Automatic Query Image Disambiguation
for Content-based Image Retrieval
Björn Barz and Joachim Denzler
Computer Vision Group, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, 07743 Jena, Germany
Content-based Image Retrieval, Interactive Image Retrieval, Relevance Feedback.
Query images presented to content-based image retrieval systems often have various different interpretations,
making it difficult to identify the search objective pursued by the user. We propose a technique for overco-
ming this ambiguity, while keeping the amount of required user interaction at a minimum. To achieve this,
the neighborhood of the query image is divided into coherent clusters from which the user may choose the
relevant ones. A novel feedback integration technique is then employed to re-rank the entire database with
regard to both the user feedback and the original query. We evaluate our approach on the publicly available
MIRFLICKR-25K dataset, where it leads to a relative improvement of average precision by 23% over the
baseline retrieval, which does not distinguish between different image senses.
Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) refers to the
task of retrieving a ranked list of images from a po-
tentially large database that are semantically similar
to one or multiple given query images. It has been a
popular field of research since 1993 (Niblack et al.,
1993) and its advantages over traditional image re-
trieval based on textual queries are manifold: CBIR
allows for a more direct and more fine-grained en-
coding of what is being searched for using example
images and avoids the cost of textual annotation of
all images in the database. Even in cases where such
describing texts are naturally given (e.g., when sear-
ching for images on the web), the description may
lack some aspects of the image that the annotator did
not care about, but the user searching for that image
In some applications, specifying a textual query
for images may even be impossible. An example is
biodiversity research, where the class of the object
on the query image is unknown and to be determi-
ned using similar images retrieved from an annotated
database (Freytag et al., 2015). Another example is
flood risk assessment based on social media images
(Poser and Dransch, 2010), where the user searches
for images that allow for estimation of the severity
of a flood and the expected damage. This search ob-
jective is too complex for being expressed in the form
© Mike Bitzenhofer
© Madison
© kris krüg
© thejbird
© Emmanuel Szp
Baby + Hand
© Tim Rogers
© fui :-)
© TIO...
© meg hourihan
© ThomasLife
© meg hourihan
© meg hourihan
© Tim Rogers
© Fernando
© ThomasLife
© -cr
© brighter than sunshine
© sarmax
© Tony Kwintera
© Todd Vanderlin
Figure 1: An example of query image ambiguity. Given the
query image in the center, the user might be searching for
any of the topics listed around it, which do all appear inter-
mixed in the baseline retrieval results. All images are from
the MIRFLICKR-25K dataset (Huiskes and Lew, 2008).
of keywords (e.g., “images showing street scenes with
cars and traffic-signs partially occluded by polluted
water”) and, hence, has to rely on query-by-example
In the recent past, there has been a notable amount
of active research on the special case of object or in-
stance retrieval (Jégou et al., 2010; Arandjelovi
c and
Zisserman, 2012; Jégou and Zisserman, 2014; Ba-
benko and Lempitsky, 2015; Yu et al., 2017; Gordo
et al., 2016), which refers to the task of only retrie-
ving images showing exactly the same object as the
query image. Approaches for solving this problem
Barz, B. and Denzler, J.
Automatic Query Image Disambiguation for Content-based Image Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0006593402490256
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have reached a mature performance on the standard
object retrieval benchmarks recently thanks to end-to-
end learned deep representations (Gordo et al., 2016).
However, in the majority of search scenarios,
users are not looking for images of exactly the same
object, but for images similar, but not identical to the
given one. This involves some ambiguity inherent in
the query on several levels (an example is given in
Figure 1):
1. Different users may refer to different regions in
the image. This problem is evident if the image
contains multiple objects, but the user may also
be looking for a specific part of a single object.
2. If the user is searching for images showing objects
of the same class as the object in the query image,
the granularity of the classification in the user’s
mind is not known to the system. If the query sho-
wed, for example, a poodle, the user may search
for other poodles, dogs, or animals in general.
3. A single object may even belong to multiple ort-
hogonal classes. Given a query image showing,
for instance, a white poodle puppy, it is unclear
whether the user is searching for poodles, for pup-
pies, for white animals, or for combinations of
those categories.
4. The visual aspect of the image that constitutes the
search is not always obvious. Consider, for ex-
ample, an oil painting of a city skyline at night as
query image. The user may search for other ima-
ges of cities, but she might also be interested in
images taken at night or in oil paintings regard-
less of the actual content.
Given all these kinds of ambiguity, it is often impos-
sible for an image retrieval system to provide an accu-
rate, satisfactory answer to a query consisting of a
single image without any further information. Many
CBIR systems hence enable the user to mark relevant
and sometimes also irrelevant images among the initi-
ally retrieved results. This relevance feedback is then
used to issue a refined query (Rocchio, 1971; Jin and
French, 2003; Deselaers et al., 2008). This process,
however, relies on the cooperation and the patience of
the user, who may not be willing to go through a large
set of mainly irrelevant results in order to provide ex-
tensive relevance annotations.
In this work, we present an approach to simplify
this feedback process and reduce the user’s effort to a
minimum, while still being able to improve the re-
levance of the retrieved images significantly. Our
method consists of two steps: First, we automati-
cally identify different meanings of the query image
through clustering of the highest scoring retrieval re-
sults. The user may select one or more relevant clus-
ters based on a few preview images shown for each
cluster. We then apply a novel re-ranking technique
that adjusts the scores of all images in the database
with respect to this simple user feedback. Note that
the number of clusters to choose from will be much
smaller than the number of images the user would
have to annotate for image-wise relevance feedback.
Our re-ranking technique adjusts the effective dis-
tance of database images from the query, so that ima-
ges in the same direction from the query as the se-
lected cluster(s) are moved closer to the query and
images in the opposite direction are shifted away.
This avoids error-prone hard decisions for images
from a single cluster and takes both the similarity
to the selected cluster and the similarity to the query
image into account.
For all hyper-parameters of the algorithm, we pro-
pose either appropriate default values or suitable heu-
ristics for determining them in an unsupervised man-
ner, so that our method can be used without any need
for hyper-parameter tuning in practice.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: We briefly review related work on relevance
feedback in image retrieval and similar clustering ap-
proaches in Section 2. The details of our proposed
Automatic Query Image Disambiguation (AID) met-
hod are set out in Section 3. Experiments described in
Section 4 and conducted on a publicly available data-
set of 25,000 Flickr images (Huiskes and Lew, 2008)
demonstrate the usefulness of our method and its ad-
vantages over previous approaches. Section 5 sum-
marizes the results.
The incorporation of relevance feedback has been a
popular method for refinement of search results in in-
formation retrieval for a long time. Typical approa-
ches can be divided into a handful of classes: Query-
Point Movement (QPM) approaches adjust the ini-
tial query feature vector by moving it towards the di-
rection of selected relevant images and away from ir-
relevant ones (Rocchio, 1971). Doing so, however,
they assume that all relevant images are located in a
convex cluster in the feature space, which is rarely
true (Jin and French, 2003). On the other hand, appro-
aches based on distance or similarity learning opti-
mize the distance metric used to compare images, so
that the images marked as relevant have a low pair-
wise distance, while having a rather large distance
to the images marked as irrelevant (Ishikawa et al.,
1998; Deselaers et al., 2008). In the simplest case,
the metric learning may consist in just re-weighting
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
the individual features (Deselaers et al., 2008). Spea-
king of machine learning approaches, classification
techniques are also often employed to distinguish be-
tween relevant and irrelevant images in a binary clas-
sification setting (Guo et al., 2002; Tong and Chang,
2001). Finally, probabilistic approaches estimate the
distribution of a random variable indicating whether
a certain image is relevant or not, conditioned by the
user feedback (Cox et al., 2000; Arevalillo-Herráez
et al., 2010; Glowacka et al., 2016).
However, all those approaches require the user
to give relevance feedback regarding several images,
which often has to be done repeatedly for succes-
sive refinement of retrieval results. Some methods
even need more complex feedback than binary rele-
vance annotations, asking the user to assign a rele-
vance score to each image (Kim and Chung, 2003) or
to annotate particularly important regions in the ima-
ges (Freytag et al., 2015).
In contrast, our approach keeps the effort on the
user’s side as low as possible by restricting feedback
to the selection of a single cluster of images. Re-
solving the ambiguity of the query by clustering its
neighborhood has been successfully employed be-
fore, but very often relies on textual information (Zha
et al., 2009; Loeff et al., 2006; Cai et al., 2004), which
is not always available. One exception is the CLUE
method (Chen et al., 2005), which relies solely on
image features and is most similar to our approach.
In opposition to CLUE, which uses spectral cluste-
ring for being able to deal with non-metric similarity
measures, we rely on k-Means clustering in Euclidean
feature spaces, so that we can use the centroids of the
selected clusters to refine the retrieval results.
A major insufficiency of CLUE and other existing
works is that they fail to provide a technique for in-
corporating user feedback regarding the set of clus-
ters provided by the methods. Instead, the user has
to browse all clusters individually, which is not opti-
mal for several reasons: First, similar images near the
cluster boundaries are likely to be mistakenly located
in different clusters and, second, a too large number of
clusters will result in the relevant images being split
up across multiple clusters. Moreover, the overall set
of results is always restricted to the initially retrieved
neighborhood the query.
Our approach is, in contrast, able to re-rank the en-
tire dataset with regard to the selection of one or more
clusters in a way that avoids hard decisions and takes
both the distance to the initial query and the similarity
to the selected cluster into account.
Our automatic query image disambiguation method
(AID) consists of two parts: The unsupervised iden-
tification of different meanings inherent in the query
image (cf. Section 3.1), from which the user may then
choose relevant ones, and the refinement of the retrie-
val results according to this feedback (cf. Section 3.2).
The entire process is illustrated exemplarily in Fi-
gure 2.
3.1 Identification of Image Senses
In the following, we assume all images to be represen-
ted by d real-valued features, which could be, for ex-
ample, neural codes extracted from a neural network
(cf. Section 4.1). Given a query image q R
a database B R
with n
= |B| images, we first re-
trieve the m nearest neighbors X = {x
B of q from the database. We employ the Euclidean
distance for this purpose, which has been shown to be
a reasonable dissimilarity measure when used in com-
bination with semantically meaningful feature spaces
(Babenko et al., 2014; Yu et al., 2017; Gordo et al.,
In the following, this step is referred to as base-
line retrieval and will usually result in images that are
all similar to the query, but with respect to different
aspects of the query, so that they might not be similar
compared to each other (cf. Figure 2a). We assume
that database items resembling the same aspect of the
query are located in the same direction from the query
in the feature space. Thus, we first represent all retrie-
ved neighbors by their direction from the query:
| {z }
i = 1, . . . , m
, (1)
where k·k denotes the Euclidean norm. Discarding
the magnitude of feature vector differences and focu-
sing on directions instead has proven to be beneficial
for image retrieval, e.g., as so-called triangulation em-
bedding (Jégou and Zisserman, 2014).
We then divide these directions
X of the neighbor-
hood into k disjoint clusters (cf. Figure 2b) using k-
Means (Lloyd, 1982). For inspection by the user, each
cluster is represented by a small set of r images that
belong to the cluster and are closest to the query q.
This is in opposition to CLUE (Chen et al., 2005),
which represents each cluster by its medoid. Howe-
ver, this makes it difficult for the user to assess the
relevance of the cluster, since the medoid has no di-
rect relation to the query anymore.
Automatic Query Image Disambiguation for Content-based Image Retrieval
Sense 2
Sense 3
Sense 1
Figure 2: Left: Illustration of query image disambiguation and refinement of retrieval results. In this example, the user
selected Sense 1 as relevant. Right: Schematic illustration of the data representation at each step in 2-d space.
The proper number k of clusters depends on the
ambiguity of the query and also on the granularity of
the search objective, because, for instance, more clus-
ters are needed to distinguish between poodles and
cocker spaniels than between dogs and other animals.
Thus, there is no single adequate number of clusters
for a certain query, but the same fixed value for k is
also likely to be less appropriate for some queries than
for others. We hence use a heuristic found in literature
for determining a query-dependent number of clusters
based on the largest Eigengap (Cai et al., 2004):
1. Construct an affinity matrix A R
with A
i, j
η ·kˆx
2. Compute the graph Laplacian L = D A with
= diag(s
), where s
i, j
3. Solve the generalized eigenvalue problem Lv =
λDv and sort the eigenvalues λ
in as-
cending order, i.e., λ
··· λ
4. Set k
= argmax
This heuristic has originally been used in combination
with spectral clustering, where the mentioned eigen-
value problem has to be solved as part of the cluste-
ring algorithm. Here, we use it just for determining
the number of clusters and then apply k-Means as
usual. The hyper-parameter η can be used to control
the granularity of the clusters: a smaller η will result
in fewer clusters on average, while large η will lead
to more clusters. In our experiments we set η =
and cap the number of clusters at a maximum of 10 to
limit the effort imposed on the user.
3.2 Refinement of Results
Given a selection of ` relevant clusters represented by
their centroids
C = {c
}, we re-rank all ima-
ges in the database by adjusting their effective dis-
tance to the query, so that images in the same di-
rection as the selected clusters are moved closer to
the query, while images in the opposite direction are
shifted away and images in the orthogonal direction
keep their original scores. The images are then sorted
according to this adjusted distance (cf. Figure 2c).
Let x B denote any image in the database,
= kxqkits Euclidean distance to the query (al-
ready computed during the initial retrieval) and σ(x)
the cosine similarity between the direction from q to x
and from q to the center of the relevant cluster closest
to x, formally:
= max
(x q)
k·kx qk
. (2)
We define the adjusted distance score
δ(x) of x as
= δ(x) sign(σ(x)) ·|σ(x)|
·β, (3)
where β > 0 is a constant that we set to β
) to ensure that even the most distant da-
tabase item can be drawn to the query if it lies exactly
in the selected direction. The hyper-parameter γ 0
controls the influence of the user feedback: for γ > 1,
Note that clustering has been performed on
X, so that
the centroids represent (unnormalized) directions from the
query as origin.
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
only the distances of images matching the selected di-
rection more exactly will be adjusted, while for γ < 1
peripheral images are affected as well. We consider
γ = 1.0 a good default and use this in our experiments.
Note that Equation (3) allows for “negative dis-
tances”, but this is not a problem, because we use the
adjusted distance just for ranking and it is not a proper
pair-wise metric anyway due to its query-dependence.
4.1 Setup
Dataset. We evaluate the usefulness of our ap-
proach for image retrieval on the publicly availa-
ble MIRFLICKR-25K dataset
(Huiskes and Lew,
2008), which consists of 25,000 images collected
from Flickr. All images have been annotated with a
subset of 24 predefined topics by human annotators,
where a topic is assigned to an image if it is at least
somewhat relevant to it (“wide sense annotations”). A
second set of annotations links topics to images only
if the respective topic is saliently present in the image
(“narrow sense annotations”), but these annotations
are only available for 14 topics. Note that a single
image may belong to multiple topics, which is in ac-
cordance with the ambiguity of query images.
The median number of images assigned to such
a “narrow sense” topic is 669, with the largest to-
pic (“people”) containing 7,849 and the smallest one
(“baby”) containing 116 images. Narrow sense topics
are available for 12,681 images, which are on average
assigned to 2 such topics, but at most to 5.
We use all of those images to define 25,002 test-
cases: Each image is issued as individual query for
each of its assigned topics and the implied goal of the
imaginary user is to find images belonging to the same
topic. Due to the inherent ambiguity of a single query
image, relevance feedback will be necessary in most
cases to accomplish this task.
Image Representations. Following the concept of
Neural Codes (Babenko et al., 2014), we extract fe-
atures for all images from a certain layer of a con-
volutional neural network. Specifically, we use the
first fully-connected layer (fc6) of the VGG16 net-
work (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) and reduce the
descriptors to 512 dimensions using PCA. We do ex-
plicitly not use features from the convolutional lay-
ers, although they have been shown to be superior for
object retrieval when aggregated properly (Babenko
and Lempitsky, 2015; Zhi et al., 2016). This does,
however, not hold for the quite different task of ca-
tegory retrieval, where the fully-connected layers—
being closer to the class prediction layer and hence
carrying more semantic information—provide better
results (Yu et al., 2017).
Evaluation Metrics. Since the output of our image
retrieval system is a ranked list of all images in the
database, with the most relevant image at the top, we
measure performance in terms of mean average pre-
cision (mAP) over all queries. Though this measure
is adequate for capturing the quality of the entire ran-
king, it takes both precision and recall into account,
whereas a typical user is seldom interested in retrie-
ving all images belonging to a certain topic, but puts
much more emphasis on the precision of the top re-
sults. Thus, we also report the precision of the top κ
results for 1 κ 100.
Because k-Means clustering is highly initializa-
tion-dependent, we have repeated all experiments 5
times and report the mean value of each performance
metric. The standard deviation of the results was less
than 0.1% in all cases.
Simulation of User Feedback. We investigate two
different scenarios regarding user feedback: In the
first scenario, the user must select exactly one of the
proposed clusters and we simulate this by choosing
the cluster whose set of preview images has the high-
est precision. In the second scenario, the user may
choose multiple or even zero relevant clusters, which
we simulate by selecting all clusters whose precision
among the preview images is at least 50%. If the user
does not select any cluster, we do not perform any re-
finement, but return the baseline retrieval results.
A set of r = 10 preview images is shown for each
cluster, since ten images should be enough for asses-
sing the quality of a cluster and we want to keep the
number of images the user has to review as low as
possible. Note that our feedback simulation does not
have access to all images in a cluster for assessing its
relevance, but to those preview images only, just like
the end-user.
The Competition. We do not only evaluate the
gain in performance achieved by our AID method
compared to the baseline retrieval, but also compare
it with our own implementation
of CLUE (Chen
et al., 2005), which uses a different clustering stra-
tegy. Since CLUE does not propose any method to
The source code of our implementation of AID and
CLUE is available at
Automatic Query Image Disambiguation for Content-based Image Retrieval
Figure 3: Performance of our AID approach compared with baseline retrieval, CLUE, and hard cluster selection on the same
set of clusters as used by AID.
incorporate user feedback, we construct a refined ran-
king by simply moving the selected cluster(s) to the
top of the list and then continuing with the clusters in
the order determined by CLUE, which sorts clusters
by their minimum distance to the query.
For evaluation of the individual contributions of
both our novel re-ranking method on the one hand
and the different clustering scheme on the other hand,
we also evaluate hard cluster selection (as used by
CLUE) on the same set of clusters as determined by
AID. In this scenario, the selected clusters are simply
moved to the top of the ranking, leaving the order of
images within clusters unmodified.
The number m of nearest neighbors of the query
used as input in the clustering stage should be large
enough to include images from all possible meanings
of the query, but larger m also imply higher compu-
tational cost. We choose m = 200 as a trade-off for
both, CLUE and AID.
4.2 Quantitative Results
The charts in Figure 3 show that our AID approach is
able to improve the retrieval results significantly, gi-
ven a minimum amount of user feedback. Re-ranking
the entire database is of great benefit compared with
simply restricting the final retrieval results to the se-
lected cluster. The latter is done by CLUE and preclu-
des it from retrieving relevant images not contained in
the small set of initial results. Therefore, CLUE can
only keep up with AID regarding the precision of the
top 10 results, but cannot improve the precision of the
following results or the mAP significantly.
AID, in contrast, performs a global adjustment
of the ranking, leading to a relative improvement of
mAP over CLUE by 23% and of P@100 by 21%.
The results for hard cluster selection on the same
set of clusters as used by AID reveal that applying
k-Means on
X instead of X (directions instead of ab-
solute positions) is superior to the clustering scheme
used by CLUE. However, there is still a significant
gap of performance compared with AID, again un-
derlining the importance of global re-ranking.
Interestingly, though AID can handle the selection
of multiple relevant clusters, it cannot take advantage
from it, but multiple clusters even slightly reduce its
performance (cf. Figure 3b). This could not be re-
medied by varying γ either and could be attributed
to the fact that AID considers all selected clusters to
be equally relevant, which may not be the case. If
only the most relevant cluster is selected, in contrast,
other relevant clusters will benefit from the adjusted
distances as well according to their similarity to the
selected one. This is supported by the fact that AID
using a single relevant cluster is still superior to all
methods allowing the selection of multiple clusters.
Thus, we can indeed keep the required amount of user
interaction at a minimum—asking the user to select
a single relevant cluster only—while still providing
considerably improved results.
4.3 Qualitative Examples
For an exemplary demonstration of our approach, we
applied AID with a fixed number of k = 3 clusters
to the query image from Figure 1. The top 8 results
from the refined ranking for each cluster are shown
in Figure 4. It can easily be observed that all clus-
ters capture different aspects of the query: The first
one corresponds to the topic “hands”, the second to
“baby”, and the third to “portrait”.
Note that some images appear at the top of more
than one refined ranking due to their high similarity
to the query image. This is an advantage of AID com-
pared with other approaches using hard cluster deci-
sions, because the retrieved images might be just as
ambiguous as queries and can belong to several to-
pics. In this example, there is a natural overlap bet-
ween the results for the topics “baby” and “portrait”,
but also between “baby” and “hands”, since the hands
of a baby are the prominent content of some images.
A second example given in Figure 5 shows how
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Cluster #1
© brighter than sunshine
© sarmax
© Pablo César Pérez González
© Tony Kwintera
© Mike Bitzenhofer
© Tim Rogers
© Manish Bansal
© meg hourihan
Cluster #2
© Tim Rogers
© Fernando
© ThomasLife
© -cr
© Sean McNamara
© Sean
© Nico
© sallyrye
Cluster #3
© sallyrye
© Tim Rogers
© Fernando
© Madison
© sarmax
© dusdin
© Becky
© kris krüg
Figure 4: Top refined results for the query from Figure 1.
Cluster #2
© Alessandro Capurso
© Lawrence Braun
© Gustavo Veríssimo
© Eric Mueller
© Kai Schreiber
© Antonio Rull
© #4 (Meaghan)
© Jessica
Cluster #1
©G. D®oid »
© Jayme Frye
© Snapp
© Jon Haynes
© Ariel Cruz Pizarro
© kisses are a better fate than wisdom
© Wong Kein Seng
© Kevin
© Ilja Klutman
© Tom Karlo
© Snapp
© Ariel Cruz Pizarro
© Jon Haynes
© Jayme Frye
© strangejourney
© Taro416
© Barb
Figure 5: Baseline and refined results for another query with two different meanings.
AID distinguishes between two meanings of another
query showing a dog in front of a city skyline. While
the baseline ranking focuses on dogs, the results can
as well be refined towards city and indoor scenes.
We have proposed a method for refining content-
based image retrieval results with regard to the users’
actual search objective based on a minimal amount of
user feedback. Thanks to automatic disambiguation
of the query image through clustering, the effort im-
posed on the user is reduced to the selection of a sin-
gle relevant cluster. Using a novel global re-ranking
method that adjusts the distance of all images in the
database according to that feedback, we considerably
improve on existing approaches that limit the retrieval
results to the selected cluster.
It remains as an open question, how feedback con-
sisting of the selection of multiple clusters can be
incorporated without falling behind the performance
obtained from the selection of the single best cluster.
Since some relevant clusters are more accurate than
others, future work might investigate whether asking
for a ranking of relevant clusters can be beneficial.
Furthermore, we are not entirely satisfied with the
heuristic currently employed to determine the number
of clusters, since it is inspired by spectral clustering,
which we do not apply. Since query images are often,
but not always ambiguous, it would also be benefi-
cial to detect when disambiguation is likely to be not
necessary at all.
This work was supported by the German Research
Foundation as part of the priority programme “Volun-
teered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visu-
alisation and Social Computing” (SPP 1894, contract
number DE 735/11-1).
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