We actually know that there are not universal
datamining techniques or methodologies to deal with
every kind of problem or task. For length of hospital
stay prediction we think that only unsupervised
models can achieve the best results, because there is
a lack precise guidelines and best practices capable
to infer exactly the period of staying of patients,
especially in those contexts characterized by rapid
changes in technologies and organizational settings.
In other words the knowledge of human experts in
these cases cannot be exploited to define an accurate
LoS prediction system.
For this reason in our research we have focused on
unsupervised machine learning algorithms, in
particular clustering algorithms and self-organizing
We have obtained encouraging results through the
use of subsymbolic models like the Growing Neural
Gas by B. Fritzke in a previous research work, but
now we are trying to develop more “intelligent” data
analysers which are also capable to give a human-
understandable explanation of their predictions. A
response produced according to a logic formalism
could indeed support decision makers in their health
resources and services management activities.
That is why we have chosen an A-type unorganised
Turing machine to process the admission forms of
hospital patients. The structure itself of the model
could be used like a kind of “dynamic” guideline to
be taken into consideration by a group of human
experts in order to optimally organize the healthcare
activities performed on patients.
The knowledge acquired by an unorganised Turing
machine through its pattern of NAND gates
connections could also be used to produce an
explanation of the reasons that led the system to its
LoS predictions as we have demonstrated in this
preliminary work.
We stopped the training just after having reached the
prediction accuracy of the most performant decision
tree algorithm represented by the J48. Also this
model could be used to build a knowledge
representation to approach the LoS prediction
problem. But its tree-like structure probably is too
simple to generate the complex set of rules to be
used in these kind of decision processes.
We think that these first results can be further
improved adopting another unorganised Turing
machine model, that is the B-type one (Turing,
1948). Also a B-type may contain any number of
NAND gates connected in any pattern. Turing just
added the further condition that each unit-to-unit
connection must pass through a modifier device. The
modifier state can be set in “pass mode”, in which
the output of a NAND gate passes through it
unchanged, or in “interrupt mode”, in which the
signal is always 1, no matter what the output of the
NAND gate is (Copeland and Proudfoot, 1996). The
presence of the modifiers can enable what Turing
described as “appropriate interference, mimicking
We are going to design and test a two-phase
training, similar to the one proposed by Teuscher
and Sanchez (2000), with a first “evolutive” phase
where the best network configuration is selected,
and a “learning” phase where the switches of
NAND gates are enabled and properly configured to
optimize the prediction accuracy rate.
Special thanks go to Eng. Antonio Di Giorgio for his
support in Weka datamining processes.
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HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics