body
movement acquisition): FABO (1), EmoTABOO (1),
GEMEP (2) and RU-FACS (3). In MAHNOB-HCI, 5
cameras are dedicated to multi-view acquisition and
1 camera to body movement acquisition. In IEMO-
CAP, a motion capture system is used to capture fa-
cial expression and hand movements, which makes it
a singular database.
The choice of camera resolution (AE.2) and the
FPS (AE.3) depend on the application context or the
topic of study. For instance, in real-life conditions,
it is likely that the camera resolution and/or FPS are
low (e.g. with low-cost webcam). Contrarily, if one
wants to study facial expression dynamics, it is advi-
sed to have a high FPS. The majority of the databases
contain images/videos with a resolution (AE.2) of ap-
proximately 720x576 pixels and videos with a FPS
(AE.3) between 24 and 30. These are the typical cha-
racteristics of consumer cameras.
Regarding camera resolution (AE.2), a few da-
tabases propose a low resolution of approximately
320x240 pixels: OULU-CASIA, VAM, AM-FED,
Vinereactor. Apart from OULU-CASIA, these are in-
the-wild databases, confirming the idea that the reso-
lution is likely to be low in real-life conditions. Con-
trarily, there are much more databases, both posed and
spontaneous, with a high resolution of approximately
1024x768: FABO, Multi-PIE, BU-3D FE, BU-4D
FE, Bosphorus, D3DFACS, ICT-3DRFE, DISFA+,
BINED - Set 3, DISFA, PICS - Stirling ESRC 3D
Face Database, RECOLA, BP4D-Spontaneous, Bio-
Vid Emo.
There are few databases with a low or high FPS
(AE.3). The following databases have a FPS smal-
A Survey on Databases for Facial Expression Analysis
Table 3: Classification of the databases according to the characteristic M.1 (modalities). The following formatting distin-
guishes databases: no particular formatting for posed databases, bold for spontaneous databases and italic for in-the-wild
databases. “Physio. sig.” refers to physiological signals.
M.1 Databases
2D image JAFFE, KDEF, PICS - Pain Expressions, Multi-PIE, Radboud
2D video University Of Maryland, CK, OULU-CASIA, DISFA+, CK+,
MUG, UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive,
DISFA, CAS(ME)2, GFT, AM-FED, Vinereactor
2D video + 2D image MMI, ADFES, UT-Dallas, Aff-Wild
2D video + infrared video NVIE
2D video + audio SAL, MMI+, SEMAINE, AVEC 2013 AViD-Corpus, BAUM-1,
Belfast Naturalistic, EmoTV, AFEW, CHEAVD
2D video + 2D image + audio VAM
2D video + audio + 3D image MPI
2D video + body movement FABO, RU-FACS, BINED, DynEmo
2D video + body movement + audio GEMEP, EmoTABOO
Motion capture + audio IEMOCAP
2D video + physio. sig. Smile Database, ENTERFACE, DEAP
2D video + audio + physio. sig. RECOLA
2D video + body movement +
physio. sig. + audio
2D video + 3D video + physio. sig. BioVid Emo
3D image BU-3D FE, Bosphorus, ICT-3DRFE
2D video + 2D image + 3D image PICS - Stirling ESRC 3D Face Database
3D video BU-4D FE, D3DFACS, BP4D-Spontaneous
3D video + audio B3D(AC)2
2D video + 3D video + audio CAM3D
ler or equal to 20: FABO, DISFA+, MUG, DISFA,
AM-FED. The following databases have a FPS grea-
HCI. IEMOCAP has the greater FPS available so far
(equals to 120), which makes it an interesting data-
base to study the dynamics of spontaneous expressi-
2.4 Experimental Conditions
Experimental conditions include the background
(EC.1) and lightning condition (EC.2) as well as head
pose variation (EC.3) and occlusions (EC.4). Back-
ground and lightning conditions are about environ-
ment variability, whereas head pose variation and
occlusions are about intra-personal variability. These
characteristics are important to take into account if
one wants to test the robustness of a method in real
life conditions.
Most databases are acquired in the laboratory with
a plain background (EC.1) and uniform or ambiant
lightning (EC.2). In this case, face detection and fa-
cial landmarks tracking are eased. The background
may not be plain, then it remains the same. In-the-
wild databases propose to tackle this problem since
they consist in video or audio-visual corpus or crowd
sourcing (see subsection 2.5.3), offering high variabi-
lity in background and lightning condition.
Only a few databases of posed and spontane-
ous expressions propose several lightning conditions
(EC.2). Three lightning conditions are available in
OULU-CASIA (normal, weak and dark) and NVIE
(front, left and right), whereas Multi-PIE proposes 19
lightning conditions. ICT-3DRFE goes further with a
static 3D model of the face that is relightable thanks
to a light stage with 156 LEDs.
Five kinds of occlusions (EC.3) are considered:
when the subject wears glasses, hair on face, data
acquisition hardware, hands in front of face and ot-
hers. Occlusions with data acquisition hardware may
affect databases with physiological signals (Smile Da-
tabase and ENTERFACE) or audio (RECOLA). Table
4 reports the classification of the databases according
to occlusions (EC.3). As expected, very few posed
databases contain occlusions, whereas in-the-wild da-
tabases cover a large range of occlusions.
There are three ways to obtain head pose varia-
tion (EC.4). First, multi-view acquisition (see sub-
section 2.3) consists in acquiring the face simultane-
ously from several views. In the existing databases,
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 4: Classification of the databases according to the
characteristic EC.3 (occlusions). The following formatting
distinguishes databases: no particular formatting for posed
databases, bold for spontaneous databases and italic for in-
the-wild databases. If the database contains several kinds of
occlusions, it appears in each corresponding row.
EC.3 Databases
Glasses MMI, Multi-PIE, Bosphorus,
DISFA+, Smile Database,
Stirling ESRC 3D Face
Database, DynEmo, RECOLA,
Aff-Wild, Vinereactor
Hair on
Bosphorus, MUG, CAM3D, PICS
- Stirling ESRC 3D Face
Database, RECOLA, EmoTV,
Smile Database, ENTERFACE,
Hands Bosphorus, CAM3D, RECOLA,
GFT, Aff-Wild
Others AFEW, SFEW, HAPPEI, Aff-Wild
we can find variation for the yaw angle, the pitch an-
gle or the combination of yaw and pitch. Second, 3D
databases allow to generate 2D face with any pose.
Third, there are databases where the subject can freely
move her head, hence a natural head pose variation.
Table 5 reports the classification of the databases ac-
cording to head pose variation (EC.4). Multi-view
acquisition is split in variation of yaw, pitch and com-
bination of both. Most of the posed databases con-
tain yaw variation or 3D model, whereas most of the
spontaneous and in-the-wild databases contain natu-
ral variation. 3D databases are ideal to investigate fa-
cial expression analysis robust to head pose variation.
Yaw variation is a good alternative and easier to set
up. Multi-PIE and Bosphorus are the only database
containing pitch variation combined with yaw varia-
2.5 Experimental Protocol
Experimental protocol describes the expres-
sive/emotional content of the database (available
expressions, EP.2) and the way it is obtained from the
subjects (method of acquisition, EP.1). As mentioned
in the introduction, we can distinguish 3 kinds of
databases: posed, spontaneous and in-the-wild.
The experimental protocol varies from one kind to
Table 5: Classification of the databases according to the
characteristic EC.4 (head pose variation). The following
formatting distinguishes databases: no particular formatting
for posed databases, bold for spontaneous databases and ita-
lic for in-the-wild databases. For yaw and pitch variations,
the number of poses (including frontal) is in brackets.
EC.4 Databases
Yaw KDEF (5), PICS - Pain Expressions
(3), MMI (2), Multi-PIE (13),
Bosphorus (7), Radboud Faces (5),
ADFES (2, continuous), MPI (3),
UT-Dallas (9), BioVid Emo (3),
BAUM-1 (2)
Pitch Bosphorus (4)
Yaw +
Multi-PIE (2), Bosphorus (2)
Natural University Of Maryland, Smile
Database, RU-FACS, SAL,
UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain
Expression Archive, DISFA, PICS -
Stirling ESRC 3D Face Database,
DynEmo, RECOLA, GFT, Befast
Naturalistic, EmoTV, VAM, AFEW,
Vinereactor, CHEAVD
another, so we discuss each kind of database in a
separate subsection.
2.5.1 Posed Expressions
Posed expressions are deliberately displayed by the
subject by reproducing specific facial deformations.
There are three methods of reproduction (EP.1): free
reproduction, ordered reproduction and portrayal.
With free reproduction, the subject is just infor-
med about the emotion to reproduce and must do it in
an expressive manner with no other instruction. The
following databases use this method: University Of
With ordered reproduction, either the subject is trai-
ned beforehand to reproduce the expressions, or she is
in the presence of an expert who gives her an order du-
ring the acquisition. Compared to free reproduction,
here the subject is guided. The following databases
use this method: KDEF, CK, MMI, Multi-PIE, BU-
4D FE, Bosphorus, OULU-CASIA, Radboud Faces,
MUG, NVIE. With portrayal of the emotion, the sub-
ject must improvise on an emotionaly rich scenario.
This is an interesting alternative to get more realis-
A Survey on Databases for Facial Expression Analysis
tic posed expressions. Moreover these databases of-
ten include professional actors as subjects. The follo-
wing databases use this method: GEMEP, IEMOCAP,
MPI, B3D(AC)2, BAUM-1. Some spontaneous data-
bases also contain posed expressions, that is why we
have included them (IEMOCAP, MUG, NVIE, PICS
- Stirling ESRC 3D Face Database, BAUM-1).
Regarding the available expressions (EP.2), the 6
prototypic expressions corresponding to the 6 basic
emotions (Ekman and Friesen, 1971) (anger, disgust,
fear, joy, sadness, surprise) are always included in the
posed databases, possibly with other expressions. A
few databases just include a subset of these 6 expressi-
ons along with secondary emotions or non emotional
expressions: B3D(AC)2, IEMOCAP, Multi-PIE and
BAUM-1. Secondary emotions, also known as men-
tal states, correspond to non basic emotions such as
frustration, shame, anxiety. The classification of the
posed databases according to the available expressi-
ons (EP.2) is reported in table 6. We precise if the da-
tabases only contain the 6 basic emotions (if neutral
is added, it gives 7 expressions), if they include con-
tempt, secondary emotions, pain expressions, combi-
nations of action units (AUs) or non emotional ex-
pressions. AUs are used in the FACS system (Ekman
and Friesen, 1977) to describe local activation of fa-
cial muscles that produce facial expressions.
2.5.2 Spontaneous Expressions
Spontaneous expressions are expressions that occur
naturally and that are not controlled by the subject,
contrary to posed ones. Basically, there are two acqui-
sition methods (EP.1) to obtain spontaneous expres-
sions: emotion elicitation methods that are used to
induce a specific emotional state and interaction bet-
ween two protagonists in order to get emotionaly rich
content. The setup of emotion elicitation methods is
not without difficulty (Sneddon et al., 2012). It is
impossible to know objectively what emotion is felt
by the subject, how it is perceived by a third party
and how much the facial expression reflects it. The
more spontaneous the expressions are, the less easy
they can be captured, the less information is available
about the emotional state and the less the experimen-
tal protocol is reproductible. In contrast, the acquisi-
titon of posed expressions allows to perfectly control
the reproductibility of the experimental protocol, but
it does not give any information on the genuine emoti-
onal state. The idea of emotion elicitation methods is
to find a compromise by controlling the experimental
protocol thanks to relatively standardized tasks that
collect information about the emotional state while al-
lowing the subject to react naturally to the task (Sned-
don et al., 2012).
There are 2 emotion elicitation methods: passive
tasks and active tasks. Passive tasks consist in wa-
tching videos or images that are intended to induce
specific emotions. In the case of DEAP database, the
subject watches musical clips that intend to span the
4 quadrants of the arousal/valence emotional space
(Russell and Pratt, 1980) instead of specific emotions.
Active tasks were popularized by BINED database.
By definition, active tasks are designed to directly in-
volve the subject and induce specific emotions. An
example of active task inducing disgust is to ask the
subject to put his non-dominant hand in a box con-
taining cold, cooked and cut spaghetti in sauce, while
the subject cannot see what is inside (Sneddon et al.,
2012). In the case of AVEC 2013 AViD-Corpus, the
active tasks are not meant to induce specific emotions.
Some databases combine active and passive tasks.
There are 2 methods of interaction: human-
human interaction and human-computer interaction.
In human-human interaction, one of the subject may
be aware of the protocol and thus seeks to manage the
interaction in order to make it emotionaly rich (RU-
FACS, EmoTABOO), or both subjects have to interact
naturally in a precise context (RECOLA). GFT data-
base extends the latter case to 3 subjects interacting
together. In human-computer interaction, the subject
interacts with a virtual agent remotely monitored by
the experimenter; this is the wizard-of-Oz setup. The
experimenter can choose several characters for the
virtual agent and thus influence the emotional content
of the interaction.
Table 7 reports the classification of the sponta-
neous databases according to the acquisition method
(EP.1) and the available expressions (EP.2). The avai-
lable expressions (EP.2) are often the same as with
posed databases (basic and secondary emotions, see
table 6). Most of the spontaneous databases use pas-
sive tasks as it is the easiest protocol to set up.
2.5.3 In-The-Wild Expressions
In-the-wild conditions refer to an unconstrained envi-
ronment in terms of population (see subsection 2.1)
and experimental conditions (see subsection 2.4), as
we can meet in real life context. There are 3 methods
of acquisition (EP.1) to obtain in-the-wild expressi-
ons: corpus of videos/images of posed expressions,
corpus of videos/images of spontaneous expressions
and crowd sourcing.
The first databases that begin to meet the crite-
ria of in-the-wild conditions date back to the 2000s:
Belfast Naturalistic, EmoTV and VAM. They consist
in a corpus of video of spontaneous expressions with
extracts from television programs. Thus the spon-
taneous expressions result from human-human inte-
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 6: Classification of the databases of posed expressions according to the characteristic EP.2 (available expressions).
Neutral face is included in the number of expressions.
# of
Only 6 basic emotions Incl.
Incl. AUs Incl. se-
Incl. pain
Incl. non
5 - - IEMOCAP - - -
6 University Of Maryland,
- - - - Multi-PIE
FE, MUG, PICS - Stirling
ESRC 3D Face Database
- - - - -
(8, 25)
- Radboud
Pain Ex-
34 - MPI B3D(AC)2,
- MMI,
raction. We consider them as in-the-wild databases
since the emotional content is totally uncontrolled, as
well as the experimental conditions, but they lack of
variability in population. More recently, in Aff-Wild,
videos from Youtube are extracted. The selected vi-
deos show a person who displays spontaneous expres-
sions by watching a video, practicing an activity or
reacting to a joke or surprise. This database also con-
tains images from Google Image. The advantage of
this database is to provide a wide variability in po-
pulation (500+ for videos and 2000+ for images) and
experimental conditions.
Corpus of videos or images of posed expressi-
ons appeared with AFEW. The selection of videos is
made automatically among 54 movies by analyzing
subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing, which con-
tain, among others things, information about emo-
tional context of actors. SFEW is a static version
of AFEW containing images extracted from the lat-
ter. The advantage is that they provide a high varia-
bility in population (330 subjects ranging from 1 to
70 years old) and experimental conditions. However,
the available expressions remain the 6 basic emotions
and the expressions are posed. More recently, CHE-
AVD combines a corpus of videos of posed expres-
sions from movies and television series and a corpus
of videos of spontaneous expressions from television
programms. HAPPEI also combines a corpus of ima-
ges of posed and spontaneous expressions. The ima-
ges are selected on Flickr and contain a group of pe-
ople (2 or more subjects) showing different levels of
happiness (from neutral to thrilled). We consider that
this database contains both posed and spontaneous ex-
pressions because it is likely that on pictures taken in
social events, people may be posing.
In order to provide spontaneous expressions with
a high variability in population and experimental con-
ditions, crowd sourcing has been investigated. The
principle is to recruit subjects through the Internet for
a study and to film them directly at home via their
webcam. To the best of our knowledge, only two da-
tabases use this method: AM-FED and Vinereactor.
In both cases, the subject watches an inducing video
and her reaction is recorded. In AM-FED, only the
smile is induced. Similarly, in Vinereactor, the indu-
ced emotions appear to be related only to amusement
since the subjects fill out a questionnaire to note how
much the induction video amused her.
2.6 Annotations
The annotations are meta-data provided with the da-
tabase that give low-level information (facial features
A.1 or action units A.2) or high-level (emotional la-
bels A.3 or emotional dimensions A.4). The choice
of annotations depends on the problem the database
is meant to tackle since they will be used as ground
truth. Emotional labels are aimed at facial expres-
sion recognition, action units annotations are aimed
at action units recognition and emotional dimensions
are aimed at emotional dimension estimation (such as
arousal or valence (Russell and Pratt, 1980)). Facial
features (e.g. facial landmarks, LBP, ...) could make
a database attractive since they may be used to design
quickly a system without computing them. Table 8 re-
ports the classification of the databases according the
annotations (A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4).
A Survey on Databases for Facial Expression Analysis
Table 7: Classification of the databases of spontaneous expressions according to the characteristics EP.1 (acquisition method)
and EP.2 (available expressions). The row ‘Various’ (available expressions) refer to databases where the acquisition met-
hods do not intend to induce specific emotions. “HHI” and “HCI” refer to human-human interaction and human-computer
interaction respectively.
Emotion elicitation methods Interaction
Passive tasks Active tasks Passive + active tasks HHI HCI
- - - -
Basic and
BioVid Emo,
Stirling ESRC 3D
Face Database,
Various DEAP AVEC 2013
Smile Smile Database - - CK+ -
AUs DISFA - - - -
Pain ex-
- UNBC-McMaster
Shoulder Pain
- - -
We identify three future directions for facial expres-
sion databases that have already been addressed by
only very few databases.
During the 5 last years, in-the-wild databases have
known a growing interest as it has been made clear
that facial expression analysis in an unconstrained en-
vironment is one of the main current challenge (Mar-
tinez and Valstar, 2016). We have seen in the subsub-
section 2.5.3 that 3 methods of acquisition of in-the-
wild expressions exist so far: corpus of videos/images
of posed expressions, corpus of videos/images of
spontaneous expressions and crowd sourcing. Crowd
sourcing seems to be a promising method to acquire
realistic data with a high variability in population and
experimental conditions. To the best of our know-
ledge, until now only positive emotions have been
acquired with this method in the databases AM-FED
(McDuff et al., 2013) and Vinereactor (Kim and Van-
gala, 2016). Enhancing crowd sourcing by acquiring
positive as well as negative emotions could be an inte-
resting direction to explore in order to enrich the avai-
lable in-the-wild expressions. Though this is challen-
ging because of ethical concerns.
Another direction that has been explored recently
is building a database with groups of people. To the
best of our knowledge, only two databases propose
such data. In HAPPEI (Dhall et al., 2015), the number
of subjects varies but the database only contains dif-
ferent levels of happiness expressions. The purpose
of the database is to study the happiness intensity of
the group. In GFT (Girard et al., 2017), there are 3
subjects in the videos interacting naturally. The sub-
jects are facing each other so the overall video does
not contain 3 frontal faces. The purpose of this data-
base is to study social interaction and the originality
is to have 3 subjects instead of 2 as in RU-FACS (ruf,
2006) or RECOLA (Ringeval et al., 2013). So, we can
consider two directions within databases of groups of
people: images or videos with with a group of pe-
ople facing the camera in order to estimate the overall
emotion of the group or videos of a group interaction
in order to study social interaction.
At last, we report very few databases with time
lapse between acquisitions for each subject. To the
best of our knowledge, this has been proposed only in
3 databases. In Smile Database (Schmidt and Cohn,
2001), only spontaneous smiles are acquired in two
sessions recorded a year apart. In Multi-PIE (Gross
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 8: Classification of the databases according to the annotation characteristics A.1 (facial features), A.2 (AUs), A.3 (emo-
tional labels) and A.4 (emotional dimensions). The following formatting distinguishes databases: no particular formatting for
posed databases, bold for spontaneous databases and italic for in-the-wild databases
Annotation Databases
A.1 (facial
BU-3D FE, BU-4D FE, Bosphorus, B3D(AC)2, Smile Database, IEMOCAP, CK+, MUG,
NVIE, UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive, DISFA, AVEC 2013
AViD-Corpus, BP4D-Spontaneous, GFT, AFEW, SFEW, AM-FED, Vinereactor
A.2 (AUs) CK, MMI, D3DFACS, ICT-3DRFE, DISFA+, Smile Database, RU-FACS, CK+, MMI+,
UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive, DISFA, CAS(ME)2,
BP4D-Spontaneous, GFT, AM-FED, Aff-Wild, Vinereactor
JAFFE, CK, FABO, Radboud Faces, UT-Dallas, EmoTABOO, BINED, IEMOCAP, CK+,
SEMAINE, NVIE, CAM3D, DynEmo, CAS(ME)2, BioVid Emo, BAUM-1, Belfast
UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive, MAHNOB-HCI, DEAP,
DynEmo, RECOLA, AVEC 2013 AViD-Corpus, Belfast Naturalistic, EmoTV, VAM,
AM-FED, Aff-Wild
et al., 2010), 4 acquisitions of 5 expressions were
done over the course of 6 months. In AVEC 2013
AViD-Corpus (Valstar et al., 2013), there are between
1 and 4 acquisitions for each subject recorded two
weeks apart. It could be interesting to go further in
this direction in order to study the stability of facial
expression reaction to a particular event or the vari-
ation of behavior over time. This kind of problems
could be of great interest for human-computer inte-
raction or medical application for monitoring an indi-
vidual’s emotional state.
In this paper, we presented a survey of facial expres-
sion databases. We identified 18 characteristics to
describe a database and we grouped them in 6 catego-
ries. We reviewed each characteristic and brought to
light the differences between posed, spontaneous and
in-the-wild databases. We finished the paper with the
future directions: enhancing crowd sourcing to build
in-the-wild databases with a greater variety of expres-
sions, building databases with groups of people and
building databases with time lapse between acquisi-
tion for each subject.
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For a purpose of clarity, the references are not inclu-
ded in section 2. We report here the corresponding
references to all the databases we review.
Table 9: References of posed databases.
Database Reference
ADFES (Van Der Schalk et al., 2011)
B3D(AC)2 (Fanelli et al., 2010)
BAUM-1 (Zhalehpour et al., 2016)
Bosphorus (Savran et al., 2008)
BU-3D FE (Yin et al., 2006)
BU-4D FE (Yin et al., 2008)
CK (Kanade et al., 2000)
D3DFACS (Cosker et al., 2011)
DISFA+ (Mavadati et al., 2016)
FABO (Gunes and Piccardi, 2006)
anziger et al., 2006)
ICT-3DRFE (Stratou et al., 2011)
IEMOCAP (Busso et al., 2008)
JAFFE (Lyons et al., 1998)
KDEF (Lundqvist et al., 1998)
MMI (Pantic et al., 2005)
MPI (Kaulard et al., 2012)
MUG (Aifanti et al., 2010)
Multi-PIE (Gross et al., 2010)
NVIE (Wang et al., 2010)
OULU-CASIA (oul, 2009)
PICS - Pain
(han, 2013)
Radboud Faces (Langner et al., 2010)
University Of
(Black and Yacoob, 1997)
Table 10: References of spontaneous databases.
Database Reference
AVEC 2013
(Valstar et al., 2013)
BAUM-1 (Zhalehpour et al.,
BINED (Sneddon et al., 2012)
BioVid Emo (Zhang et al., 2016)
BP4D-Spontaneous (Zhang et al., 2014)
CAM3D (Mahmoud et al., 2011)
CAS(ME)2 (Qu et al., 2016)
CK+ (Lucey et al., 2010)
DEAP (Koelstra et al., 2012)
DISFA (Mavadati et al., 2013)
DynEmo (Tcherkassof et al.,
EmoTABOO (Zara et al., 2007)
ENTERFACE (Savran et al., 2006)
GFT (Girard et al., 2017)
IEMOCAP (Busso et al., 2008)
MAHNOB-HCI (Soleymani et al., 2012)
MMI+ (Valstar and Pantic,
MUG (Aifanti et al., 2010)
NVIE (Wang et al., 2010)
PICS - Stirling ESRC
3D Face Database
(han, 2013)
RECOLA (Ringeval et al., 2013)
RU-FACS (ruf, 2006)
SAL (Douglas-Cowie et al.,
SEMAINE (McKeown et al., 2010)
Smile Database (Schmidt and Cohn,
Shoulder Pain
Expression Archive
(Lucey et al., 2011)
UT-Dallas (Toole et al., 2005)
Table 11: References of in-the-wild databases.
Database Reference
AFEW (Dhall et al., 2012)
Aff-Wild (Zafeiriou et al., 2016)
AM-FED (McDuff et al., 2013)
Belfast Naturalistic (Douglas-Cowie et al.,
CHEAVD (Li et al., 2016)
EmoTV (Abrilian et al., 2005)
HAPPEI (Dhall et al., 2015)
SFEW (Dhall et al., 2011)
VAM (Grimm et al., 2008)
Vinereactor (Kim and Vangala, 2016)
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications