A Multimodal Positive Computing System for Public Speaking
Evaluating User Responses to Avatar and Video Speaker Representations
Fiona Dermody and Alistair Sutherland
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Real-time Feedback, Multimodal Interfaces, Positive Computing, HCI, Public Speaking.
A multimodal Positive Computing system with real-time feedback for public speaking has been developed.
The system uses the Microsoft Kinect to detect voice, body pose, facial expressions and gestures. The system
is a real-time system, which gives users feedback on their performance while they are rehearsing a speech. We
wish to compare two versions of the system. One version displays a live video-stream of the user. The other
displays a computer-generated avatar, which represents the user’s body movements and facial expressions.
Visual feedback is displayed on both versions in proximity to the speaking modality it relates to. In all
other aspects, the two versions are identical. We found that users rated the video version of the system more
distracting as they focussed on their physical appearance rather than their speaking performance when using
The prevalent fear of public speaking can impact on
a person’s success in education or enterprise (Dwyer
and Davidson, 2012), (McCroskey et al., 1989), (Har-
ris et al., 2002). In the Positive Computing fra-
mework, self-awareness is described in the context
of reflection and getting to know oneself. In re-
gard to public speaking, this implies an awareness
of how a speaker appears to an audience while spea-
king. For instance, some speakers may not be aware
of the importance of using gestures when speaking
to engage an audience (Toastmasters International,
2011). With awareness comes self-knowledge, the
power to choose to develop yourself and realise your
full potential (Morgan, 2015).
We wish to compare two versions of a system for
increasing users’ awareness of their public speaking
performance. The system is a real-time system which
gives users feedback on their performance while they
are rehearsing a speech. One version of the system
displays a live video-stream of the user. The other dis-
plays a computer-generated avatar which represents
the user’s body movements and facial expressions. In
all other aspects, the two versions are identical. Feed-
back is displayed using visual icons in both versions
of the system in proximity to the speaking modality
it relates to as shown in Figures 2 and 4. The objective
of the study was to see which version of the system
made the users more aware of their performance.
There are other systems that have focused on awa-
reness in the context of public speaking and com-
munications skills development. AwareMe utilises a
wristband that provides speakers with haptic and vi-
sual feedback as they are speaking on speaking rate,
voice pitch and filler words (Bubel et al., 2016). Ci-
cero:Virtual Audience Framework utilises a virtual
audience comprising avatars to convey non-verbal
feedback to speakers (Batrinca et al., 2013), (Chol-
let et al., 2015a), (Chollet et al., 2015b). In other sy-
stems, the user is represented using an avatar or vi-
deo stream. A Virtual Rehearsal educational appli-
cation gives feedback to users in real-time on open
and closed gestures using the Microsoft Kinect 2 ske-
letal view avatar (Barmaki and Hughes, 2015), (Bar-
maki, 2016). Presentation Trainer represents the user
using video and provides them with real-time feed-
back on one nonverbal speaking modality at a time
with a gap of at least six seconds between feedback
displays (Schneider et al., 2015). The feedback pro-
vided by these systems can make users aware of their
speaking behaviour and this awareness can aid in the
development of communication skills.
Dermody, F. and Sutherland, A.
A Multimodal Positive Computing System for Public Speaking - Evaluating User Responses to Avatar and Video Speaker Representations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006619600380043
In Proceedings of the 13th Inter national Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-288-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Positive Computing is a paradigm for human-
computer interaction, whose objective is to increase
the well-being of the user (Calvo and Peters, 2015),
(Calvo and Peters, 2014), (Calvo and Peters, 2016). It
has a number of themes including competence, self-
awareness, stress-reduction and autonomy. In this pa-
per we will concentrate mainly on self-awareness. We
will look at some of the other themes in Future Work.
If the user is to increase their competence in public
speaking, they must first become aware of aspects
of their speaking performance. For example, body
posture, gestures and gaze direction are all important
aspects of public speaking (Toastmasters Internatio-
nal, 2011), (Toastmasters International, 2008). Hit-
herto, the only way to get this awareness was either
to practise in front of a human mentor or in front of a
mirror. Both of these can cause stress or anxiety for
the user. The objective of our system is to allow the
user to gain this awareness in private without being
exposed to stress or anxiety. The users will get this
awareness by looking at a representation of themsel-
ves as they speak. They can choose to view them-
selves as an avatar or a live video stream. Real-time
feedback is superimposed on their chosen represen-
tation. The research question posed in this paper is,
which of these two makes the user more aware of their
It has been found beneficial in social skills develop-
ment that individuals observe their own behaviour on
video. The video allows the user to see their own body
pose, facial expressions, gaze direction and gestures
in granular detail. However, not everyone reacts well
to seeing themselves on video. ‘The cognitive dis-
sonance that can be generated from the discrepancies
between the way persons think they come across and
the way they see themselves come across can be quite
emotionally arousing and, occasionally, quite aver-
sive’ (Dowrick and Biggs, 1983). Furthermore, Do-
wrick and Biggs also note that people may become
aware of their nonverbal communication when obser-
ving themselves on video and may not be happy with
what they observe (Dowrick and Biggs, 1983). Also
they become distracted by the physicality of their ap-
pearance, their perceived level of physical attractive-
ness or lack thereof may become their focus, as they
observe themselves on video, as opposed to their be-
haviour. If the person has a negative self-perception
of themselves on video, then their reaction to the vi-
deo will not be positive (Dowrick, 1999).
4.1 Video and Public Speaking
Live video stream has been utilised in innovative
multimodal systems for public speaking. For in-
stance, Presentation Trainer provides users with real-
time feedback using a live video representation of the
user(Schneider et al., 2015). The Presentation Trainer
uses the Microsoft Kinect 2 to track the users’ voice
and body. Feedback is presented on one nonverbal
speaking modality at a time with a gap of at least six
seconds between feedback displays. The feedback is
interruptive and directive because it directs the user
to stop and adjust their speaking behaviour if they are
deemed to have exhibited an undesirable speaking be-
haviour. The feedback is displayed as text eg. reset
An avatar presents an abstract representation of the
user and this form of abstract representation allows
the user to see their body pose, gestures and facial
expressions in 3D. Given the issues noted using video
in Section 4, this form of abstract representation could
be advantageous because the user is less likely to be
distracted by details of their physical appearance.
5.1 Avatars and Public Speaking
Studies of fear of public speaking have shown that
people do respond favourably to virtual agents ‘even
in the absence of two-way verbal interaction, and
despite knowing rationally that they are not real’ (Ga-
rau, 2006), (Pertaub et al., 2002). Virtual agents have
been used effectively in multimodal systems for pu-
blic speaking, most notably, (Chollet et al., 2015b). In
the aforementioned system, virtual agents were used
to represent an audience that responded to the user’s
speaking performance. In the system described in this
paper, the avatar represents the user themselves.
In this paper we present a multimodal Positive Com-
puting system which gives feedback in real-time on
different speaking modalities simultaneously. The
term ‘multimodal’ refers to the fact that the system
detects multiple speaking modes in the speaker such
as their gestures, voice and eye contact. The user can
A Multimodal Positive Computing System for Public Speaking - Evaluating User Responses to Avatar and Video Speaker Representations
Figure 1: Visual feedback icons.
select if they want to receive feedback on all spea-
king modes or a subset of them. The objective of the
system is to enable the user to speak freely without
being interrupted, distracted or confused by the vi-
sual feedback on screen. A more detailed description
of the system can be found here (Dermody and Su-
therland, 2016). The system consists of a Microsoft
Kinect 1 connected to a laptop. The system uses the
Microsoft Kinect to sense the user’s body movements,
facial expressions and voice. The user stands in front
of the system and speaks. Feedback is given on a lap-
top screen in front of the user.
6.1 System Feedback
Real-time visual feedback is displayed as follows, see
Figure 1:
Arrows around the user’s or avatar’s head to
prompt the user to change their view direction. A rol-
ling graph is displayed above the user’s head which
displays the pitch of the user’s voice. The frequency
of the peaks in the graph indicate the speech rate.This
allows the user to see how fast they are talking. The
slope of the graph indicates rising and falling tones
which allows the user to gauge whether they are tal-
king in a monotone voice or using a lot of vocal vari-
ety. An icon is displayed to indicate when the user’s
hands are touching. The icon is located over the ava-
tar’s hands. An icon is displayed to indicate when the
user has crossed their arms. An icon is displayed to
indicate if the user is agitated or moving too quickly.
The icon is located next to the avatar’s body. An icon
is displayed to indicate whether the user is smiling or
surprised. The icon is located next to the avatar’s face.
These particular speaking behaviours were chosen
because they have been rated as important by experts
in public speaking (Toastmasters International, 2011),
(Toastmasters International, 2008).
6.2 Avatar and Video Stream
To provide users with more autonomy, a central tenet
of positive computing, the system can be configured
according to users’ preferences [6],(Calvo and Peters,
2012), (Calvo and Peters, 2014), (Calvo and Peters,
2016), (Calvo et al., 2014). A user can configure the
system to user an avatar, see Figure 2, or video stream,
see Figure 3.
Figure 2: System Avatar with indicative visual feedback on
gaze direction, agitation and hands touching.The avatar re-
presents the user.
Figure 3: System Video Stream with visual feedback on
gaze direction and hands-touching. The user is represented
in the video.
The study had 10 participants (4M, 6F). Participants
were drawn from the staff and student body at our uni-
versity. They came from a range of faculties across
HUCAPP 2018 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
the Humanities, Science, Computing and Business.
The study was designed to be a one-time recruitment
with a duration of 25 minutes per participant. The
participants completed a preliminary questionnaire on
demographic information and a post-questionnaire.
Participants were all novice speakers who had done
some public speaking but wished to improve their
skills in this area. None of the participants had used
a multimodal system for public speaking previously.
The post-questionnaire consisted of eight items. It
was based on the ACM ICMI Multimodal Learning
Application Evaluation and Design Guide
. User ex-
perience was evaluated using three questions on na-
turalness, motivation to use the application again and
stress experienced using the application. Awareness
was evaluated using four questions on distraction,
body awareness, awareness of feedback and aware-
ness of speaking behaviour. An open question was
added for additional comments. Following a pretest,
it was decided to use a white background for the vi-
deo stream as the participants stated that they could
not discern their dark clothing against a black back-
7.1 Study Format
Each session opened with an introduction consisting
of an overview of the study format. Each partici-
pant was given a demonstration of both the video and
the avatar versions of the system. Participants were
asked to speak for one minute on a subject of their
choice using each version. Five of the participants
used the avatar version first followed by the live video.
The other ve participants used the video version first
followed by the avatar version. Speakers completed
the post-questionnaire immediately after using each
version. The post-questionnaires contained the same
items each time. Afterwards, there was a brief closing
The questionnaire asked them to rate different as-
pects of the version, which they had just used, on a
scale of 1 to 10. Users could also add optional written
comments after each question.
For each question, we compared a boxplot of the re-
sponses for the avatar version with a boxplot of the re-
sponses for the video version. The most dramatic dif-
ference was for the question on distraction, see Figure
accessed on January 2016
Figure 4: Boxplots of the responses for the avatar version
and the video version in answer to the question of dis-
traction. The higher the score, the more distracting was the
version. As can be seen, participants reported that the video
version was more distracting.
4. Users rated the video version as more distracting
than the avatar version. This is consistent with the
scores for awareness of speaking performance and for
awareness of feedback. Users tended to score the ava-
tar system higher for awareness of speaking perfor-
mance and awareness of feedback.
The experimental design was a standard hypothe-
sis test, in which the independent variable was the
version of system (avatar or live video) and the de-
pendent variable was the level of distraction. Scores
ranged from 0 for no distraction to 10 for very dis-
The order in which the participants used the ver-
sions (avatar first or video first) could potentially be a
confounding variable. Therefore, the users were divi-
ded into two equal-sized groups (avatar first and video
first), in order to measure any effect that this variable
might have. An Analysis of Variance was carried out
and showed that there was no statistically significant
difference between the groups.
The p-value for the difference between the levels
of distraction for the video version and the avatar ver-
sion was 0.04, which indicates that there was a sig-
nificant difference between the responses to the two
We conclude that the live video image was dis-
tracting users from their performance and the system
feedback. This was confirmed by the users’ remarks
in the closing interview. Nine of the ten users said that
the live video stream was very distracting. They said
that they were more aware of aspects of their personal
appearance than of their performance or the feedback.
All participants reported that they would be motivated
to use the system again, both avatar and video versi-
ons. Participants reported that they experienced more
stress while using the video version of the system.
A Multimodal Positive Computing System for Public Speaking - Evaluating User Responses to Avatar and Video Speaker Representations
The fact that all participants reported that they would
use the system again highlights the need for multimo-
dal systems for communication skills development.
Participants, on the whole did not like seeing them-
selves in video mode. They made comments such as
‘I did not like seeing myself in this situation’ and ‘I
felt awkward looking at myself’. However, three par-
ticipants did report that they could discern their fa-
cial expressions more clearly in video mode. Further-
more, one participant reported that using the system in
avatar mode ‘made the act of talking feel too disem-
bodied and therefore harder to relate to the informa-
tion/feedback provided by the system’. This partici-
pant also stated ‘that I was less focused on my speaker
behaviour and more inclined to feel distracted by the
avatar’. The fact that one user had such an adverse re-
action to the avatar illustrates the need for interactive
multimodal systems to provide users with the auto-
nomy to choose the appearance of the interface that
they are using. The participant who disliked the ava-
tar had a very different experience of using the system
in video mode reporting that ‘the systems seems easy
and fun to use, I would find this very helpful for pre-
paring lectures and conference presentations’. Three
participants reported that they would like to be able
to change the height of the display screen and have
a bigger screen. The participants who were taller re-
quested the screen height adjustment.
The main conclusion from our study is that most users
prefer to see an avatar rather than a live video stream.
Most users find it distracting or even unpleasant to
see themselves. The avatar is more abstract and the
user can concentrate on body movements and facial
expression rather than being distracted by details of
personal appearance. We can also conclude that all
the users in the study found both versions of the sy-
stem beneficial and were motivated to use it again.
Some users found it difficult to assimilate the feed-
back while they were giving the speech in real time.
They asked if it was possible to record the output from
the system (including the feedback) and review it af-
terwards off-line. This is actually possible with our
system and in future work we will be testing to see
how users evaluate watching an off-line recording.
Work will focus on the following areas. Does the
colour of the feedback affect the users evaluation?
Would users prefer a more human-looking avatar?
Some research shows that users find such avatars
more sympathetic especially if the avatar resembles
the user themselves (Baylor, 2009), (Suh et al., 2011).
We intend to conduct a longitudinal study to evaluate
how the users’ speaking performance changes if they
use the system over a period of time. We want to in-
vestigate how users evaluate a statistical analysis of
their performance e.g. recording how many times the
system identified particular events such as hands tou-
ching, arms crossed, changing view direction etc.
We will evaluate other aspects of Positive Compu-
ting with respect to our system: Do users have auto-
nomy i.e. can they select the feedback that they want
when they want it? With regard to stress, is the sy-
stem stressful to use? Does it become less stressful
with practice? Does it reduce the stress of live public
performance? Does the users’ competence in public
speaking increase with use of the system?
This material is based upon works supported by Du-
blin City University under the Daniel O’Hare Rese-
arch Scholarship scheme. System prototypes were de-
veloped in collaboration with interns from École Po-
lytechnique de l’Université Paris-Sud and l’École Su-
périeure d’Informatique, Électronique, Automatique
(ESIEA) France.
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A Multimodal Positive Computing System for Public Speaking - Evaluating User Responses to Avatar and Video Speaker Representations