input suggest that a missing haptic experience does
not necessarily have to lead to a bad overall UX. To
the contrary, the study has shown that a worse per-
forming device/input technique can still have a good
perceived UX. The good UX results for both touchful
and semi-touchless input in the category Perspicuity
have shown that users understood the input technique
quickly. Also, the good results for touchful and es-
pecially semi-touchless input in the category Stimu-
lation are conclusive (e.g., scores of 1.1 and 1.0 for
motivating/demotivating for semi-touchless and tou-
chful, 0.4 for touchless input). Some results (e.g., the
good results for semi-touchless and touchful input for
Novelty) might be less significant as they might have
been biased by the prototypic nature of the devices
and the resulting “novel” impression. Yet, this poten-
tial bias is only present in a small part of the results.
Most semantic differentials suggest a clear focus on
the interaction with the device, not its appearance.
7.3 Subsequent Work
We expect our results to generalize to interaction tasks
in a similar complexity category while they might dif-
fer with varying complexity and DoF, which should
be analyzed in consecutive studies. We believe that
such studies will reveal interesting findings on the
dependence of need for haptics on task complexity
and expect that with increasing complexity of the in-
teraction tasks, the importance of haptics increases
as well. We already conducted a qualitative study
with users with motor and cognitive impairments, see
(Augstein et al., 2017a), which revealed a much stron-
ger dependence on haptic guidance, compared to non-
impaired users: almost all participants gained their
best results for Regularity, ContinuousRegularity and
Time with touchful input. Regarding subjective im-
pressions, results were relatively balanced.
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The Role of Haptics in User Input for Simple 3D Interaction Tasks - An Analysis of Interaction Performance and User Experience