This paper presented an approach to a more
universal definition of gesture interactions and
gesture types, respectively. Its purpose is to facilitate
communication within the development process
based on a common understanding of gesture terms.
Indeed, in our current work on gesture-based
systems, previously encountered misunderstandings
could be avoided with the help of the terms and
notation proposed in this paper. In addition, in our
university lectures the students benefited from a
resulting common understanding of the most
important aspects when designing gesture
interaction. All in all compared to the various
taxonomies from the literature, our approach appears
to us to be more practical.
In contrast to existing taxonomies our definitions
distinguish between UI reactions (feedback) and
system reactions (functionality). A further central
extension to existing gesture taxonomies is the
utilization of temporal intervals of execution of
gestures (body movements), UI feedback and system
functionality, and the relations between the intervals.
The previous section introduced and outlined
some extensions that will be investigated in more
detail in future work.
Concerning future work, the criteria shown
above are to be used in more projects and evaluated
in further studies and it should be checked if further
dependencies between single criteria can be found.
The extensions shown in this paper like further
segmentation of the gesture execution and the use of
delays seem particularly interesting. Furthermore,
the use of further criteria (e.g. gesture styles) should
be considered as another extension of our approach.
This research was financially supported by the
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
within the program “Forschung an Fachhochschulen
– IngenieurNachwuchs” (project no. 03FH007IX5).
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Definition of Gesture Interactions based on Temporal Relations