backscattering is linked to the structural and
functional parameters of tissues. These analyses are
required for characterization of optical phantoms in
medical applications.
Figure 10: Amplitude profile for the three phantoms.
The work presented here describes the preparation of
solid static phantoms of agarose and intralipid. They
are tested using single-channel time domain NIRS
system. The phantom design presented is easy to
prepare and can be used to get inhomogeneous
samples with preferred optical properties. Using
similar procedures, it is possible to get multi-layered
structure with varying optical properties so as to
mimic real brain tissues. The NIRS system design is
based on a dual‐core ARM Cortex‐A9 processor
(myRIO Student Embedded Device) and have high
speed NIRS data acquisition rate. For this study, we
attempted to see the affect of scattering agent in the
medium on photo detector output. Similar attempts
can be made on sophisticated designed phantoms
that replicate the real brain. Such experiments
provide an insight in analysis of in vitro complex
This work was supported by DST-DAAD project
(POCT-NIRS), Indian Institute of Technology
Mandi, MeitY, Govt of India and University
Medical Center Freiburg. The authors would like to
thank Prof. Dr. Ulrich G. Hofmann, Rand K.
Almajidy for their significant suggestions and help
regarding this work.
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BIODEVICES 2018 - 11th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices