Our experiments revealed that the 239 antibiotic-
bacteria pairs in our cleaned dataset follow a different
distribution over time. The SVR methods are better at
making predictions of the susceptibly three years into
the future. However, linear regression, linear SVR,
and Gaussian SVR are all very close when predict-
ing the next two years of susceptibility. However,
given the different distributions of antibiotic-bacteria
pairs over time, model selection techniques utilizing
the previous year’s predictions are shown to generate
more reliable predictions for the target year. As we
have identified the reasons our models are not always
able to predict future susceptibility well, we increase
our confidence in the remaining predictions.
These predictions can be used to treat patients un-
til the antibiograms from the previous year are col-
lected and to prepare for future years. In particu-
lar, these results are useful for tertiary care facilities
and long term care facilities in Massachusetts that re-
ceive patients from a wide catchment area. Addition-
ally, state epidemiologists and drug companies can
use these predictions to guide policies, research, and
drug development for upcoming years. While these
aggregated predictions are of limited use to individ-
ual facilities as each facility can observe unique re-
sistance patterns, the methodology can be applied to
local data to develop more targeted predictions.
Given the magnitude of antibiotic resistance
data, we will continue to explore the Massachusetts
statewide antibiogram dataset. Our next steps in-
volve the design of new and the refinement of existing
model selection strategies to improve prediction abil-
ity as well as the exploration of the prediction abilities
of additional machine learning methods.
This work is supported by WPI and the US Depart-
ment of Education P200A150306: GAANN Fellow-
ships to Support Data-Driven Computing Research.
We thank Dr. Jian Zou, Tom Hartvigsen, Olga Poppe,
and Caitlin Kuhlman at WPI, Matthew Tlachac at
University of Minnesota, and Alfred DeMaria at
MDPH for their input on this work. We thank the
DSRG community at WPI for providing a stimulating
research environment.
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