be necessary a welder with years of experience.
Nowadays, the weld bead inspection is performed
not only by Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) inclu-
ding visual methods, penetrating liquid, magnetic par-
ticles, radiography and ultrasound, but also by De-
structive Evaluation such as tensile, impact, folding,
fatigue and hardness tests (Lima et al., 2005). Accor-
ding to (Andreucci, 2013), the solution to assist the
quality control of equipments and materials is related
to NDT techniques. As reported by the Brasilian As-
sociation of Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection
(ABENDI), the NDT techniques are one of the main
quality control tools, they increase the weld reliability
and reduce the process cost (Abendi, 2014).
It is important for the realized tests the identifica-
tion of discontinuities such as incomplete or excessive
fusion, welding bite, porosity, incomplete or exces-
sive penetration, cracks and geometrical weld bead
irregularities that may compromise the weld quality.
Although it is possible to extract some relevant infor-
mation about the weld bead geometry, we still do not
have a tool able to identify all presented discontinui-
The computer vision may be the solution to
quickly and precisely identify some of the above dis-
continuities. In conclusion, computational techniques
are studied and applied in order to stablish an auto-
matic and ideal solution for the inspection and de-
tection of discontinuities on the weld seam (Felis-
berto, 2010).
In the works (Cook et al., 1995; Hou and Liu, 2012;
Kumar et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2014) it is pre-
sented methods offline for welding quality inspection
and evaluation using digital cameras and lighting sy-
stem. More classic approaches are carried out in
(Cook et al., 1995) and (Hou and Liu, 2012). It is
assumed that the weld width (which can be identi-
fied through the horizontal integration) and the spa-
cing between the undulations (which can be obtained
through the peak-to-peak distance) can not oscillate
for good weld quality. Moreover Hou et al. makes
use of the Canny algorithm for identifying the edges
of the weld bead. After the edges are identified, they
are plotted in 2D histogram, in order to compare them
with histograms of images of good quality weld be-
ads. Through a pre-established threshold the weld is
classified good or not.
In the article of Kumar et al. (Kumar et al.,
2012)(Kumar et al., 2014) an evaluation system for
MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding in “V” groove is pro-
posed. Four frames are captured in sequence and then
the regions of interest of the image are segmented and
some characteristics based on the average intensity
of the pixels are extracted. In (Kumar et al., 2012),
the authors use a back-propagation neural network to
classify the weld in four categories: good, excessive,
insufficient and without weld. The system was tested
with 80 samples and shows 95% accuracy in the clas-
sification. Yet, in (Kumar et al., 2014) the same clas-
sifier was used but with improved feature extraction,
based on a chi-square test to verify compliance with a
Gaussian distribution of pixels. This increased preci-
sion to 96.25%.
In the articles on (Schreiber et al., 2009) and (Sun
et al., 2005) the visual inspection methods are applied
online, that is, they are performed during the welding
process. In these methods the camera is usually pla-
ced next to the torch, obtaining an image of the re-
cently welded bead. The biggest obstacle to online
processing is the acquisition of images due to condi-
tions in the welding environment such as arc bright-
ness, smoke, sparks, welding spatters and reflections.
The works of Schreiber et al. and Sun et al. use
training techniques and pattern recognition, so that
the algorithm learns the good and bad characteristics
of a weld bead. Schreiber et al. presents a system
that consists of two distinct phases: training and ve-
rification. In the training phase the system learns the
quality criterion required from the training performed
through images of weld beads considered to be well
welded, examined by a welding engineer. This step
should be performed only once before using the ro-
bot and consists of extracting measurements from the
images of the training weld beads. These measures
are combined in order to obtain reference values and
tolerance ranges.
The verification step occurs by comparing each
frame obtained from the image of the welding being
performed, with the reference frames obtained from
the weld beads of training. In this process the evalu-
ated characteristics are the position and the width of
the cord, as well as the distribution of light around the
Sun et al. proposes a method of visual inspection
using a Fuzzy Pattern Recognition algorithm. The
method can detect defects such as porosity, lack of
penetration and lack of material in the weld bead. If
the defect exceeds the established minimum standard,
the system will automatically send an alarm and mark
the position where defects appear to help workers re-
pair them. The system is efficient since the speed of
detection can reach 3-4 frames per second. It was re-
ported that the method identified 65 of the 66 defects
included in the test set.
Computer Vision System for Weld Bead Analysis