A Machine Translation Approach for Medical Terms
Alejandro Renato, Jos
e Casta
no, Pilar
Avila, Hern
an Berinsky, Laura Gambarte, Hee Park,
David P
erez, Carlos Otero and Daniel Luna
Departamento de Inform
atica en Salud, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Controlled Vocabulary, Description Terms, Machine Translation.
We describe the task of translating clinical term descriptions from Spanish to Brazilian Portuguese. We build a
statistical machine translation system (SMT) using in-domain parallel corpora and available machine learning
tools. The performance of this SMT was compared with general purpose machine translation systems available
online. We used different techniques to validate the result of the different systems, using reference domain
terminology and the occurrence of translated descriptions in a corpus of medical scientific literature and in
domain specific web pages. We also use two sets of 1000 description terms that were revised and checked by
a Portuguese speaker. The performance of the SMT we built had very good preliminary results.
Electronic health records (EHR) use controlled vo-
cabularies in order to give proper semantic inter-
pretations. SNOMED CT is a well known con-
cept hierarchy that provides a conceptual interpre-
tation, mapping terms descriptions to concepts in
many languages. Unfortunately, there is no version
for SNOMED CT in Portuguese, and the process of
translating SNOMED CT (as any specific ontology)
to a new language is a long and costly process that
requires careful human supervision (Reynoso et al.,
2000). Also given SNOMED CT is a proprietary the-
saurus, it cannot be freely translated without a proper
license and following a number of required steps.
In order to obtain a controlled terminology vocab-
ulary for Portuguese, we use our interface Spanish
vocabulary which extends SNOMED CT. The Hos-
pital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA) was imple-
mented in 2002 (?; ?). Each term in HIBA thesaurus
is mapped via a direct relation or using compositional
post-coordinated expressions to SNOMED CT as its
reference vocabulary. At present, it has 207000 post-
coordinated concepts in its terminology system. The
HIBA terminology services have been developed over
a period of more than ten years facing the challenges
of mapping new terms automatically and encoding
new expressions as well as characterizing those terms
that provide no interpretation or partial meaning. The
terminology system allows the use of free text de-
scriptions providing more expressiveness and flexi-
bility and adaptability to different medical practices.
It provides alternative synonym expressions and fine
grain information description and interpretation. De-
scriptions terms are short texts, mostly 3 to 5 words
long. Also, it has the advantage that historical use in-
formation can be used to prioritize frequent terms and
to detect new terms.
We analyze alternative possibilities to translate
automatically HIBA description terms to Portuguese
(see (Schulz et al., 2013) for a comparison of Hu-
man vs Machine translation of SNOMED CT in Ger-
man). An initial automatic translation might provide
a good starting point for a controlled vocabulary in
Portuguese. Due to the characteristics of medical de-
scriptors - short texts, specific vocabulary, simple syn-
tax and reduced semantic ambiguity - the task of au-
tomatic translation is presented as a possibility to ob-
tain good results. A controlled vocabulary provides a
robust alternative to mitigate some of the problems
of natural languages, in particular, ambiguity (Ny-
berg et al., 2003). Also, the possibility of translating
these description terms from Spanish presents a good
opportunity due to the transparency existing between
both languages.
General purpose automatic translation systems,
such as Microsoft (Bing) Translator, Google Trans-
late, IBM Language Translator and many others face
the complex task of translating texts without specific
domain customization.
However, medical texts are not exempt from syn-
onymy and ambiguity. Terms such as dolor de cabeza
Renato, A., Castaño, J., Ávila, P., Berinsky, H., Gambarte, L., Park, H., Pérez, D., Otero, C. and Luna, D.
A Machine Translation Approach for Medical Terms.
