Wrinkles Individuality Preserving Aged Texture Generation using
Multiple Expression Images
Pavel A. Savkin
, Tsukasa Fukusato
, Takuya Kato
and Shigeo Morishima
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Texture Synthesis, Facial Aging, Aged Wrinkles, And Facial Individuality.
Aging of a human face is accompanied by visible changes such as sagging, spots, somberness, and wrinkles.
Age progression techniques that estimate an aged facial image are required for long-term criminal or missing
person investigations, and also in 3DCG facial animations. This paper focuses on aged facial texture and
introduces a novel age progression method based on medical knowledge, which represents an aged wrinkles
shapes and positions individuality. The effectiveness of the idea including expression wrinkles in aging facial
image synthesis is confirmed through subjective evaluation.
Facial aging is widely studied in computer vision
fields. Age classification of input faces has been par-
ticularly well-studied and various methods have been
proposed (Shu et al., 2016).
One of the well-known application for facial age
progression is a criminal investigation. High-quality
aged facial images would help camera-based authen-
tication systems to find such criminals or missing
person. Facial image can be aged with manual as-
sistance by special artists having medical knowledge
(age, 2011), but aging a facial image requires high-
level skills and creating photorealistic aged facial im-
ages of each criminal and missing person worldwide
is impractical. Therefore, creating aged facial images
without special skills has been widely researched.
Since it is recognized in the facial authentication field
that authentication accuracy would be improved by
also considering the skin texture [9], these age pro-
gression methods can be improved by providing ad-
ditional individuality features such as wrinkles, spots,
luster, and somberness.
Aging features undergo two major types of visible
changes: surface skin changes such as spots, somber-
ness, and wrinkles (Farage et al., 2008), and facial
shape changes under sagging or gravity (Coleman and
Grover, 2006). Facial wrinkles are among the most
significant changes, especially in older people. Wrin-
kling is caused by internal factors (reduction in skin
elasticity due to repetitive movements of facial mus-
cles) and external factors (smoking and irradiation by
direct sunlight) (Farage et al., 2008)(Pi
erard et al.,
Figure 1: Workflow of our proposed method. First, by in-
spiring to the medical knowledge, expression wrinkles are
transferred to provide a guideline for the aged face synthe-
sis. Then, a patch-based synthesis approach is conducted
to generate a wrinkles shape- and position-preserving aged
facial image.
2003). Especially, internal factors of a single indi-
vidual are invariant with age. Therefore, it is safe to
say that wrinkling is one of the most important, im-
mutable, and predictable changes in aging.
This paper focuses on aged facial texture and pro-
poses an age progression method based on the med-
ical knowledge (Pi
erard et al., 2003) that aged wrin-
kles emerge from the wrinkles appearing in the ex-
pressions of younger faces (define as expression wrin-
kles). To examine this assumption, we modify the
texture synthesis method. With prepared multiple in-
put facial images: one with a neutral expression (neu-
tral facial image) and others with expression wrinkles
(expression facial images), We transfer the expression
wrinkles onto the neutral facial image, which can be
treated as ”guide wrinkles” that indicates where to
synthesize aged wrinkles. Using the wrinkles trans-
ferred image and a facial images database of the target
Savkin, P., Fukusato, T., Kato, T. and Morishima, S.
Wrinkles Individuality Preserving Aged Texture Generation using Multiple Expression Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0006614405490557
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
age, we represent the age-likeness in wrinkles, spots,
and somberness by a patch-based texture reconstruc-
tion method. To analyze the effectiveness, we cre-
ate a new database with standardized lighting, head
pose, resolution, and races with only Japanese. The
subjective evaluation improved by including the ex-
pression wrinkles in image synthesis under the cre-
ated database, which suggests that the accuracy can
be improved of other age progression methods.
2.1 Linear Combination and Neural
Among the several methods for generating aged facial
images (Shu et al., 2016), most researchers adopt lin-
ear combination models. Several methods based on
active appearance models (AAMs) (Patterson et al.,
2006)(Park et al., 2010)(Suo et al., 2010) have been
proposed. For other methods, Scherbaum et al.
(Scherbaum et al., 2007) reconstructed an aged face
in three dimensions. The average face-based method
that applies the features in average faces of differ-
ent ages to the input facial image while account-
ing for skin color and the lighting environment were
introduced by Kemelmacher et al. (Kemelmacher-
Shlizerman et al., 2014). Shu et al. (Shu et al.,
2015) and Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2016) proposed a
linear combination-based method that preserves age-
invariant individual features or trains age properties
by Hidden Factor Analysis, respectively. The method
of Wang et al.(Wang et al., 2016) and Zhang et al.
(Zhang et al., 2017) proposed a method based on
neural networks, which showed a better performance.
These latest linear combination or neural network-
based methods improve the cross-age face verifica-
tion rate by considering the age-invariant features or
by age-evolution-based training. However, the indi-
viduality can be further improved by considering in-
dividual skin features that are age-dependent, such as
wrinkles, spots, luster, and somberness. Also, gener-
ating highly detailed aged facial images are common
problems in both methods.
2.2 Texture Synthesis
Maejima et al. (Maejima et al., 2014) proposed
an age progression method based on texture syn-
thesis. They synthesized a statistical wrinkle pat-
tern model to an input facial image and then applied
a patch-based reconstruction method called Visio-
lization (Mohammed et al., 2009) by using a database
of a target age. Finally, they synthesized the re-
constructed image to the input facial image. During
the reconstructed image synthesis, they excluded the
eyes, nose, and mouth areas to maintain their individ-
uality. While poorly defined edge textures in linear
combination and neural network methods are prob-
lematic, Maejima et al. employed a reconstruction
approach by using original textures in the database,
rather than combining ones. In this method, account-
ing for the individuality in skin texture would also
achieve a better accuracy.
2.3 Our Method
In all of the above methods, the authentication rate
and visual plausibility of aged facial images can be
improved by considering the aging-induced individu-
ality in skin texture. Our main aim is to provide such
a new features for incorporation into these methods in
texture generation.
Based on medical knowledge and by allowing in-
puts to be multiple images, we assume that the shapes
and positions of wrinkles are individually preserved
in the age progression. To examine its effect cor-
rectly in terms of visual plausibleness, we consider
two things. First, we modify the age progression
method of Maejima et al. (Maejima et al., 2014),
to obtain fine wrinkles in the aged face. Second, to
improve the visual plausibility, we construct a com-
pletely new database with various ages, and with
standardized lighting, head pose, and race with only
Japanese. Fig. 1 shows the workflow of our proposed
method. The shapes and positions of the aged wrin-
kles are estimated from the neutral and expression fa-
cial images. While reconstructing the image using the
target-age database, the local (wrinkles) and global
features (cheek luster etc.) are simultaneously repre-
sented by the modified representation method, which
changes the reconstruction patch size of each facial
area. Finally, the individualities of the eyes, nose, and
mouth are retained by Maejima et al.s approach. Our
main contributions are as follows:
Based on medical knowledge (Pi
erard et al.,
2003), we synthesize an aged facial image con-
taining aged wrinkles that are unique to the input
image. To achieve this, we prepare a neutral facial
image and multiple expression facial images and
estimate the shapes and positions of future wrin-
kles from the expression facial images.
We create a new aging database that is standard-
ized for lighting, head pose, resolution, and race
with only Japanese. This database will be made
publicly available.
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
We simultaneously synthesize aged wrinkles and
other global aging textures by dividing the facial
region into expression wrinkles and other areas.
While Maejima et al. assumed constant patch
sizes, we allow variable patch sizes for each fa-
cial area.
Aging-induced changes in facial appearance have
been widely researched in the medical field. Aging
features have been classified into two types: surface
skin changes such as spots, somberness, and wrinkles
(Farage et al., 2008) and facial shape changes caused
by sagging or gravity (Coleman and Grover, 2006).
Consequently, the facial appearance of an individual
changes greatly over time. Among the most signif-
icant features are facial wrinkles, which occur over
the entire face. On account of their distinctive nature
and wide distribution, wrinkles are used in person ver-
ification (Batool et al., 2013). Pi
erard et al. (Pi
et al., 2003) reported that expression changes cause
wrinkles by repeatedly contracting the facial muscles
in the same positions, destroying the rigid structure
of the subcutaneous connective tissue. Therefore,
expression wrinkles can be a powerful and effective
metric for estimating the shapes and positions of the
future wrinkles.
In our study, we estimate the shapes and positions
of aged wrinkles from not only a neutral facial im-
age but also multiple expression facial images with
expression wrinkles. The input facial images are as-
sumed to be nearly frontal and not occluded. In addi-
tion, as the shapes and positions of expression wrin-
kles are independent of expression categories, we pre-
pare arbitrary single or multiple expression facial im-
ages. Since we focus on generating aged facial tex-
tures, sagging effect was not considered.
We first explain the processing of our aging database.
Patch-based reconstruction by Visio-lization (Mo-
hammed et al., 2009) requires a target age database
representing wrinkles or the age-related features of
skin textures. To prevent reconstruction failure, fa-
cial features such as eyes, nose, and mouth should
be normalized at the same position in aging database.
Therefore, we normalize the shapes and positions of
the facial parts in our database by Maejima et al.s
approach (Maejima et al., 2014). In addition, we
normalize the color in the aging database to that of
the neutral facial images of the input person, as de-
scribed by Kawai et al. (Kawai and Morishima,
2015). This step reduces the color differences be-
tween the database and the input.
This section describes the process of estimating the
shapes and positions of aged wrinkles from facial im-
ages with neutral (Fig. 2(a)) and multiple expres-
sions (Fig. 2(b)). The flow proceeds in three steps:
expression normalization, expression wrinkles detec-
tion, and expression wrinkles transfer.
5.1 Expression Normalization
In Section 3, we mentioned that expression wrin-
kles in an expression facial image can effectively in-
dicate the appearance of aged wrinkles in individu-
als. Therefore, we propose a method that estimates
the shapes and positions of aged wrinkles by trans-
ferring expression wrinkles to a neutral facial im-
age. To accomplish this properly, we take the corre-
spondence between the neutral and expression facial
shapes. First, the facial feature points are obtained
from both images. The correspondence is then calcu-
lated by fitting the 2D facial template model into the
neutral and expression facial images by Noh et al.s
(Noh et al., 2000) method, which smoothly interpo-
lates between the known facial feature points (RBF
centers) by RBF interpolation. Based on the fitted
models, we reshape the expression facial images to
the neutral facial shape by mesh deformation and gen-
erate expression normalized facial images (Fig. 2(c)).
5.2 Detection of Expression Wrinkles
To transfer the normalized expression wrinkles to the
neutral facial image, we detect wrinkles by a simple
automatic approach. The expression normalized fa-
cial images are processed by adaptive binary thresh-
olding. Eight neighbors in a continuous area of the
binary image are then labeled with the same index,
and bounding boxes (blobs) are output for each la-
beled area. The number of significantly large areas
is reduced by the facial feature points and the num-
ber of significantly small areas is reduced by setting
a threshold number of pixels S (In this paper, we set
S = 1.5e +02 when a facial area is about 1000×1000
Wrinkles Individuality Preserving Aged Texture Generation using Multiple Expression Images
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure 2: Input facial images and transfer of expression wrinkles. (a) and (b) are neutral and expression facial images with
expression wrinkles, respectively. (c) Expression facial images normalized to the neutral shape of facial images. (d) Wrinkles
detected images. (e) Wrinkles estimated image, which is generated by transferring the expression wrinkles from (c) to (a).
pixels). The wrinkles are detected by an evaluation
function that depends on the square closeness of the
blobs and the density of the pixels:
φ = α{1.0 |
)|} + (1 α)
where α is a constant weight coefficient (0 α 1),
w and h are the width and height of the blobs, respec-
tively, and s is the number of pixels. The first term de-
scribes the diagonal angle of the blobs from the hor-
izontal line. As this angle approaches π/4, the blob
more closely resembles a square and the first term in
Eq. (1) increases. The second term describes the pixel
density in a blob, and is greater when the pixel density
is higher. Experimentally, we determine α = 0.5 for
φ < 0.8. To reduce the detection of such blobs that are
not wrinkles, we validate the wrinkles by reference to
facial areas. From experiments, the blobs are reduced
by using aspect ratio thresholding h/w > 1.5 around
the eyes and w/h > 1.5 around the mouth. Fig. 2(d)
shows the final detected results.
5.3 Transfer of Expression Wrinkles
The detected wrinkles are transferred to the neutral
facial image, generating the aged wrinkles estimation
result. We apply a seamless blending called Poisson
image editing (P
erez et al., 2003). This method pre-
serves the color of the target images by transferring
the luminance gradient of the source image, thereby
generating a synthesized image. The transfer requires
a source image, a target image, and a mask image
which determines the area to be synthesized. In our
case, the source, target, and mask images Fig. 2(c),
Fig. 2(a), and Fig. 2(d), respectively. Here, we
pass the mask image through a dilation filter. A re-
sult (wrinkles estimated image) is shown in Fig. 2(e).
Any existing wrinkle area in the neutral facial image
is removed from the wrinkle transfer by applying the
same wrinkle detection to the neutral facial image.
6.1 Patch Sizes and Reconstructed
Results Change
When reconstructing an image using the aging
database, the reconstruction results appearance de-
pends on the patch size, as indicated in Fig. 3.
From Fig. 3(b) and (c), it can be seen that the large
patch size reconstruction better represents the features
of the target age, such as wrinkles and somberness,
whereas the small patch size reconstruction better pre-
serves the facial features of the input image, respec-
tively. To retain the shapes and positions of the wrin-
kles estimated image, we apply small-patch recon-
struction to the wrinkle-transferred regions. For other
regions, we apply large-patch reconstruction to repre-
sent the entire facial features of the target age.
6.2 Patch-based Reconstruction using
the Aging Database
Wrinkles estimated image is subjected to patch-based
reconstruction. First, the wrinkles estimated image
is normalized to the average facial shape in the same
way as described for the aging database construction
in Section 4. The division of areas into expression-
wrinkle and non-expression-wrinkle areas is demon-
strated in Fig. 4. Areas containing expression wrin-
kles are determined by referencing the wrinkles de-
tected images (Fig. 2(d)). If the neutral facial image
contains any aged wrinkles, its wrinkles detected im-
age is also used in the area selection. Unlike Mae-
jima et al. (Maejima et al., 2014), patch overlapping
is not conducted, in order to better represent spots and
somberness features. Also, patch continuity is disre-
garded to select a proper patch which relies only on
luminance similarity between the aging database and
the target image.
The small patches are reconstructed by selecting
patches with the following evaluation function. Let
I be the normalized wrinkles estimated image and D
be the n-th facial image in the target age database. The
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Effect of patch size on facial appearance. (a) In-
put image, (b) image reconstructed with large patches, and
(c) image reconstructed with small patches. The large and
small patches represent the databases features and the input
image features, respectively.
Figure 4: Assignment of expression wrinkles and other
regions. The existing area containing wrinkles is recon-
structed by small patches, and other areas are reconstructed
by a single large patch.
evaluation function selects the patch with the smallest
RGB Euclidean distance.
(n) =
(x,y) D
where I
(x,y) and D
(x,y) are the RGB lumi-
nance vector (R,G,B) of the pixel (x,y) in a given
patch and P denotes the entire area of the small
patch. This evaluation function selects the patch that
best matches the color of the corresponding patch
on the input person. To more correctly estimate the
shapes and positions of the expression wrinkles, we
apply patch selection not only to the corresponding
patch but also to neighboring patches that are con-
centrically shifted within a constant range. Non-
expression-wrinkle patches are reconstructed by se-
lecting patches with the smallest energy, as calculated
by following Eq. (3).
E = β E
(n) + (1 β) E
(n) (3)
where β is a constant weight coefficient selected from
[0,1]. E
and E
are respectively defined by
(n) =
(x,y) D
(n) = ||HOG(I|P
where P
denotes the entire region of non-expression
wrinkles in the large patch. Eq. (4) and (5) are ex-
pressed in terms of the RGB Euclidean distance and
HOG features (Dalal and Triggs, 2005), respectively.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: Patch-based reconstruction and the synthesized
result. (a) Reconstructed result. (b) Mask area excluding
the eyes, nose, and mouth. (c) Result of synthesizing (a) to
the normalized neutral facial image.
These equations incorporate the color of the input per-
son into the reconstruction. With HOG features, we
can select patches with spots, somberness and skin
luster, which would better represent the target age fea-
tures. Here, we set β = 0.5. The reconstructed result
is shown in Fig. 5(a).
6.3 Synthesizing the Reconstructed
The reconstructed result should not be taken as the
final aged facial image for two reasons. First, the
boundary lines between patches are unnatural. Sec-
ond, the reconstructed result loses the individuality
of the input person’s eyes, nose, and mouth. Hence,
we adopt Maejima et al.s approach (Maejima et al.,
2014) and synthesize the reconstructed result to the
neutral facial image. The synthesis is detailed in Mae-
jima et al.s paper (Maejima et al., 2014). The synthe-
sized result is then reshaped to the neutral facial im-
age with background, generating the final result (Fig.
7.1 Synthesized Results
Fig. 6 shows facial images of a male in his 20s, and
projected to ages of 50s to 70s by our method and
Maejima et al.s (Maejima et al., 2014) method. To
compare results wrinkles position, we also present an
image where the regions containing expression wrin-
kles were marked by hand on a neutral expression.
Fig. 7 shows the facial images of the young male in
his 20s projected to ages of 50s by our method and
Maejima et al.s (Maejima et al., 2014) method. For
comparison, we also present the actual photographs
of the young man at the target age (the ground truth).
This aged facial image generated by our method con-
siders the expression wrinkles which are only con-
Wrinkles Individuality Preserving Aged Texture Generation using Multiple Expression Images
Facial Image
Smile Surprise
Estimated Image
Marked Image
et al. 2014]
51-60 61-70 71-80
Figure 6: Results of 21 30 year-old male, aged by the
proposed method and [Maejima et al. 2014] method.
fined to the right side. As examples, we applied smile
and surprise expressions in Fig. 6, and smile expres-
sions in Fig. 7. The resolution of the normalized fa-
cial image is 300 × 300 pixels. In Maejima et al.s
method, the patch size was 40 × 40 pixels with an
overlap of 20 pixels. In our method, the large and
small patch sizes were 75×75 pixels and 5 × 5 pixels
respectively and the small patches were shifted over
concentric regions extending to 80 pixels. In both
methods, these parameters were determined empiri-
cally. The numbers of pictures in each age group and
gender of the aging database are listed in Table 1.
Comparing the results of the proposed and Mae-
jima et al.s method (Maejima et al., 2014) with the
wrinkle-marked image in Fig. 6, we observe that the
proposed method better represents the shapes and po-
sitions of the wrinkles; for example, the nasolabial
folds and wrinkles in the forehead. Moreover, as
demonstrated in Fig. 7, the nasolabial folds and wrin-
kles around the eyes are closer to the ground truth
in our method than in Maejima et al.s method. As
mentioned in Pi
erard et al. (Pi
erard et al., 2003), our
method preserves the individual qualities of the aged
wrinkles. Moreover, these results imply that the spots
and somberness in the non-expression-wrinkle area
are better represented by our method than by Mae-
jima et al. We attribute this success to the avoid-
ance of overlapping and continuity, which suppress
smoothing and propagate patches without aging fea-
tures through the reconstruction step.
Neutral Facial Image Expression Facial Image Wrinkle Facial Image
Fround Truth Proposed [Maejima et al. 2014]
Figure 7: Results of aging a 21 30 year old male to 5160
by our method and [Maejima et al. 2014] method.
7.2 Subjective Evaluation
To validate our method in terms of wrinkles indi-
viduality, synthesis naturalness, and how much it re-
sembles the target age, we carried out the following
subjective evaluation. By internet searching, we first
selected neutral and expression facial images of 15
people aged in their 20s (11 males, 4 females), and
ground truth images of the same people at a later
age. In 2, 9 and 4 of the ground truth images, the
subjects were aged in their 50s, 60s, and 70s, re-
spectively. When the expression wrinkles of an input
person were too poorly resolved to detect, the wrin-
kles were manually selected in the mask image. The
15 internet subjects were also chosen because their
ground truth images exhibit noticeably aged features
such as wrinkles and old skin textures. The images
were presented to 32 study participants (21 males, 11
females). Specifically, an image created by our pro-
posed method and Maejima et al.s (Maejima et al.,
2014) method were randomly placed at either side of
the ground truth, and referred to as facial image A and
facial image B, respectively. A neutral facial image of
the same target person at a younger age was also pre-
sented. The 32 participants reported their answers on
a questionnaire. To ensure that answers are focused
on the unique aging process of the target person, and
not the maturity of the person’s appearance, we pro-
vided the actual ages below the neutral facial image
and the ground truth. To emphasize that the target age
equals the ground truth age, we also wrote the age
below facial image A and facial image B. The partici-
pants evaluated the naturalness of facial images A and
B on a 5-point Likert scale. They were asked to esti-
mate the ages of images A and B in decade units (20s
to 70s). Also, they were asked which image they per-
ceived to best match the ground truth in terms of the
wrinkles individuality, the age-likeness of the aged
wrinkles, and the age-likeness of other skin textures
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Number of pictures stored for each age group and
Age range Male Female Subtotal
21-30 14 27 41
31-40 22 31 53
41-50 36 71 107
51-60 7 9 16
61-70 10 10 20
71-80 9 5 14
Total 98 153 251
Table 2: Evaluation items in the subjective evaluation.
Likert Synthesis Comparison between
scale naturalness the ground truth
1 Disagree A is closer
2 Slightly disagree A is slightly closer
Neither agree Neither A nor B
nor disagree is closer
4 Slightly agree B is slightly closer
5 Agree B is closer
on a 5-point Likert scale. The options for evaluating
naturalness are given in Table 2. Wrinkles individ-
uality refers to how accurately the shapes and posi-
tions of the wrinkles match those of the ground truth.
Age-likeness of the aged wrinkles (and skin textures)
refers to whether the appearances of the aged wrinkles
(and skin textures other than wrinkles) are consistent
with the processed image and the ground truth. Fig.
8 presents the average scores of the 32 participants
for each target person (labeled by their ID) assigned
to individuality and age-likeness of the aged wrinkles
and the age-likeness of other skin textures. Scores of
5, 3 and 1 mean that our method is decidedly closer to
the ground truth, no closer than, and decidedly further
from the ground truth, respectively, than Maejima’s
method. Table 3 gives the average scores and stan-
dard deviations (SD) of the 15 image sets evaluated
by the 32 participants. The aging error was computed
as the ground truth age minus the perceived age. Ta-
ble 3 also lists the average naturalness scores and their
standard deviations rated (SD) by the 32 participants.
As shown in Fig. 8 our method was rated higher
than 3.0 in every item for every target person. The to-
tal average scores and their standard deviations were
4.00 ± 0.978 for wrinkles individuality, 4.29 ± 0.836
for age-likeness of aged wrinkles, and 3.93 ± 0.975
for age-likeness of other skin textures. Although the
scores are slightly variable, our method clearly out-
performed the previous method in all three evaluation
terms, confirming that our method better represents
that wrinkles individuality and surface skin appear-
ance of the ground truth than the previous method.
Figure 8: Evaluation scores of wrinkle individuality (blue
bars), age-likeness of the wrinkles (red bars), and age-
likeness of the skin textures (green bars).
Table 3: Statistics of synthesized image quality and age er-
Aging Error
Average ± SD Average ± S D
Proposed 13.4 ± 7.60 3.41 ± 1.22
Maejima et al. 25.4 ± 7.23 3.91 ± 1.06
To investigate how closely the appearance of the
entire skin texture approaches that of the ground truth,
we asked participants to assess the ages of our gener-
ated images. As the age of each image was provided,
and the experimental environment was designed so
that participants would focus solely on the aging pro-
cess of the targets, the validity of an aged facial image
could be effectively estimated by the above-defined
aging error.
Table 3 reveals that the aging error is lower in our
method than in the previous method, indicating that
the aged facial image generated by our method better
resembles the ground truth. As for the synthesis natu-
ralness, both methods scored above 3.0, although the
previous method was rated higher than ours. The nat-
uralness of our method may have been reduced by the
inconsistency of the wrinkle textures across the entire
7.3 Limitations
Several problems and tasks are currently unresolved
in our method. Wrinkle detection might be im-
proved by Batool et al.s (Batool and Chellappa, 2012)
method, and facial sagging could be properly added
by Kemelmacher et al.s (Kemelmacher-Shlizerman
et al., 2014) method. Induced by the recent successes
on image generation based on Generative Adversarial
Network (Liao et al., 2017), applying such methods
would help generating high-quality and more accurate
images. Still, our observation of estimating the wrin-
kle position from the expression images would cer-
tainly be the important asset to improve the accuracy
of the generated wrinkles appearances and positions.
Wrinkles Individuality Preserving Aged Texture Generation using Multiple Expression Images
The medical literature reports that aged wrinkles are
the permanent impressions of expression wrinkles.
Based on this knowledge, we proposed a method that
captures the individuality of a person’s aging-induced
wrinkles. From subject evaluations it is confirmed
that preserving the wrinkles individuality effectively
improves the visual plausibility. We aim to examine
our ideas with image generation approaches based on
Generative Adversarial Network (Liao et al., 2017) to
further improve our results.
Proposed method has a wide scalability in 3DCG
facial animations. In recent years, there are sev-
eral methods dealing with aged faces in 3DCG field
such as high fidelity 3D facial shape reconstruction
(Cao et al., 2015), and aged textures’ optical prop-
erty modeling and rendering (Iglesias-Guitian et al.,
2015). These methods are focusing on accurately re-
constructing or rendering the aged faces in real time.
Our method can provide high resolution aged facial
textures which considers both the facial and wrinkles
individuality. This enables making 3DCG aged facial
animation with better quality. Thus, we aim to real-
ize such system by improving our method in terms of
3DCG facial animation in the future.
This work was supported by JST ACCEL Grant Num-
ber JPMJAC1602, Japan.
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