Optimization of Person Re-Identification through Visual Descriptors
Naima Mubariz, Saba Mumtaz, M. M. Hamayun and M. M. Fraz
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Public Safety and Security (PSS), Person Re-identification, Metric Learning, Visual Surveillance, Biometrics.
Person re-identification is a complex computer vision task which provides authorities a valuable tool for
maintaining high level security. In surveillance applications, human appearance is considered critical since
it possesses high discriminating power. Many re-identification algorithms have been introduced that employ a
combination of visual features which solve one particular challenge of re-identification. This paper presents a
new type of feature descriptor which incorporates multiple recently introduced visual feature representations
such as Gaussian of Gaussian (GOG) and Weighted Histograms of Overlapping Stripes (WHOS) latest version
into a single descriptor. Both these feature types demonstrate complementary properties that creates greater
overall robustness to re-identification challenges such as variations in lighting, pose, background etc. The new
descriptor is evaluated on several benchmark datasets such as VIPeR, CAVIAR4REID, GRID, 3DPeS, iLIDS,
ETHZ1 and PRID450s and compared with several state-of-the-art methods to demonstrate effectiveness of the
proposed approach.
Person re-identification (re-id) is a computer vision
domain which has the potential to be a powerful se-
curity tool in surveillance applications (Vezzani et al.,
2013). It offers features such as tracking individuals
of interest within a network of cameras or retrieving
video sequences containing targeted individuals etc.
In person re-id task, person descriptors are used to
find the true match of a query subject over a range
of candidate targets which may appear significantly
different in captured images (Yang et al., 2014) (see
Figure 1).
Person re-id is performed in two steps: (a) des-
criptor generation and (b) similarity matching (Yang
et al., 2014). The most challenging aspect of person
re-id is the process of generating descriminative featu-
res. Many feature representation strategies currently
exist and can be classified into two modes, single shot
and multi-shot. In single shot mode, single image
per person is used to describe a person while multi-
shot mode uses multiple images per person to gene-
rate descriptors. In both modes, the extracted features
should be discriminative in nature and robust to chan-
ges in light, pose, background noise, occlusion etc.
Single shot methods usually exhibit low accuracies
since single image is insufficient to correctly repre-
sent an identity. On the other hand, multi-shot met-
hods are able to achieve high accuracies since mul-
tiple images for each individual are utilized to build
a robust descriptor. However, the number of images
used per ID for descriptor generation cannot be too
high since accuracy of the descriptor needs to be ba-
lanced against computation costs. Several methods
have already been proposed that are able to achieve
reasonably high accuracies for person re-id. For ex-
ample, Local Maximal Occurence (LOMO) features
(Liao et al., 2015), ensembles of local features (ELF)
Figure 1: In person re-identification multiple images of a
person are collected by camera A and B. Person detection
algorithms are applied on captured images to separate per-
son from background. Then features are extracted from
images to represent a person. All the extracted features are
concatenated to generate a descriptor. Then descriptors ma-
tching is performed for identification.
Mubariz, N., Mumtaz, S., Hamayun, M. and Fraz, M.
Optimization of Person Re-Identification through Visual Descriptors.
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Gray and Tao, 2008), interative sparse ranking (ISR)
(Lisanti et al., 2015), mid level filters (MLFL) (Zhao
et al., 2014) etc. Most of these feature extraction met-
hods target a specific re-id challenge. LOMO tried
to resolve pose estimation issues while the ELF ap-
proach handles viewpoint changes. The need to deal
with multiple challenges simultaneously in a single
descriptor therefore still exists and is open for impro-
Similarity matching is another serious challenge
for re-id since appearances and pose captured by
disjoint cameras can make subjects appear signifi-
cantly different. Moreover, a large subject gallery can
further reduce uniqueness of descriptors. Devising
methods that can correctly match descriptors can the-
refore be a critical challenge. The complexity further
increases in case of multi-shot methods due to com-
putation costs, as discussed earlier.
In this paper, an effective new descriptor is presen-
ted for re-id algorithms. In order to deal with several
re-id challenges simultaneously, the complementary
benefits of multiple feature types are utilized. Our fe-
ature descriptor incorporates the recently introduced
second version of Weighted Histograms of Overlap-
ping Stripes (WHOS) (Lisanti et al., 2015) as well
as Gaussian of Gaussian (GOG) (Matsukawa et al.,
2016) features into a single descriptor. WHOS featu-
res were first introduced in 2014 and the authors later
proposed an extension to them in June, 2015. Exten-
sive experiments show that our descriptor performed
noticeably better in comparison to other state-of-the-
art approaches on seven benchmark datasets. Expe-
riments were further carried out to compare perfor-
mance of each individual feature type to the perfor-
mance achieved by the proposed descriptor.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 dis-
cusses related work in the domain of person re-id.
Section 3 presents the proposed feature descriptor
while section 4 provides details on datasets, experi-
mental results and state-of-the-art comparison.
Many efforts have been made to solve person re-id
challenge that are mostly focused on feature repre-
sentation and feature matching (Zheng et al., 2016).
2.1 Feature Representation
This process focuses on representing meaningful pa-
tches in an image into numerical vectors which then
act as descriptors for that image. Extensive efforts
have been made for extracting features robust to chan-
ges in illumination, viewpoints, occlusion and intra-
personal appearances (Bazzani et al., 2013; Ma et al.,
2012). (Bazzani et al., 2013) exploited perceptual
principles of symmetry and asymmetry to extract
three different sets of features invariant to viewpoint.
This method is simple yet efficient and can easily be
fused with other similarity matching methods. A mo-
del is proposed by (Datta et al., 2012) that adjusts
variations in illumination settings between two non-
overlapping cameras. Weights are assigned to the
test set based on how closely they resemble the trai-
ning set. Color (HSV, RGB, YCbCr) histogram and
HOG features are used to build unique descriptors.
(Yang et al., 2014) proposed a novel method to solve
the challenge of illumination variations by employing
a color naming scheme instead of color histograms.
Probabilities are assigned to each color name on the
basis of the closeness of that color to a particular co-
lor name. (Zheng et al., 2015) used an unsupervised
bag-of-words approach that describes each person in
visual words. The descriptor has then been fused with
other compatible techniques such as Gaussian masks
to further improve accuracy. A fusion method is in-
troduced in (Mumtaz S et al., 2017), where existing
feature descriptors are fused together into a novel des-
Many recent methods (Martinel et al., 2014; Mar-
tinel et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2013a; Zhao et al.,
2013b; Zhao et al., 2017) have explored saliency in-
formation as a novel feature for re-id. Saliency is de-
fined as the distinctive patches of an image that diffe-
rentiate it from others. The pixels or regions unique in
nature define local salience for any particular image,
this approach is adopted by (Zhao et al., 2013a) to
help avoid incorporation of background information
into feature descriptors. Saliency features proposed
by (Zhao et al., 2013a) are invariant to pose and view-
point variations. (Nguyen et al., 2016) used global sa-
lience to separate background clutter from foreground
and later used local salience for re-id. Their two step
approach ensures that salient patches are extracted pu-
rely from person appearance and ignores any back-
ground noise.
2.2 Feature Matching
The second step of person re-id is devising methods
that will find correct feature matches through distance
formulas and metric learning. LADF model proposed
in (Li et al., 2013) aims to learn an adaptive decision
function. Most metric learning methods aim to re-
duce intra class differences but the idea proposed in
(Zheng et al., 2011) focuses on relative distance com-
Optimization of Person Re-Identification through Visual Descriptors
parison optimization. However, this approach can be-
come unmanageable on large datasets. Since camera
settings vary from camera to camera in a multi camera
network scenario, using a generalized metric learning
approach is a compromise on accuracy. This problem
of variations in multi camera network is tackled by
(Ma et al., 2014b). Multiple metric learning strategy
is proposed by (Ma et al., 2014b) where Mahalano-
bis distances are calculated from images of a single
ID taken from the same camera as well as from diffe-
rent cameras in the network. The method proposed by
(Xing et al., 2003) is simple yet efficient and has been
utilized extensively in other person re-id techniques.
The architectural work flow of the proposed re-id ap-
proach is presented in Figure 2. Features and simi-
larity learning employed in this method to optimize
person re-id are discussed below.
3.1 Feature Representation
3.1.1 Hierarchical Gaussian Features
(Matsukawa et al., 2016) proposed a novel descrip-
tor, namely Gaussian of Gaussian (GOG), that utili-
zes appearance based features. It is a pixel wise fea-
ture extraction method which incorporates hierarchi-
cal distribution of features. Many other such descrip-
tors have been proposed but they lack mean informa-
tion of the extracted features which makes them less
In this method, a part based approach is employed
where the whole image is divided into G regions. The
following are the main components of GOG feature
Dense patch extraction Given a region G1, a win-
dow of k × k size is moved along the region to
Figure 2: Both GOG and WHOSv2 features are extracted
from input images. Feature vectors generated are then con-
catenated to form a single descriptor. In descriptor matching
stage, similarity of query image to gallery image is calcula-
ted using XQDA metric learning and used to determine the
correct ID match.
extract dense features (intensity, gradient and co-
lor) in RGB space from the selected patches. The
pixel features defined as:
= [y, M
, M
, M
, M
, R, G, B]
where f
is a pixel feature for every pixel p in
the region, y is vertical position of pixel, M
, 90
, 180
, 270
are orientation magnitudes in
four directions and R, G, B are color channel va-
lues in RGB color space.
Patch Gaussian Gaussian distribution is applied
on the features extracted to outline the details
within each patch.
Flatten patch Gaussian Gaussian patches are pro-
jected to a tangent space where application of Eu-
clidean algorithm is feasible.
Region Gaussian The same distribution is applied
on the summarized patches to get an overall un-
derstanding of a particular region. To avoid in-
corporating background clutter in the feature vec-
tor, patches are assigned weights. Patches alig-
ned near to center are assigned higher weights in
comparison to other patches since persons are ge-
nerally located in the center of an image.
Feature vector All the region Gaussians {z
are concatenated into an efficient image descrip-
tor, which is defined as:
z = [z
, z
, ..., z
3.1.2 Weighted Histograms of Overlapping
Stripes Version2
Weighted histogram of overlapping stripes (WHOS)
(Lisanti et al., 2015) is another successful state-of-
the-art person image descriptor. An improved ver-
sion of the WHOS descriptor was later released by the
authors in 2015, refered to as WHOSv2. Where the
WHOS descriptor only extracts HS, RGB and HOG
features, WHOSv2 extention adds Lab color histo-
grams and local-binary-pattern (LBP) (Guo et al.,
Feature Extraction
The color histograms are extracted from an
image in two levels: 1) The image is segmen-
ted into eight horizontal regions. 2) The image
is segmented into seven overlapping horizontal
For HOG and LBP features 8 pixels are remo-
ved from the sides and features are extracted
from a grid of n × n cell.
The color and texture histogram based feature
vector H is defined as:
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
H = [HS, RGB, Lab, HOG, LBP] (3)
Epanechnikov mask In both levels, color histo-
grams are weighted using Epanechnikov filters
and later concatenated with texture (HOG, LBP)
features. The color histograms make the descrip-
tor invariant to changes in brightness and Epa-
nechnikov kernel helps exclude background infor-
3.1.3 Fusion
In fusion step (Figure 2), GOG in RGB space
) and WHOSv2 descriptors are simply con-
catenated to form an effective descriptor. The propo-
sed descriptor is defined as:
F = [z, H] (4)
where, z represent GOG
features and H represent
WHOSv2 features. The dimension of GOG
WHOSv2 is 7567 and 5138 respectively. Thus, the
proposed descriptor has 12,705 dimensions.
, the image is divided into 7 regions
(G=7) and 8-dimensional features are extracted from
a window of 5 × 5 (k=5). Features are extracted from
a total of 15 horizontal sections (8 non-overlapping
and 7 overlapping) for WHOSv2 descriptor. The HS
histograms are quantized to 8 × 8 bins, whereas RGB
and Lab contains 4 ×4×4 bins. The HOG histograms
are extracted from a grid of 2 ×2 cells (n=2) and LBP
histogram contains 58 bins.
3.2 Metric Learning
3.2.1 XQDA
XQDA (Liao et al., 2015) has achieved state-of-the-
art performances in person re-id and face recogni-
tion. The metric learning is an extension to Bayesian-
face algorithm (Moghaddam et al., 2000) and KIS-
SME (Koestinger et al., 2012) and is not sensitive
to dimensions rather it learns to reduce dimensi-
ons automatically. XQDA project features into a
discriminative subspace W = (w
, w
, ..., w
) R
and also learns an efficient distance metric. Lets
assume C number of classes with {X , Z} training
set, here X = (x
, x
, ..., x
) R
represent sam-
ples from one view in a space with dimension d and
Z = (z
, z
, ..., z
) R
represent samples from ot-
her view in the same space. The goal of learning
subspace W is to reduce intra-personal and incre-
ase extra-personal differences. The XQDA metric
learning solve the multi-class classification problem
by differentiating between two classes that is intra-
personal variations and extra-personal variations.
4.1 Performance Measure
Rank matching is a commonly used performance me-
trics for person re-id. The task is formulated as a ran-
king problem that gives r matching rates. A Rank
n score therefore shows that the correct match ex-
ists within the first n ranked entries. CMC (cumula-
tive matching characteristic) curves are also compu-
ted to represent rank matching rates. In experiments,
average rank scores are computed over 10 trials. In
each trial, probe images are matched with gallery ima-
ges and rankings are generated based on similarity
4.2 Datasets
Sample images of dataset are presented in Figure 3.
The following benchmark datasets have been used to
test the proposed feature descriptor and re-id appro-
4.2.1 VIPeR
VIPeR (Gray and Tao, 2008) is the most widely used
dataset for person re-id. Image characteristics such
as low resolutions, pose variations, background noise
and illumination conditions make it a challenging da-
taset. It consists of 632 identities taken from two non-
overlapping cameras in an outside setting where two
images are captured per person, one from front view
and other from side view.
Figure 3: Example images show variations in (a) back-
ground (b) viewpoint (c) pose and (d) illumination. Images
are from VIPeR, GRID, ETHZ1 and PRID450s respecti-
Optimization of Person Re-Identification through Visual Descriptors
4.2.2 GRID
The GRID (Loy et al., 2013) captures an underground
station scenario and contains 250 identities and 1275
images in total. There are 250 paired and 775 unpai-
red identities with no actual image match. On average
10 images are collected per person from 8 disjoint
cameras. The images are of poor quality with back-
ground clutter, occlusion and pose variations.
4.2.3 PRID450s
PRID450s (Roth et al., 2014) is extracted from
PRID2011 (Hirzer et al., 2011) and contains 450 iden-
tities captured from two static disjoint cameras. It is a
relatively new dataset and is more realistic compared
to the VIPeR dataset due to significant pose, illumina-
tion, viewpoint and occlusion variations. The dataset
is only suitable for single shot testing as one sample
per person is available.
CAVIAR4REID (Cheng et al., 2011) is generated by
two disjoint cameras in a shopping mall capturing a
real world surveillance scenario. It contains 72 iden-
tities and each identity has on average 10 images per
person. The images collected are of very poor quality
with large occlusion conditions.
4.2.5 3DPeS
The 3DPeS dataset (Baltieri et al., 2011a) is in-
troduced in 2011. This dataset is an extension of
Sarc3D dataset (Baltieri et al., 2011b) with total of
1012 images of 193 identities captured from 8 non-
overlapping calibrated cameras in an outdoor cam-
pus setting. Multiple images, varying from 2 to 26
for each person are available except for one identity
which has only one image. The dataset also includes
masks for all images which assists in removing back-
ground noise in feature extraction process.
4.2.6 iLIDS
The iLIDS (Zheng et al., 2009) is taken from larger
iLIDS MCTS collected in busy public place. Most
of the images have huge illumination variations along
with large occlusion conditions like baggage and cro-
wds. The dataset contains 119 identities with total of
476 images and each person has 4 images on average
with a resolution of 128 × 64.
4.2.7 ETHZ1
ETHZ dataset (Ess et al., 2007; Schwartz and Da-
vis, 2009) is collected in an outdoor street scenario
through a single non-static camera and gives a range
of changes in human appearances. The non-static ca-
mera is an extra challenge of ETHZ dataset that has
3 different sequences and each of them have multi-
ple images per person making it suitable for multi-
shot testing. There are 83 identities with 4857 images
in ETHZ1 dataset with variations in illumination and
4.3 Results
For the experiments, half of the dataset images are
randomly labeled gallery while the remaining half are
labeled as probe. Images are selected randomly for
train and test phases and evaluation is performed in
10 trials to get an average result. Table 1 and 2 pre-
sent comparison of proposed method on the bench-
mark dataset with state-of-the-art methods.
VIPeR is compared with state-of-the-art methods
such as LOMO (Liao et al., 2015), SCNCD (Yang
et al., 2014), kBiCov (Ma et al., 2014a) and others.
The proposed approach at rank 1 recognition rate of
44.97% outperforms the other methods by more than
4%. The performance of proposed feature descriptor
is compared with other methods using CMC as shown
in Figure 4. The comparison show that the propo-
sed approach gives the best performance on the VI-
PeR dataset. In the GRID dataset, 250 paired and 755
unpaired images make up gallery set and remaining
250 makes probe set. The best results reported on
GRID are 16.56% by LOMO (Liao et al., 2015) but
the proposed method outperforms LOMO by 7.12%
as reported in Table 2. LOMO (Liao et al., 2015) re-
port high accuracy on PRID450s dataset. Comparison
with the proposed method shows that it performs even
better with rank 1 rate of 60.93%.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Matching Rate (%)
Figure 4: Comparing performance using CMC curves on
VIPeR dataset.
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: State-of-the-art comparison on benchmark datasets.
R#1 R#20 R#1 R#20 R#1 R#20 R#1 R#20 R#1 R#20 R#1 R#20 R#1
Proposed (GOG+WHOSv2) 44.97 94.84 23.68 68.24 60.93 94.89 35.14 84.81 67.13 96.08 52.64 95.03 97.69
LOMO (Liao et al., 2015) 40.00 91.08 16.56 52.40 58.44 92.31 31.21 82.43 56.46 91.77 41.20 93.51 96.02
SCNCD (Yang et al., 2014) 37.80 90.40 - - 41.6 87.8 - - - - - - -
kBiCov (Ma et al., 2014a) 31.11 82.45 - - - - - - - - - - -
LADF (Li et al., 2013) 30.22 90.44 6.00 41.28 - - 33.28 - 27.0 83.2 - - -
MtMCML (Ma et al., 2014b) 28.83 88.51 14.08 59.84 - - - - - - - - -
SDALF (Bazzani et al., 2013) 19.87 65.73 - - - - 12.25 - - - - - 90.2
KISSME (Koestinger et al., 2012) 19.60 77.00 10.64 43.20 36.31 83.69 33.45 93.26 33.0 78.8 - - -
Results are not reported.
Table 2: Improvement on state-of-the-art methods.
R#1 improve. % R#1 improve. % R#1 improve. % R#1 improve. % R#1 improve. % R#1 improve. % R#1 improve. %
LOMO (Liao et al., 2015) 4.97 7.12 2.49 3.93 10.67 11.44 1.67
SCNCD (Yang et al., 2014) 7.17 - 19.33 - - - -
kBiCov (Ma et al., 2014a) 13.86 - - - - - -
LADF (Li et al., 2013) 14.75 17.68 - 1.86 40.13 - -
MtMCML (Ma et al., 2014b) 16.14 9.6 - - - - -
SDALF (Bazzani et al., 2013) 25.1 - - 22.89 - - 7.49
KISSME (Koestinger et al., 2012) 25.37 13.04 24.62 1.69 34.13 - -
Multi-shot evaluation is performed on full CA-
VIAR4REID dataset. Images are resized to 128 × 48
and 36 identities are assigned for both training and
testing. The proposed method outperforms LOMO by
3.93%. Comparisons with several state-of-the-art per-
son re-id methods including LADF (Li et al., 2013),
LOMO (Liao et al., 2015), SDALF (Bazzani et al.,
2013) and KISSME (Koestinger et al., 2012) are also
presented in Table 1. The Table 2 represent impro-
vement of proposed method and it give high accuracy
compared to state-of-the-art methods. The proposed
approach gives best performance with rank 1 rate of
35.14%. In experiments on 3DPeS, identity 139 was
excluded because re-id cannot be performed on sin-
gle image. Gallery images are picked from camera
view 1 and probe images from camera view 2. As ob-
served in Table 1, the proposed descriptor gives the
best results. The proposed descriptor was also com-
pared with LOMO since both employ same matching
technique. Rank 1 rate of LOMO is 56.46% whereas
the proposed approach improves this result by more
than 10%. The resulting multi-shot CMC are illustra-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Matching Rate (%)
Figure 5: Comparing performance using CMC curves on
3DPeS dataset.
ted in Figure 5 on 3DPeS dataset.
For iLIDS, 60 identities are randomly selected for
training phase and tests are performed on the remai-
ning 59 identities. LOMO (Liao et al., 2015) rank 1
results on iLIDS is 41.20%. Table 1 presents state-
of-the-art methods results and comparison shows that
proposed method have achieved significant impro-
vement on others. The rank 1 rate is more than 50%
and all the methods in comparison report results less
than 42%.
In ETHZ1, total images vary from 7 to 226 per
person. In evaluation, 10 images per person were se-
lected except for 2 identities which have less than 10
images in dataset. Images are selected randomly with
42 identities in training set and 41 identities in test set.
As seen in Table 1, performance of proposed method
is better than both SDALF (Bazzani et al., 2013) and
LOMO (Liao et al., 2015) with recognition accuracy
of 97.69%.
In this paper, we analyzed performances of state-of-
the-art person re-id features. We created a new feature
descriptor that incorporates some of the best perfor-
ming feature extraction methods. The recently intro-
duced GOG and WHOSv2 features were used to com-
pute a discrminative feature descriptor that incorpora-
tes both color and texture information. Extensive ex-
periments on a large number of datasets demonstrate
that the proposed descriptor and similarity matching
works better than the most state-of-the-art re-id algo-
rithms. Re-id accuracy has been improved on VIPeR,
Optimization of Person Re-Identification through Visual Descriptors
and ETHZ1 to 44.97%, 23.68%, 60.93%, 35.14%,
67.13%, 52.64% and 97.69% respectively. While ex-
periments have only been conducted on closed set re-
id datasets, the same descriptor should perform well
in an open set setting as well. For the future, we plan
to perform multimodal person re-id incorporating an-
thropometric measures and thermal features. We hope
to explore their impact on accuracy rates and evalua-
ting their fusion with visual descriptors.
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Optimization of Person Re-Identification through Visual Descriptors