DOI: 10.5220/0006555003690378
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 369-378
ISBN: 978-989-758-281-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(headache), and cefalea (cephalea) are examples of
synonymy. Abbreviations and acronyms are most
critical examples of ambiguity, they usually have dif-
ferent meaning according to medical discipline: OD
in Spanish can mean, right ovary, right ear or right
Synonymy can be partially dealt taking advantage
of the linguistic proximity between Spanish and Por-
tuguese since many of the words present in Spanish
have their counterpart in Portuguese as the following
examples show:
(1) dolor de cabeza (Spanish)
dor de cabec¸a (Portuguese)
(2) cefalea (Spanish)
(3) migra
(4) jaqueca
It is not clear whether a general purpose machine
translation system can provide reasonable results in
this domain and if so which of the available ones
would fit best to the task. Also, it is not clear whether
it is possible to build a customized SMT for this do-
main using machine learning tools. Building a cus-
tomized SMT with reasonable performance requires
the availability of parallel corpora in the correspond-
ing languages.
Medical descriptions can be reduced to simple
noun (NP) and prepositional phrases (PP). An ap-
proach that takes advantage of these characteris-
tics has already been discussed (Koehn and Knight,
2003), demonstrating that a dedicated translation sub-
system can have better performance than general pur-
pose SMT by incorporating special modeling and fea-
The need for the availability of SNOMED on-
tology in Portuguese has been addressed previously.
(Barcelos Junior et al., 2008), propose a relational
database as a form of access to SNOMED-CT through
a mapping with DeCS. (Pacheco, 2009) has a sim-
ilar approach but using NLP tools as the interface
to different languages: English, German, Spanish
or French. (Silva et al., 2015) have worked on the
translation of UMLS ontologies from Portuguese to
Portuguese from Brazil, through the creation of an
algorithm for translation between languages. (Lu-
cas Emanuel Silva e Oliveira, 2016) have attempted
an approach based also on pattern matching, be-
tween ICD-9, DBPedia and SNOMED CT using also
Google Translator.
However, we have not found previous attempts to
build a dedicated SMT for this task. There is an open-
source general purpose Portuguese-Spanish SMT re-
ported (Armentano-Oller et al., 2006).
The remainder of this work is organized as fol-
lows, in Section 2, we describe a preliminary evalu-
ation of available general purpose SMTs. Section 3
describes the implementation of an SMT for Spanish-
Portuguese in the medical domain (M-SMT). Finally,
in Section 5 we discuss results and future work.
In this section, we describe a series of experiments
which aimed to assess the feasibility of using SMTs
to translate a large data-set of medical terms. The
goal of these experiments and its description here is
to provide a set of tests that can provide a good in-
dicator whether an automatic translation task and ref-
erence data have some chances to provide a starting
point for a curated human translation of a controlled
terminology (Koehn and Haddow, 2009). Currently,
the source terminology system in Spanish has a pop-
ulation close to two million terms. We expected that
general purpose SMTs could be cross-domain robust
enough to provide a starting point and speed up a pro-
cess of curated translation. We also considered nec-
essary to provide some source of automatic validation
of the translations proposed by a SMT. For this pur-
pose, we compiled a database of medical terms which
can be used to guarantee at least that a translated term
belongs to the domain. It should be noted that be-
ing a medical term does not imply that a translated
term preserves the same meaning. The second alter-
native considered that a high number of hits provided
by Google Search could provide some confidence on
the proposed translation. A low-frequency term can
be considered as a strong indicator of a dubious trans-
lation and can be used to filter the translation. Both
the database of medical terms, the use of a search en-
gine on reference domain texts in the target language,
and several SMT can be used as tools in a model
of computer-assisted translation (Bowker and Fisher,
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
2.1 Compilation of Portuguese Medical
We used several sources to compile a dataset of Por-
tuguese medical description terms. The purpose of
this dataset was to obtain a set of controlled refer-
ence description terms. If a translated term is in this
set, it is at least an existing medical term, although it
might not be a proper translation. It should be noted
that many automatic translations of medical terms
do not produce syntactic or semantically well-formed
terms. Semantic transparency between Spanish and
Portuguese provides some confidence that a translated
term existing in a controlled reference set be a proper
translation. A total of 190,381 unique terms was com-
piled. We looked for different terminological sources
to compile this dataset. We detail the sources as fol-
lows in Table 1.
Table 1: Source medical vocabularies.
163,171 DeCS Health Science Descriptors
8,982 Dicionario M
edico (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (pdf)
6,714 Vocabulario de Medicina (pdf)
20,907 wikipedia medicine 2017-02.zim
6,078 Diccionario de Termos M
edicos e de Enfermagem (pdf)
9,567 http://www.dicion
The total terms (including repetitions) that orig-
inated from different sources was 215,419 which
shows there is an intersection of 25,038 description
terms coming from more than one source. It should
be noted that the source of most description terms is
DeCS Health Science Descriptors.
2.2 Initial Experiments on Most
Frequent Terms
A set of the 1262 most frequent terms from the HIBA
terminology database was selected to assess the be-
havior of Google Translate.
Each term was trans-
lated by phrase and by word. Also, the Google API
was used to check the number of hits each trans-
lated term had on Google search. Each translation
was checked against the data-set of compiled medical
From these most frequent set, 471 were validated
against the compiled dictionary of terms, 67 were val-
idated by the number of hits using Google Search:
they had more than 500 hits (an arbitrary threshold
The arbitrary number of 1262 corresponds to a database
selection of the 1000 most frequent concepts and their syn-
We use the term validate informally here, and it makes
reference to the possibility of a human using the database
of terms to check if the MT is correct.
selection) and 724 (57%) were not validated by either
It was apparent that Google translation by word
had most of the times syntactic ill-formed terms.
There were also some weird translations: Spanish
ıo (cold) was incorrectly translated as Portuguese
ıo (cold) and Accidente cerebrovascular (stroke)
was translated as Portuguese golpe (stroke)
. Span-
ish angina de pecho was incorrectly translated as Por-
tuguese angina, missing part of the information. This
situation was not isolated but there were other exam-
ples in which the translation was semantically incon-
This set of translations was verified and alterna-
tive translations were provided by a second language
Brazilian Portuguese speaker and linguist.
Out of the
471 translations validated against the compiled dictio-
nary, there were 79 (16%) which had disagreements
(0.832 agreement). Clearly, most of them might be
considered alternative translations. Even some of
them were acronyms which were correctly translated
by Google translator:
(5) TTH (cefal
eia tensional)
Tension-type headache (TTH)
From the 67 additional translations that had more
than 500 hits, there was more disagreement: only 27
agreed (40%). Some disagreements looked like alter-
native translations:
(6) dor
in the
(7) cancro do p
ancreas vs. c
ancer p
pancreatic cancer
The remaining 724 non validated phrase trans-
lations had much less agreement: only 227 agreed
(29%) .
A subset of 933 terms was used to measure agree-
ment between translators: using Google Translate
338 (36%) agreed with human translator and 595
disagreed. Regarding Bing, 342 translated terms
agreed with the human translator and 591 disagreed.
From these 342 terms, 216 (63%) agreed with Google
Translate and 126 did not.
As these results show, there was only about half of
We suppose that these translations were caused because
Google might be using English as an intermediate step in
the translation. However, Spanish resfr
ıo com
un was cor-
rectly translated as Portuguese resfriado com
We did not have available a domain native speaker to
perform the translation.
A Machine Translation Approach for Medical Terms
the most common terms that could be translated with
a certain confidence. These results describe more an
initial assessment on using SMTs and reference ter-
minology to assist human translation than a formal
MT comparison. Later on, we made a more thor-
ough comparison of the three automatic translators,
Google, Bing and our M-SMT using SMT. It will be
discussed in more detail in Section 3 (Tables 3 and 4).
2.3 Experiments with Larger Data-sets
A second experiment was performed using a set of
17000 terms which were mapped to children concepts
from the 1000 concepts selected in the previous ex-
periment. A partial corpus of scientific medical pa-
pers was collected (see next section), to use for vali-
dation. Systran ( www.systranet.com), was also used
as a translator. And a very preliminary version of an
SMT we implemented was tested. We used Google
Search for hits on a set of about ten sites of the med-
ical domain in Brazilian Portuguese. Search was re-
stricted to the medical domain because search without
domain restriction returned many results which were
not trustworthy. The following table 2 shows the re-
Table 2: Validation possibilities over 17,000 terms.
759 validated using database of terms
955 validated using medical papers
1123 showed co-incidence between three systems
360 hits in domain sites
13897 no validation
A partial conclusion of this experiment was that
Bing Translator performed better than Google Trans-
late in the domain, and at that an early stage the M-
SMT developed with parallel corpora was close to
Bing Translator. Systran showed an apparent lower
quality translation in the domain. These results show
that available online SMTs have a limited capability
to assist the translation process of medical description
Then we selected the 88,000 most frequent terms
from the terminology database and run translation
with Google, Bing, our M-SMT. From these, 3,990
could be validated as terms using the compiled term
database. We didn’t run Google Search. There was
a number of 9,212 translated terms which showed the
same translation using Google, Bing and M-SMT. We
discuss this dataset of 88,000 terms and the M-SMT
in the next section.
In order to build an SMT for medical terms, we de-
cided to follow several steps. First, we had to compile
two corpora: a) a parallel corpus for Spanish and Por-
tuguese and b) a reference corpus of medical texts in
Portuguese to obtain an adequate language model for
this domain. The purpose of the first corpus is to train
the automatic translation engine and the purpose of
the second one is to validate the translations based on
its language model. At a second stage, the parallel
corpus was used to train the automatic translation en-
gine. Then the Spanish data-set of 88,000 terms from
the HIBA thesaurus was translated into Portuguese.
Finally the translations were validated according to
their presence in the reference corpus.
3.1 Parallel Spanish-Portuguese Corpus
The parallel training corpus was constructed using the
following corpus:
The ICD-10 version in Portuguese of Brazil
10890 sentences
DeCS- version in Brazilian Portuguese and Span-
73515 sentences.
EMEA(Tiedemann, 2009) version in Portuguese
and Spanish
1084906 sentences
A total of 3100 additional frequent words which
did not have a translation were translated by the
Portuguese speaker.
3.2 A Reference Corpus of Portuguese
Scientific Medical Texts (PSMT)
The PSMT corpus was compiled using three sources:
ICD-10 corresponds to the 2008 version of CID that
was downloaded from the site: DATASUS, ”Department
of Infomatica do SUS”, Ministry of Health of Brazil.
The version in Spanish ICD 10, version 2008, was
downloaded from the site of the ”Pan American Health Or-
ganization” ais.paho.org
The DeCS (Descriptors in Health Sciences) was cre-
ated from MeSH with the objective of the use of common
terminology for research in three languages (Portuguese,
English and Spanish). It is a vocabulary with approximately
29,000 descriptors, of which 23,963 were MeSH, 218 Sci-
ence and Health, 1,951 Homeopathy, 3,486 Public Health
and 828 Health Surveillance
The corpus EMEA was downloaded from
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
Medical publications from SciELO.
The Portuguese part of the corpus of the parallel
corpus corresponding to ICD-10 and BIREME.
The vademecum in Brazilian Portuguese was con-
verted to text.
This text was considered impor-
tant since it contains detailed names of patholo-
gies, pharmacological products and drugs.
We selected the set of journals under the subject
Health Sciences, comprising 114 publications from
the Medical publications available at SciELO ”Scien-
tific Electronic Library Online”, Brazil.
We down-
loaded from Scielo the complete publications. Ap-
proximately 180,000 documents were obtained in pdf
format. The documents were converted to text format
using Tika (https://tika.apache.org), which was also
used for language detection. Those texts in which the
detected language was Portuguese or Galician (the de-
tector tends to find texts where there are paragraphs in
Portuguese and Spanish as Galician) were selected.
Approximately 70,000 items were made available.
The text was split into sentences and tokenized (us-
ing OpenNLP). Sentences with frequent words in En-
glish and Spanish (common in bibliographical notes
and summaries) were removed, otherwise words in
those languages would generate false positives when
searching for Portuguese phrases.
3.2.1 Medical Descriptors from the Spanish
The 88000 occurrences of the most frequent descrip-
tors have a vocabulary of 16541 words. In order not to
leave words outside the vocabulary, the occurrence of
each word was searched within the parallel corpus of
texts in Spanish and Portuguese. Within the corpus,
each text contributed the following amounts:
EMEA (7885)
ICD-10 (4033)
DeCS (6392)
Vademecum (438)
There were 10111 unique words in the above cor-
pora vocabulary, and there were 6430 OOV (out of
vocabulary) words, i.e. words that were in the Span-
ish source vocabulary and were not found in the par-
allel corpus. In order to solve the OOV words various
The library is the result of a research project of
FAPESP - Foundation for Research Support of the State of
ao Paulo, in collaboration with BIREME - Latin American
and Caribbean Center for Information on Health Sciences.
Has the support of CNPq - National Council for Scientific
and Technological Development. http://www.scielo.br/
strategies were used to obtain a translation for these
words. These translations were validated using the
PSMT corpus.
The first strategy consisted in searching OOV
Spanish words in the Portuguese corpus, since in
some cases, such as drugs or pathologies the same
word is used in both languages with no significant
changes, after accentuation normalization.
Second, the strategy was to change regular mor-
phological suffixes in Spanish by the corresponding
Portuguese ones. For instance, those words ending in
the suffix -ci
on in Spanish usually have a Portuguese
counterpart written as -c
ao. Words ending in -itis or
-isis in Spanish meaning ’em inflammation usually
have a Portuguese translation ending in -ite and -ise
respectively. After these transformations, the result-
ing words were searched in the corpus.
Third, it is possible to find compound words
(Compound Splitting) that can easily be broken down
into simple words, such as: vesiculo- .., eritemato-,
uretero-, .
Fourth, we tried to relate the words by ortho-
graphic similarity. For this purpose, we used the tool
aspell. A dictionary was created with those words
obtained from Portuguese texts and corrected those
words that were in Spanish (which keep similarity
with the words of Portuguese, for example: gener-
ating a set of lists of suggestions. Suggestions were
sought with the context as they appeared in Spanish.
In this way, it was possible to reduce the OOV
from 6430 to 2450. It should be noted that these
words are generally low-frequency words in the cor-
pus of 88000 descriptions, most of them having a sin-
gle occurrence within the corpus.
A final attempt to reduce even further the OOV
word was performed searching for possible transla-
tions in domain dictionaries and Google search.
3.3 The Medical-SMT
In order to implement an SMT, we used Moses
(Koehn et al., 2007) software, a phrasal-based prob-
abilistic machine translation engine, which was used
by many teams at the recent First Conference on Ma-
chine Translation (WMT-16)(Bojar et al., 2016). In-
put sequences are segmented into a number of (non-
linguistic) phrases, each phrase is translated using a
phrase translation table and allow for reordering of
phrases in the output. No phrases may be dropped
or added. The texts of the parallel corpus were di-
vided into sentences, tokenized and converted to low-
ercase. Those sentences that did not meet various
requirements were eliminated. The resulting cor-
pus was 120,214 sentences. The Spanish corpus
A Machine Translation Approach for Medical Terms
was constituted by a vocabulary of 105852 differ-
ent words whereas the Portuguese vocabulary was
101506 words (excluding numbers). Then a Por-
tuguese language model was built with the texts com-
ing from the PSMT corpus described in 3.2. A
trigram model was built using KenLM software in
Moses (Koehn et al., 2007) software. The resulting
model had 1748668 unigrams, 14659827 bigrams and
47825896 trigrams.
4.1 SMT Evaluation
In order to evaluate the performance of the M-SMT
translator and to compare it with available general
purpose translators, we used measurements from the
MT scientific community. METEOR is based on ”the
harmonic mean of unigram precision and recall, with
recall weighted higher than precision” (Denkowski
and Lavie, 2014). TER (Snover et al., 2006) is an
error metric that measures the number of edits re-
quired to change a system output into one of the ref-
erences. The software used was Meteor (Denkowski
and Lavie, 2014) and Multeval(Clark et al., 2011).
BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002; Och and Ney, 2003)
is a metric whose objective is to show the closest
proximity between machine translation and the one
performed by a human being. BLEU is language
independent and it is one the most widely used au-
tomated methods to determine machine translation
A BLEU score ranges from 0 to 1. The more
the translation correlates with human translation, the
closer the score gets to one. BLEU metric is able to
measure how many words overlap in a given transla-
tion and a reference translation, with sequential words
being given higher scores. Scores below 15% indi-
cate that the machine translation is unable to provide
a translation and a high level of post-editing is re-
quired. Scores greater than 30% indicate that trans-
lations can be understood. Scores above 50% indi-
cate better quality translations. It should be noted that
there is a great variation between SMT performance
in different corpora:
Google (Johnson et al., 2016) reports a BLEU
Score of 44.40 for Portuguese to English Transla-
tion and a Score of 38.40 for English to Portuguese
Translation using Google internal datasets. (Masselot
and Ribiczey, 2010) reports a BLEU score of 68.31
for Spanish-Portuguese in the software domain and
(Aziz and Specia, 2011) report a BLEU performance
of 71.49 also for Spanish-Portuguese translation us-
ing a parallel corpus from a scientific Brazilian jour-
nal (Pesquisa FAPESP Online) using Moses toolkit.
Google Translate performance using sentences
from the UniversalDoctor project in the medical
domain using English as source language had the
following performance: French, 24.30, Portuguese
19.51, Spanish 26.34 (Costa-juss
a et al., 2012)).
The results reported in First Conference on Ma-
chine Translation (WMT16) used also English as a
main language (Bojar et al., 2016) and reported re-
sults in the Biomedical domain with separate tests
for health and biological articles. The results cor-
responding to health articles are as follows: En-
glish/Portuguese (19.01), Portuguese/English 21.50,
English/Spanish 29.47, Spanish/English 29.05 and
English/French 22.75.
We performed two evaluations were performed:
(a) on the corpus of 1262 most frequent terms (see
Tables 3 and 4) and (b) on a corpus of 1000 descrip-
tions randomly selected from the 88014 descriptions
described in Section 2 (see Tables 5 and 6).
Table 3: Machine Translation comparison - 1262 most fre-
quent descriptions.
Parameters M-SMT Google Bing
Test Words 2677 2509 2695
Ref. Words 2612 2612 2612
Chunks 378 704 717
Precision 0.8501 0.6681 0.6850
Recall 0.8719 0.6513 0.6892
f1 0.8608 0.6596 0.6871
fMean 0.8652 0.6534 0.6880
Penalty 0.0024 0.083 0.078
Final Score 0.8443 0.6016 0.6338
Table 4: Metric scores on 1262 most frequent descriptions.
Metric System Avg s
BLEU M-SMT 58,9 2,1
Bing 22,4 1,8
Google 18,7 1,6
METEOR M-SMT 46,9 0,8
Bing 30,4 0,6
Google 26,6 0,6
TER M-SMT 23,8 1,2
Bing 51,5 1,4
Google 51,3 1,2
Length Moses 104,9 0,6
Bing 103,4 0,9
Google 96,0 0,8
In the second evaluation, we used 1000 manually
corrected sentences to evaluate the performance of
the three translation systems M-SMT, Google Trans-
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
late and Bing Translator. The results show that an
SMT trained with domain-specific corpora signifi-
cantly outperforms general purpose translators.
