there are functionalities to be implemented, such as
the existence of other types of tasks and the possi-
bility of existing user groups. The creation of a new
type of task is due to the need, in some situations, to
repeat a task several times, producing in this way dif-
ferent outputs. In order to avoid this complexity in
the workflow, and because the system is prepared to
create new types of tasks, the next step will be to im-
plement a task that can be completed several times.
The possibility of groups of users is a necessity that
is beginning to be felt due to the growth of registered
users, and with the existence of groups, the creation
of studies becomes faster, because the study manager
can simply create a group and reuse it whenever nec-
This work has received support from the EU/EFPIA
Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking
(EMIF grant n. 115372)
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