some compensatory aggregation method to obtain the
score for each alternative in the set (Milutinovic et al.,
2017). This non-interactive approach leaves the deci-
sion maker with little or no control over the score cal-
culation once the criteria weights have been set, and
the role of visualization is thus reduced to presenting
the final results of the computations.
The contributions of this paper in the context of
GIS-MCDA are twofold. We first introduce GISwaps,
a novel approach to multi-criteria decision making in
geospatial applications. GISwaps is an adaptation of
the Even Swaps method (see Hammond et al. (1998,
1999)) to geospatial problems. It presents an intuitive
strategy to simplify the decision process through iter-
ative reduction of decision criteria. Following a re-
view of related work in Section 2, the mechanism of
GISwaps and its relation to EvenSwaps are described
in Section 3. The second and main contribution of
this paper, which is presented in Section 4, is an in-
teractive visualization allowing the decision maker to
explore the consequences of trade-offs and costs ac-
cepted during the iterative decision process, both in
terms of the abstract relation between different deci-
sion variables and in spatial context. In Section 5 we
discuss the benefits of using this interactive visual-
ization in GISwaps for identifying situations and de-
pendencies between alternatives that would otherwise
remain unrevealed.
In a survey of ways of visualizing alternatives in the
context of multiple criteria decision making, Mietti-
nen (2014) gives an overview of commonly known
techniques, such as bar charts, scatterplots and value
paths, as well as a number of techniques using circles,
polygons or icons, techniques based on hierarchical
clustering and projection-based techniques. A num-
ber of different approaches to interactive visualization
in decision making have been suggested. Carenini
and Loyd (2004) propose ValueCharts, a set of in-
teractive visualization methods aimed to help deci-
sion maker in inspecting linear models of preferences
and evaluation. The concept is further developed in
Bautista and Carenini (2006), with ValueCharts re-
designed in order to support all phases of preferential
choice. A Decision Ball model, aimed to assist deci-
sion maker by visualizing decision process based on
even swaps, is presented in Li and Ma (2008). Their
study is of limited use for our method, though, as
it i) is limited to decision making in discrete choice
models (assumes small number of alternatives), and
ii) operates by cancellation of alternatives rather than
criteria, abandoning the very principle of the Even
Swaps method. Kollat and Reed (2007) present a
framework for Visually Interactive Decision-making
and Design using Evolutionary Multi-objective Opti-
mization (VIDEO). The framework is capable of vi-
sually representing up to four objectives (three on X,
Y and Z, and a fourth as a colour) and allows visual
navigation through large sets of alternatives, explor-
ing and visualizing trade-offs.
The need for interactivevisualization in spatial de-
cision making in continuous choice models is signifi-
cant, due to a large number of alternatives. Andrienko
and Andrienko (2003) underline the decision maker’s
need to see how an option is positioned in both the
geographical and the attribute space, as well as how
it compares to other options. Based on that prin-
ciple, the authors have developed CommonGIS, an
own software system for exploratory analysis of spa-
tial data including spatio-temporal data (Andrienko
et al., 2003; Andrienko and Andrienko, 2003, 2004)
Also Malczewski and Rinner (2015) state the impor-
tance of interactive visualization in GIS-MCDM. The
authors make a distinction between geovisualization
of MCDA input (visualizing criteria, visualizing al-
ternatives and visualizing scaled values and criterion
weights) and geovisualization of MCDA results (vi-
sualizing combination rules and parameters and vi-
sualizing model sensitivity). Each of the aforemen-
tioned visualization objectives should assume and
support interactivity (Malczewski and Rinner, 2015).
Jankowski et al. (2001) raise the question of effec-
tive means of using maps as a support to spatial prob-
lems exploration and structuring. The main role (ob-
jective) of using maps in spatial MCDM is the con-
sideration of geographical locations in the process of
deciding trade-offs among the decision criteria. Si-
multaneous representation of both criterion and de-
cision space helps the decision maker define his/her
preferences not only on the base of the attribute data,
but also geography. Jankowski et al. (2001) find that
highly interactive depiction of both criteria and deci-
sion spaces would be more productive for understand-
ing the structure of the decision situation than static
display. Thus, decision procedures should be facili-
tated by highly interactive visualization.
The interactive visualization framework presented
in this paper is inspired and guided by the above prin-
ciples. The framework is designed as an integral part
of GISwaps, a novel method for decision making in
continuous choice models based on Even Swaps.