characteristics are bright, reflective, white or cream
colored lesions found in the retina (Ravishankar et al.,
2009). These lesions indicate increased vessel perme-
ability and an associated risk of retinal edema. If they
appear close to the macula center, they are considered
as sight threatening lesions. Exudates are often asso-
ciated with microaneurysms.
EyeFundusScope performs automatic detection
of soft and hard exudates based on the work of
(Felgueiras et al., 2016) comprising image pre-
processing, feature extraction and candidate classifi-
Figure 7: Retinal image with exudates. Right image high-
lights the area where the exudates are located.
The ophthalmology department at Hospital Santo
onio, Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Portugal, hosted
this study with patients in a real scenario. Written in-
formed consents were obtained from the patients as
well as the approval from the institution’s research
ethics committee. The main objective of the study
was the validation of the mobile acquisition in di-
abetic patients without intrusive procedures. In the
sense, the acquisition was planned for the duration of
2 minutes per eye. Some patient data had to be reg-
istered: age, type and duration of diabetes, and pres-
ence of Diabetic Retinopathy according to a previous
An Android application was developed to allow
the enhanced hardware control of the camera. Ad-
ditionally, the application was responsible for the
anonymization of the data by generating a unique ran-
domized key for each patient. The images acquired
are divided in two groups, images from the left and
the right eye. A form to insert information about the
patient status was part of the acquisition workflow.
To perform image acquisition the room should
comply with some basic guidelines. The luminosity
should be low and a chair for the patient should be
available. The acquisition should also follow a pro-
tocol. The patient should sit on the chair, remove the
glasses if necessary, and look to a fixed point. While
acquiring images the operator will try to obtain im-
ages around the macula region. After performing this
action on both eyes the acquisition is ended.
The acquisitions took place after the ophthalmolo-
gist appointment and the specialist rated the acquired
images in terms of quality and gave a diagnosis about
Diabetic Retinopathy.
A total of 80 patients were analyzed, 68 of which
suffer from Diabetic Retinopathy. Diabetes type 2
is the predominant condition, and there is no infor-
mation about 4 patients. The acquired database in-
cludes 16 patients with pharmacologic dilation of the
pupil. Based on clinical expert analysis, no cases
were found with the presence of soft exudates. Only
4 cases do not have been analyzed by the Doctor on
both eyes, due to physical conditions of the patients.
The youngest patient acquired was 43 years old and
the oldest was 85 years old. The longest acquisition
with EyeFundusScope took 9 minutes and the fastest
one 4 minutes, being the average 5 minutes per case.
Photocoagulation treatment was already applied
to 30 patients, 12 of which had visible marks that
are noticeable in the acquired images. Analysing
these acquisitions, 7 exams have hard exudates and
4 present microaneurysms. From these photocoagu-
lation cases, 10 have good quality and no presence of
lesions on the acquired quadrants of the eye.
From the complete dataset, 31 acquisitions pre-
sented bad quality, 23 due to acquisition conditions
and 8 due to wrong prototype configuration. The
database has 13 exams where the acquisition difficul-
ties were originated from various patient conditions.
Problems like cataracts, retinal detachment, strabis-
mus and intermittent eyelids movement have a nega-
tive impact on the acquisition process.
The quality image algorithm evaluated the ac-
quired images from all acquisitions, resulting in a to-
tal of 277 good quality images for classification pur-
poses using the DSS.
As expected, the images considered as having bad
quality by the Quality Image Algorithm were auto-
matically excluded. Figure 8 represents the number
of cases with medical diagnosis for which at least
one image was selected after quality filtering. The
class of Other Problems is related with other eye prob-
lems presented on patient eyes, as already mentioned
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics