gorithm by using the depth information provided by
a LIDAR sensor to guide the stereo correspondence
process by limiting the disparity search interval. The
advantage of the method is that it generates fused
and dense point clouds which can then be used for
a more accurate detection of protruding obstacles in
the scene. The principle of fusion is that the more
reliable LIDAR sensor which however has a low res-
olution guides the less reliable but higher resolution
sensor. The obstacle detection is performed in two
ways on that data: by data clustering and by using a
The results presented in Subsection 6.1 show that
the fused point clouds lead to a better 2D clustering
result, where the accuracy in detection can be up to
27% better than in the case where the Block Matching
point clouds are used. The simple clustering is not
able to detect which type of obstacle is there, only
that it is present.
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results show that it is able to accurately detect humans
and trees in the fused point clouds while distinguish-
ing between them. The guidance through the LIDAR
information significantly improves the detection F1
score of the trained networks.
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Stereo and LIDAR Fusion based Detection of Humans and Other Obstacles in Farming Scenarios