work visualization along with several intuitive featu-
res. These features are designed to improve the usabi-
lity of the tool, and eventually lead to larger adoption
of MBT in the CAD/CAE industry.
With gradual increase in adoption, it is hoped that
the use of Pathfinder will provide a higher level of
rationale and consistency in the selection of test ca-
ses for GUI-based applications, and thus, reduce the
variability inherent in the perception of multiple tes-
ters. Thinking beyond this, Pathfinder can evolve
to a consistent and clear means of describing soft-
ware application behavior. This usage takes Pathfin-
der significantly upstream in the software design life-
cycle to the stage of application design where actors
such as program managers and developers can incre-
asingly utilize these behavior description models to
improve communication and understanding. Much
care has gone into the design and functionality of
Pathfinder for ensuring that it is comprehensible and
easy-to-use for our community of software testers.
In this respect, more powerful capabilities were re-
jected if they could not be presented with sufficient
ease of use. Notwithstanding that we have demon-
strated its effectiveness for GUI-based applications,
Pathfinder can be extended for test-generation in ot-
her interactive object-oriented software systems. An
immediate improvement to the tool will be the use of
graph-theoretic algorithms to provide default settings
for several options available on Pathfinder. A natural
extension to our tool would be to seamlessly integrate
other processes in a software testing workflow, which
are downstream of test generation, e.g. verification of
software requirements and test execution.
The work was carried out under a collaboration bet-
ween Altair Engineering and IIIT Bangalore. Authors
are thankful for the help and support of Sucharitha
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