Table 5: Machine Translation Comparison.
Parameters Moses Google Bing
Test Words 4654 4782 4230
Ref. Words 4561 4561 4561
Chunks 359 1397 1345
Precision 0.9488 0.6595 0.7615
Recall 0.9606 0.6791 0.7296
f1 0.9547 0.6692 0.7452
fMean 0.9570 0.6731 0.7389
Penalty 0.0089 0.6096 0.6778
Final Score 0.9485 0.6096 0.6778
Table 6: Metric scores on 1000 random descriptions.
Metric System Avg s
BLEU Moses 86,7 0,9
Bing 41,8 1,4
Google 37,9 1,4
METEOR Moses 60,7 0,6
Bing 36,5 0,5
Google 33,1 0,5
TER Moses 8,0 0,6
Bing 40,5 1,1
Google 44,5 1,0
Length Moses 102,0 0,3
Bing 101,5 0,5
Google 92,7 0,6
It can be observed that there are differences be-
tween the performance in the two data-sets. M-SMT
and Bing performed better in the random selected de-
scriptions than in the most frequent description set.
There are two reasons for this. Most frequent de-
scriptions, due to their frequency might have more
synonym expressions, which might not be captured
in the evaluation. The second reason is that there
might be a bias in the random set because the transla-
tions were corrected using as a source M-SMT trans-
lation. Looking at the BLEU metrics 58.9% for most
frequent descriptions and 86,7% for the random set
are consistent with the Spanish-Portuguese scores re-
ported on other domains ( 68.31% (Masselot and
Ribiczey, 2010) and 71.49% (Aziz and Specia, 2011))
mentioned above.
4.2 Error Analysis
General purpose machine translation produced vari-
ous types of errors. They can be mentioned in order
of importance:
a) OOV words are usually translated into English
or left in Spanish
(8) gastrinoma relapse (”incorrect”)
recidiva de gastrinoma (”correct”)
gastrinoma relapse
(9) laringobronquitis (”incorrect”)
laringo-bronquite (”correct”)
b) Translation to a hyperonym phrase,
(10) dor na parte de tr
as de ambas as m
aos (”incorrect”)
dor no dorso de ambas as m
aos (”correct”)
pain in the back of both hands
(11) ferida nas pernas (”incorrect”)
leg injury
ferida na regi
ao pr
e-tibial (”correct”)
pre-tibial injury
c) Translate to most common synonym in colloquial
language instead of medical term
(12) caroc¸o na glabela (”incorrect”)
carotid in the glabella
ao na glabela (”correct”)
tumor in the glabella
(13) dorm
encia no brac¸o (”incorrect”)
Numbness in the arm
parestesia no brac¸o (”correct”)
paresthesia in the arm
d) Change of grammatical category
(14) queimando em ambos os olhos (”incorrect”, verb )
encia em ambos os olhos (”correct”, noun )
burning in both eyes
(15) queimar na m
ao e n
adega (”incorrect”, infinitive )
burn hand and buttock
queimadura da m
ao e n
adega (”correct” , noun )
burn of hand and buttock
e) Syntactic ill formed constructions, an adjective
depends on the wrong noun. Penalty in terms of frag-
mentation is indicative of these errors. It is related to
word order, which tends to have a tendency toward
English syntax in online translators.
(16) menor alergia a amoxicilina (”incorrect”)
lower allergy to amoxicillin
alergia menor a amoxicilina (”correct”)
allergy lower to amoxicillin
(17) direito de plantac¸
ao de dermatite (”incorrect”)
A Machine Translation Approach for Medical Terms
Planting right dermatitis
dermatite plantar direita (”correct”)
plantar dermatitis right
M-SMT using Moses trained translation presented
the following problems:
a) OOV words
(18) alergia ao
oleo da polpa de durazno (”incorrect”)
allergy to peach pulp oil
(19) alergia ao
oleo da polpa de p
essego (”correct”)
allergy to peach pulp oil
b) Oscillating orthography (a part of the corpus
had words with spelling in European Portuguese)
(20) abcesso s
eptico intra-raquidiano (”incorrect”)
intra-spinal septic abscess
abscesso s
eptico intra-raquidiano (”correct”)
intra-spinal septic abscess
c) Compound medical terms, especially drugs
with a hyphen, possibly misaligned in training.
(21) alergia ao mesilato de alfa diidroergocristina
allergy to alpha dihydroergocristine mesylate
alergia ao mesilato de alfadihidroergocristina
allergy to alpha dihydroergocristine mesylate
4.3 Automatic Validation of Results
using Reference Corpus
In order to validate the translation of the set of 88014
medical descriptors we searched for the translation
in the reference PSMT corpus of medical publica-
tions described in 3.2, and then the nominal phrases
contained in these descriptors were searched in the
same corpora. We show results in Table 7, description
length in number of words has a variation between 1
and 28.
Table 7: Medical Descriptors found in Medical Literature.
( MTL: mean term length, # words ).
Percent Total Terms MTL
Found 31.96% 28131 3.55
Not Found 68.04% 59883 5.15
Total 100% 88014 4.64
In a third evaluation, we searched nominal chunks
in the reference corpus. We have verified that more
complex nominal phrases can be decomposed into
simpler phrases. So those descriptions that were not
found in the reference corpus were split into nominal
chunks, for instance:
(22) (NP carcinoma basocelular lobulado) (PP da pele
da regi
ao malar esquerda)
(NP lobular basal cell carcinoma) (PP of the skin
of the left malar region)
was split in:
(23) carcinoma basocelular lobulado
lobular basal cell carcinom
(24) pele
(25) regi
ao malar esquerda left malar region
Another difficulty we have observed is due to the
fact that in medical descriptions laterality must be
recorded (if the body location is right or left), but this
information is not relevant in scientific texts. Then,
we removed those words indicating laterality to per-
form search.
(26) contus
ao no antebrac¸o [ esquerdo ]
Contusion in the forearm [left]
Simplified nominal chunks from descriptions had
a word length between 1 and 12. As in the previ-
ous case, these chunks were searched in the corpus of
medical literature. Table 8 shows the results for to-
tal unique nominal chunks (type) and Table 9 for total
nominal chunk occurrences (tokens).
Table 8: Nominal Phrase from Descriptors found in Medical
Corpora (Unique terms).
Percent Total Terms MTL
Found 50.21% 23099 2.08
Not Found 49.79% 22903 2.65
Total 100% 88014 2.37
Table 9: Nominal Phrase from Descriptors found in Medical
Corpora (Total of terms).
Percent Total NPs MTL
Found 57.71% 97984 1.50
Not Found 42.28% 71776 1.99
Total 100% 169760 1.90
It can be observed that those strings that were
There are other properties required in medical descrip-
tions that are not relevant in scientific texts, such as, the
finger specification or month of pregnancy, but we did not
implement any simplification to search simplified nominal
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
not found correspond to those descriptions of greater
word length. In some cases, this may be due to the
fact that longer medical descriptions generally have a
sentence structure with bare verbs and a telegraphic
style. This type of constructions is not very com-
mon neither in the training corpus nor in the corpus
of scientific texts. Also, additional human translators
should translate the two test sets and a proper mea-
surement for human inter-translator agreement should
be obtained.
We explored the use of alternative tools to assist the
translation of medical terminology from Spanish to
Portuguese. General purpose SMTs showed a num-
ber of deficiencies which limited their use for this
purpose. We implemented an M-SMT for Spanish-
Portuguese translation which showed much better
performance than general purpose ones. The work
described here showed that an approach based on us-
ing parallel corpora and linguistic mappings to reduce
out of vocabulary words have been successful to ad-
dress the problem with very good performance. In
future work, we will consider the use of other tools
and techniques to improve the results of a SMT for
the medical domain.
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HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics