Combination of Texture and Geometric Features for Age Estimation in
Face Images
Marcos Vinicius Mussel Cirne and Helio Pedrini
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, 13083-852, Brazil
Age Estimation, Image Analysis, Texture, Geometric Descriptor.
Automatic age estimation from facial images has recently received an increasing interest due to a variety
of applications, such as surveillance, human-computer interaction, forensics, and recommendation systems.
Despite such advances, age estimation remains an open problem due to several challenges associated with
the aging process. In this work, we develop and analyze an automatic age estimation method from face
images based on a combination of textural and geometric features. Experiments are conducted on the Adience
dataset (Adience Benchmark, 2017; Eidinger et al., 2014), a large known benchmark used to evaluate both age
and gender classification approaches.
Biometric systems commonly employ a number
of distinctive measurable human characteristics to
recognize individuals, such as face, fingerprint,
palm print, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
iris (Paulo Carlos et al., 2015; Pinto et al., 2015;
Silva Pinto et al., 2012; Menotti et al., 2015; Menotti
et al., 2015; Silva et al., 2015; Assis Angeloni and
Pedrini, 2016). Soft biometrics (Jain et al., 2004)
refer to metrics related to physical or behavioral
human characteristics, such as gender, age, hair
color, height and weight, which are complementary
to primary biometric identifiers. The combination
of primary and soft biometric characteristics can
significantly improve the performance of person
recognition in surveillance systems.
The problem of age estimation from face im-
ages (Choi et al., 2011; Huerta et al., 2014; Lani-
tis et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2015; Ren and Li, 2014;
Thukral et al., 2012; Geng et al., 2013) is very chal-
lenging due to the inherently complex nature of the
aging process, high variability within a same age in-
terval, personal characteristics of each individual, as
well as difficulties in collecting large datasets derived
from chronological images from the same individuals.
Despite its large applicability in several knowl-
edge domains, there is still relatively little research
on age estimation compared to other facial analysis
topics, such as face and iris recognition. Examples
of applications of age estimation from facial images
include forensics, surveillance, human-computer in-
teraction, and recommendation systems.
In this work, we propose and evaluate a novel age
estimation approach from facial images based on a
combination of textural and geometric features.
Experiments are conducted on the Adience
dataset (Adience Benchmark, 2017; Eidinger et al.,
2014), which is a well known benchmark used to
evaluate age estimation approaches.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. A literature review about age estimation ap-
proaches is shown in Section 2. The proposed age es-
timation method is detailed in Section 3. Experimen-
tal results are presented and discussed in Section 4.
Finally, some final remarks and directions for future
work are included in Section 5.
Due to a variety of applications, there has been an
increasing interest of the scientific community in in-
vestigating the automatic age estimation from facial
Most of the age estimation approaches available
in the literature are based on feature extraction and
learning algorithms. A pioneer work on age estima-
tion from facial images was proposed by Kwon and
Lobo (Kwon and da Vitoria Lobo, 1994), which was
based on an anthropomorphic model to differentiate
Cirne, M. and Pedrini, H.
Combination of Texture and Geometric Features for Age Estimation in Face Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0006625503950401
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
three age groups: babies, young adults and senior
adults. In the same work, they also proposed a wrin-
kle detection method based on snakelets.
Lanitis et al. (Lanitis et al., 2002) employed ac-
tive appearance models (AAM) for age estimation by
defining an ageing function. Chang et al. (Chang
et al., 2011) also used AAM to estimate ordinal hy-
perplanes and ranks them according to age intervals.
Geng et al. (Geng et al., 2013) explored an ageing
pattern subspace model to extract and process feature
vector for age estimation.
Fu and Huang (Fu and Huang, 2008) developed a
manifold embedding approach to the age estimation
problem, whose purpose is to find a low-dimensional
representation in the embedded subspace and cap-
ture geometric structure and data distribution. Wu et
al. (Wu et al., 2012) explored a Grassmann manifold
to model the facial shapes and considered the age es-
timation as regression and classification problems on
this representation.
Appearance models have also been explored by
several authors for age estimation purpose. Gao
and Ai (Gao and Ai, 2009) used a texture descrip-
tor based on Gabor filter to estimate age. Guo and
Guowang (Guo and Mu, 2014), Guo et al. (Guo et al.,
2009) and Weng et al. (Weng et al., 2013) employed
biologically inspired features for age estimation from
face images.
Hayashi et al. (Hayashi et al., 2002) developed a
method for age estimation based on wrinkle texture
and color information extracted from facial images.
Shape and size of the facial parts were used to predict
the age.
Iga et al. (Iga et al., 2003) described extraction
functions from facial candidate regions using color
information and parts of the face. Age was estimated
based on SVM classifiers and a voting scheme from
the extracted features.
Suo et al. (Suo et al., 2010) proposed a composi-
tional and dynamic model for age estimation, where a
hierarchical and-or graph was used to represent faces
in each age group. A Markov process was employed
to parse the graph representation.
Kawano et al. (Kawano et al., 2005) described a
four-directional feature based on multiple parts of the
face, such as nose, lip, jaw, eyes. Linear discriminant
analysis was employed to recognize these image re-
Luu et al. (Luu et al., 2011) developed an appear-
ance model based on contourlet transforms to locate
facial landmarks. Local and holistic texture informa-
tion was explored for facial age estimation.
For further details on age estimation models and
algorithms, the reader can refer to surveys by Dhimar
and Mistree (Dhimar and Mistree, 2016) and Fu et
al. (Fu et al., 2010).
The proposed approach to the age classification prob-
lem is divided into two major steps: pre-processing
stage and cross-validation stage. Figure 1 shows an
overview of these stages.
In the pre-processing stage, a dataset containing
several images of people of different ages (or intervals
of ages) is analyzed. After that, the feature extrac-
tion process is started. For each image of the dataset,
several image descriptors are extracted, providing a
“descriptor database” that allows the use of different
combinations of descriptors.
For this work, both image and geometric features
were taken into account for estimating ages from im-
ages. Concerning image features, two descriptors
were extracted from the images: the first one is the
Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) (Dalal and
Triggs, 2005), a very popular and robust descrip-
tor used for detection and recognition of objects and
faces (D
eniz et al., 2011; Felzenszwalb et al., 2010;
Suard et al., 2006; Zhu et al., 2006).
First, each image was downsampled to a size of
64×64 pixels in order to produce a more compact de-
scriptor. To calculate the HOG descriptor, the images
were initially split into 8× 8 cells. Then, for the block
normalization process, a block size of 16 × 16 with a
stride of 8 × 8 was used, thus producing 7 horizon-
tal and 7 vertical positions, resulting 49 positions. By
defining a histogram size of 9 bins, since each block
encompasses 4 cells and each cell provides a single
histogram, each step of the block normalization pro-
cess creates a feature vector of 36 dimensions. Hence,
the final HOG descriptor has a size of 36 × 49 = 1764
The second image descriptor used in our method
was the CENTRIST (CENsus TRansform hIS-
Togram) (Wu and Rehg, 2011), an evolution of
the LBP-texture descriptor (Ojala et al., 2002) that
encodes the structural properties of an image at
the same time it has a high level of robustness to
illumination variations. Here, for each pixel x
an grayscale image, its intensity is compared against
its 8 neighbors x
, where p = 0, 1, ...7, producing a
bit string B
= b
. For each comparison, if
, then we have b
= 1. Otherwise, b
= 0.
The final bit string is then converted to a base-10
value in the range [0, 255].
Equation 1 shows the pattern used in this pro-
cess, along with an example. Once this procedure is
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: General scheme of our approach to age classification using combinations of image descriptors and machine learning
done for all pixels, a histogram of 256 bins is com-
puted from the computed values, which forms the fi-
nal CENTRIST descriptor.
40 160 120
180 100 80
100 20 80
= 01110100
= 116
Besides image features, a geometric descriptor
was also included in the set of descriptors. Given a
pre-trained face shape model and an image from the
age dataset, a face detection algorithm is run to find
both the region that covers the face and, if a face is
found, the facial landmarks that correspond to impor-
tant facial features (such as eyes, nose, mouth, eye-
brows) according to the shape model.
In this work, the algorithm and the model pro-
vided by the Dlib toolkit (Dlib Toolkit, 2017) were
used in this process. The algorithm for face de-
tection is an implementation based on the work by
Kazemi and Sullivan (Kazemi and Sullivan, 2014),
which uses an ensemble of regression trees to esti-
mate facial landmarks from a sparse subset of pixel
intensities in a fast and efficient way.
The shape model used in this process, along with
the localization and indexing of the facial landmarks,
is shown in Figure 2. Based on this model, the face
detection algorithm extracts the exact localization of
the pixels that correspond to each of the 68 points of
the model. Once the set of points is obtained, a ge-
ometric descriptor is constructed by taking the Eu-
clidean distances between all pairs of points, which
gives a total of
= 2278 distances.
Figure 2: Facial landmarks of the face shape model used in
Dlib’s face detection algorithm (Dlib Toolkit, 2017).
After extracting several image descriptors, the de-
scriptor construction process is started by creating dif-
ferent concatenations of descriptors that will repre-
Combination of Texture and Geometric Features for Age Estimation in Face Images
sent each image from a dataset. Since the features of
each descriptor are from different natures and sizes,
the values of the final descriptor are rescaled so that
they have zero mean and unit variance. In this work,
7 different combinations of descriptors were used,
which will be detailed later on Section 4.
Once the pre-processing stage is finished, the
dataset is split into training and test sets using the
k-fold cross-validation. In this procedure, the entire
dataset is split into k parts such that one of these parts
is left apart for the tests and the k 1 remaining ones
are used for training a classifier. Later, the test set is
used to evaluate the accuracy of the trained model and
the entire process is repeated for the other folds such
that each fold is used once as the test set, which gives
a total of k iterations. Finally, the mean accuracy and
the standard error of the trained model are calculated
from the accuracy rates obtained in each iteration of
the cross-validation process.
For this stage of the proposed method, the multi-
class version of the Support Vector Machines (SVM)
classifier (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Hearst et al.,
1998) with an RBF kernel was used. Other possi-
bilities of classifiers (Alpaydin, 2014; Bishop, 2006;
Murphy, 2012) were also considered, such as K-
Nearest Neighbors, Logistic Regression and Random
Forests, but the SVM produced the best results among
all those options.
The proposed method was implemented using Scikit-
Learn (Scikit-Learn Machine Learning in Python,
2017), an open source Python library that contains
several tools for machine learning, image processing,
data mining and data analysis. From the set of de-
scriptors detailed in Section 3 (HOG, CENTRIST and
the geometric descriptor), all possible combinations
among them were evaluated.
The tests were conducted on the Adience
dataset (Adience Benchmark, 2017; Eidinger et al.,
2014), created by the Open University of Israel (OUI)
to facilitate the study of both age and gender classifi-
cation problems. The collection contains over 26,580
images of 2,284 subjects from 8 different age groups,
from newborns to old-aged people. All photos were
taken with several variations in appearance, posing,
lighting, background and facial expressions. Besides
the original images, a special version containing
cropped and aligned face images is also available.
In addition, the dataset provides information for a
5-fold cross-validation procedure, listing the images
that make part of each split. Figure 3 shows some
Figure 3: Examples of images from the Adience dataset (Ei-
dinger et al., 2014).
examples from the dataset.
For this work, only frontal images from the
aligned version of the dataset were used, since the
face detection algorithm does not perform very well
with rotated faces (i.e., face images that are out of the
range of yaw angle), making the computation
of the geometric descriptor difficult for these cases.
After generating all descriptors for the remaining
images, the dataset was reduced to a total of 11,437
images. A complete list of the amount of images in
each fold for each age interval can be seen in Table 1.
The evaluation process is the same adopted by Ei-
dinger et al. (Eidinger et al., 2014). Here, two dif-
ferent accuracies are calculated: the exact accuracy,
which computes the groups that were correctly pre-
dicted, and the 1-off accuracy, which also considers
errors of one age group as correct predictions (e.g.:
for a face image whose correct class is “15-20”, “8-
12” and “25-32” predictions are also regarded as cor-
rect). Then, the mean accuracies of all 5 folds of the
database and their respective standard errors are cal-
culated. Table 2 shows the results for all combinations
of descriptors, where the boldface values represent the
best results obtained by our approach.
From the table, it can be seen that the three de-
scriptors combined produced the best results among
all possibilities for both exact and 1-off accuracy
rates. Analyzing each descriptor separately, the HOG
descriptor provided the highest accuracy rates. More-
over, when concatenating a different descriptor to an
existing one, both accuracies are increased. In other
words, the descriptor formed by the combination of
the three descriptors used in this work performs bet-
ter than all combinations of two descriptors, which
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Amounts of aligned frontal face images from the Adience dataset (Adience Benchmark, 2017; Eidinger et al., 2014)
for each fold and age interval.
Fold #
Age Intervals
0-2 4-6 8-12 15-20 25-32 38-43 48-53 60+ Total
Fold 1 642 354 153 105 1062 381 158 88 2943
Fold 2 155 326 414 355 415 288 84 92 2129
Fold 3 608 256 335 157 481 195 70 113 2215
Fold 4 108 195 389 300 570 312 65 77 2016
Fold 5 195 381 212 142 573 305 152 174 2134
Total 1708 1512 1503 1059 3101 1481 529 544 11437
Table 2: List of mean exact and 1-off accuracies for different combinations of image descriptors for the Adience dataset (Adi-
ence Benchmark, 2017; Eidinger et al., 2014).
Descriptor(s) Exact Acc. (%) 1-Off Acc. (%)
CENTRIST 30.38 ± 6.71 54.84 ± 5.19
Geometric 41.10 ± 4.76 76.55 ± 2.09
HOG 43.69 ± 5.70 77.03 ± 2.09
CENTRIST + Geometric 43.22 ± 5.67 78.51 ± 2.90
CENTRIST + HOG 45.03 ± 7.00 78.08 ± 2.66
Geometric + HOG 45.99 ± 6.07 81.07 ± 2.26
CENTRIST + Geometric + HOG 46.70 ± 6.56 81.80 ± 2.23
LBP + FBLBP (Eidinger et al., 2014) 44.5 ± 2.3 80.7 ± 1.1
LBP + FBLBP + Dropout-SVM (Eidinger et al., 2014) 45.1 ± 2.6 79.5 ± 1.4
in turn perform better than using only one descrip-
tor, except for the exact accuracy in the HOG versus
CENTRIST + Geometric case.
Considering the maximum accuracies obtained,
these results are slightly better than the ones achieved
by Eidinger et al. (Eidinger et al., 2014), who ob-
tained accuracies of 44.5 ± 2.3 and 80.7 ± 1.1 for the
exact and 1-off cases, respectively, only using vari-
ations of the LBP descriptor and linear SVM. How-
ever, they managed to improve the exact accuracy
to 45.1 ± 2.6 by using a variation of SVM called
dropout-SVM, inspired by the concept of dropout
from deep neural networks (Krizhevsky et al., 2012).
Therefore, our approach has great space for improve-
ments, not only in the choice of image descriptors, but
also in the machine learning process as a whole.
This work presented an approach to age estimation
from face images using image descriptors that encom-
pass both texture and geometric features. The Adi-
ence dataset was used as the case study and trained
with an SVM classifier with an RBF kernel.
Tests were conducted with several combinations
of descriptors, also observing how the addition of a
specific descriptor affects the mean accuracies. Re-
sults showed that our approach is comparable to the
LBP-feature based approach (Eidinger et al., 2014),
even though a different classifier was used to achieve
the best results.
Future directions for this work include: tests
with new sets of descriptors (including a refinement
of the geometric descriptor), use of different age
datasets and benchmarks and parameter optimization
for the machine learning procedure, application of
deep learning techniques to improve the quality of the
results, along with an evaluation of other types and
variations of classifiers.
The authors are thankful to S
ao Paulo Research
Foundation (grants FAPESP #2017/12646-3 and
Combination of Texture and Geometric Features for Age Estimation in Face Images
#2014/12236-1) and National Council for Scien-
tific and Technological Development (grant CNPq
#305169/2015-7) for their financial support.
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Combination of Texture and Geometric Features for Age Estimation in Face Images