Figure 6: Precision-Recall curve obtained on the validation
set at the first stage and used for the operating point se-
lection. Red point identifies the selected operating point.
In this paper we have proposed a method for detecting
falls while sporting, with particular reference to the
running. The method is optimized so as to run di-
rectly on board of a wearable embedded device, wit-
hout any additional external server in charge of the
elaboration. The experimental results, conducted over
a dataset made publicly available for benchmarking
purposes, confirm the effectiveness of the proposed
approach, where the possibility of running on embed-
ded devices is not payed in terms of accuracy.
Although the method has been though for de-
tecting falls while running, its architecture is general
enough to also deal with other sports. In the future,
we plan to extend the proposed approach so as to deal
with other typologies of sports. Future works also in-
clude an extension of the dataset and then of the expe-
rimentation, so as to confirm the effectiveness of the
proposed approach.
This research has been partially supported by
A.I.Tech s.r.l. (www.aitech.vision).
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A Wearable Embedded System for Detecting Accidents while Running