tasks. At the end of it, participants had to complete
three questions about a fictive dataset with the highest
level of correlation (the dataset and task 1 are shown
in Figure 3). These tasks allowed to screen out partic-
ipants who didn’t meet basic criteria for our study:
• (T1) Similarity task – Are the Weight and Fruit
variables correlated? Possible answers: Strongly,
mildly, not at all.
• (T2) Frequency task – How many of the fruits
do you estimate to be tomatoes (in %)? Possible
answers: a range of values from 0% to 100%, by
step of 10%.
• (T3) Frequency task – Which fruit type is
the most represented? Possible answers: Pea,
Tomato, Coconut.
We followed the design recommendations of Kit-
tur et al. (2008) in order to maximize the usefulness
of the data we collected: answers to the questions are
explicitly verifiable, and filling them out accurately
and in good faith requires the same amount of effort
than a random or malicious completion. In the next
part of the questionnaire, we tested the visualization
methods on three datasets presenting different levels
of correlation. Using different datasets should allow
to get more robust results. In order to fully control the
correlation levels, we generated the data ourselves:
we generated three datasets with a Python script,
with a size large enough to generate overplotting
(465 to 480 data items). We used two-dimensional
datasets because the tasks that we defined are com-
parison tasks, i.e. requiring the user to assess two
dimensions at a time; this type of task focuses the
user’s attention on the smallest level of granularity
offered by Parallel Coordinates. As explained above,
multidimensional data exploration is based upon a
subset of tasks of this type. Therefore, we chose
to use one continuous dimension X and one cate-
gorical dimension Y for our datasets. The function
random.multivariate normal(mean,cov,size)
from the numpy library allowed us to generate random
samples from a multivariate normal distribution. For
each dataset we ran this function three times using
overlapping input ranges (e.g. for one dataset: [0, 20],
[10, 30] [20, 40]) in order to make the distribution
more even. The cov argument contained the covari-
ance matrix which allowed to control the variation
of the variable X in regard to the variable Y, by
multiplying the elements C
and C
by an index
taking the values 0.0 (no correlation), 0.8 (medium
correlation) and 1.0 (strong correlation) for each
3.6 Experimental Design
We designed the study as a ”between-group”. The
independent variables were the type of visualization
(ParaCoord, ParaBub or ParaSet) and the type of data
(no correlation, medium correlation and strong corre-
lation). The presentation order of the three datasets
was counterbalanced using the Latin square proce-
dure (Graziano and Raulin, 2010), giving 6 data or-
der variants for each visualization method, for a total
of 18 questionnaires. Each participant was assigned
one visualization method. To avoid any learning bias,
each of the three datasets was shown only once to
each participant, in the order defined by the Latin
square method. Each participant had to follow a tu-
torial explaining the visualization method assigned to
him, and then had to perform 9 tasks: 3 tasks on each
of the 3 datasets.
3.7 Procedure
In order to grade the visual analysis capacities of par-
ticipants on each visualization method, we placed a
written tutorial in the beginning of the survey, using
a two-dimensional dataset of fruits and vegetables,
along with their respective weights. The categorical
value was the fruit or vegetable type (pea, tomato, co-
conut, strawberry), and the continuous value was the
weight of each data item. At the end of the tutorial,
participants had to perform a set of explicitly verifi-
able qualification tasks. We used the results of these
tasks to exclude negligent participants and keep the
remaining for further analysis. Participants were in-
formed in the beginning of the survey that we would
evaluate the performance of the visualization tech-
niques rather than their individual performance. Once
the tutorial was completed, each participant had to fill
in the main part of the survey. Using the selected visu-
alization method, they had to complete the three tasks
described above, for each dataset.
3.8 Results
This section aims to compare the results of the partic-
ipants who present the best expertise in data analysis
tasks. We selected the participants who completed the
tutorial questions with the highest scores. The aim is
to get the most representative results for a usage by
expert data analysts.
Before computing the results, we preprocessed the
data by deleting the answers of 5 participants who had
completed the first task only (1 for ParaCoord and 4
for ParaSet), 10 participants who timed out, and 1 par-
ticipant who completed the questionnaire too quickly
IVAPP 2018 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications