Material Classification in the Wild: Do Synthesized Training Data
Generalise Better than Real-world Training Data?
Grigorios Kalliatakis
, Anca Sticlaru
, George Stamatiadis
, Shoaib Ehsan
, Ales Leonardis
Juergen Gall
and Klaus D. McDonald-Maier
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, Colchester, U.K.
School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K.
Institute of Computer Science, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Material Classification, Synthesized Data, CNN.
We question the dominant role of real-world training images in the field of material classification by investi-
gating whether synthesized data can generalise more effectively than real-world data. Experimental results on
three challenging real-world material databases show that the best performing pre-trained convolutional neural
network (CNN) architectures can achieve up to 91.03% mean average precision when classifying materials in
cross-dataset scenarios. We demonstrate that synthesized data achieve an improvement on mean average pre-
cision when used as training data and in conjunction with pre-trained CNN architectures, which spans from
5% to 19% across three widely used material databases of real-world images.
Material classification in real-world environments is a
challenging problem due to the huge impact of view-
ing and illumination conditions on material appear-
ance. Therefore, training an appropriate classifier re-
quires a training set which covers all these conditions
as well as the intra-class variance of the materials.
Two approaches are mainly used to generate suitable
training sets: 1) capture a single representative per
material category under a multitude of different con-
ditions, such as scale, illumination and viewpoint, in
a controlled setting (Caputo et al., 2005; Dana et al.,
1999; Hayman et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2013) 2) use
images acquired under uncontrolled conditions (e.g.,
FMD (Sharan et al., 2010) which is generated by tak-
ing images from an internet image database (Flickr)).
For (1), the measured viewing and illumination
configurations are rather coarse and hence not de-
scriptive enough to capture the mesoscopic effects in
material appearance, which consider the light inter-
action with material surface regions mapped to ap-
proximately one pixel, in an accurate way. Moreover,
the material samples are only measured under con-
trolled illumination or lab environments which may
not generalise to material appearance under complex
realworld scenarios. On the other hand, approach (2)
has the advantage that both the intra-class variance
of materials and the environment conditions are sam-
pled in a representative way. Unfortunately, the im-
ages have to be collected manually, and the materials
appearing in the image have to be segmented and an-
notated. The necessary effort again severely limits the
number of configurations that can be generated this
Motivated by the success of synthesized data for
different vision applications (e.g. (Vazquez et al.,
2014; Enzweiler and Gavrila, 2008; Pishchulin et al.,
2011; Targhi et al., 2008; Stark et al., 2010; Shot-
ton et al., 2011; Oxholm and Nishino, 2012; Bar-
ron and Malik, 2012; Barron and Malik, 2013)), we
question the dominant role of real-world images in
the field of material classification and investigate me-
thodically whether synthetic datasets generalise bet-
ter than real-world datasets when applied as train-
ing datasets and in conjunction with CNN architec-
tures. For performing the large set of experiments,
we partly followed the approach of Chatfield et al.
(Chatfield et al., 2014) which was used for compar-
ing CNN architectures for recognition of object cat-
egories. We, on the other hand, tackle material clas-
sification in this particular work, an entirely differ-
ent problem from (Chatfield et al., 2014). Continu-
ing from our previous work (Kalliatakis et al., 2017),
we go one step further by investigating the effect of
training datasets (both real-world and synthetic) on
Kalliatakis, G., Sticlaru, A., Stamatiadis, G., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Gall, J. and McDonald-Maier, K.
Material Classification in theWild: Do Synthesized Training Data Generalise Better than Real-world Training Data?.
DOI: 10.5220/0006634804270432
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Cross-dataset material classification results. Training and testing are performed using 3 different databases of real-
world images. The name on the left denotes the training database, while the name on the right implies the testing database.
Bold font highlights the leading mean result for every experiment. Three data augmentation strategies are used for both
training and testing: 1) no augmentation (denoted Image Aug=-), 2) flip augmentation (denoted Image Aug=(F)), 3) crop and
flip (denoted Image Aug=(C)). Augmented images are used as stand-alone samples (f), or by combining the corresponding
descriptors using sum (s) or max (m) pooling or stacking (t). Here, GS denotes gray scale. The same symbols for data
augmentation options and gray scale are used in the rest of the paper. For instance, if we take the first row, it means that the
C+F augmentation is used to generate the new images during the training phase and is further combined with the sum pooling
in the testing phase (s).
Image Aug. FMD - ImageNet FMD - MINC-2500 MINC-2500 - ImageNet7
Training Testing mAP mAP mAP
(m) CNN F (C) f s 78.23% 71.87% 85.11%
(n) CNN S (C) f s 83.49% 72.95% 86.18%
(o) CNN M 82.40% 73.06% 87.64%
(p) CNN M (C) f s 81.68% 74.82% 85.79%
(q) CNN M (C) f m 81.69% 75.46% 86.55%
(r) CNN M (C) s s 79.52% 73.56% 89.88%
(s) CNN M (C) t t 80.22% 74.19% 89.53%
(t) CNN M (C) f 80.31% 73.83% 82.71%
(u) CNN M (F) f 81.91% 73.01% 91.03%
(v) CNN M GS f 71.82% 66.78% 89.37%
(w) CNN M GS (C) s 75.95% 69.05% 87.87%
(x) CNN M 2048 (C) f s 80.27% 76.35% 86.82%
(y) CNN M 1024 (C) f s 82.55% 74.85% 87.89%
(z) CNN M 128 (C) f s 82.90% 73.99% 88.13%
the accuracy of the system. Our experimental results
on three challenging real-world materials databases
show that the best performing pre-trained CNN ar-
chitectures can achieve up to 91.03% mean average
precision for cross-dataset scenarios. We also demon-
strate that synthesized data achieve an improvement
on mean average precision when used as training data,
which spans from 5% to 19% across three widely
used materials databases of real-world images and in
conjunction with pre-trained CNN architectures.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows.
Section 2 gives details of the material classification
pipeline used for our experiments. Section 3 inves-
tigates whether synthetic data generalise better than
real-world images for the material classification task
when applied as training datasets and in conjunction
with pre-trained CNN architectures and presents ex-
perimental results in this regard. Finally, conclusions
are given in Section 4.
Every block in the material classification pipeline is
fixed except the feature extractor as different CNN
architectures (pre-trained on 1000 ImageNet classes)
are plugged in, one at a time, to compare their per-
formance utilizing the mean average precision (mAP)
metric. Given a training dataset T
consisting of m
material categories, a test dataset T
comprising un-
seen images of the material categories given in T
, and
a set of n pre-trained CNN architectures (C
), the
pipeline operates as follows: The training dataset T
is used as input to the first CNN architecture C
. The
output of C
is then utilized to train m SVM linear
classifiers. Once trained, the test dataset T
is em-
ployed to assess the performance of the material clas-
sification pipeline using mAP. The training and test-
ing procedures are then repeated after replacing C
with the second CNN architecture C
to evaluate the
performance of the material classification pipeline.
For a set of n pre-trained CNN architectures, the train-
ing and testing processes are repeated n times. Since
the whole pipeline is fixed (including the training and
test datasets, learning procedure and evaluation pro-
tocol) for all n CNN architectures, the differences in
the performance of the material classification pipeline
can be attributed to the specific CNN architectures
Following (Chatfield et al., 2014), we have cho-
sen three baseline CNN architectures for our experi-
ments, namely Fast (CNN-F), Medium (CNN-M) and
Slow (CNN-S). The CNN-F architecture is similar to
the one used by Krizhevsky et al. (Krizhevsky et al.,
2012). On the other hand, the CNN-M architecture
is similar to the one employed by Zeiler and Fergus
(Zeiler and Fergus, 2014), where as the CNN-S archi-
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tecture is related to the ’accurate’ network from the
OverFeat package (Sermanet et al., 2013). All these
baseline CNN architectures are built on the Caffe
framework (Jia et al., 2014) and are pre-trained on
ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009). Each network com-
prises 5 convolutional and 3 fully connected layers for
a total of 8 learnable layers used to extract the mate-
rial features from the images presented. Since transfer
learning is applied, the CNN model output discussed
above refers to the activations of the fc6 fully con-
nected layer, which is the layer before the last. This
is applied to all three CNN architectures used in the
current pipeline. Data augmentation is used through-
out the paper as it provides informative samples from
current images for the system to use and increase the
amount of training data. For instance, if we take the
first row in in Table 1, it means that the C+F augmen-
tation is used to generate the new images during the
training phase and is further combined with the sum
pooling in the testing phase (s). For further design and
implementation details for these architectures, please
see Table 1 in [15].
For synthetic images, perfect segmentations are usu-
ally available without the need for manual segmen-
tation, and a huge number of them can be generally
obtained automatically. The system presented uses
patch segments to train our material system to iden-
tify the correct feature points of a selected category to
overcome the problems of material datasets that con-
sist of small fraction of possible real-world conditions
under a controlled laboratory environment. Recently,
it was shown by (Weinmann et al., 2014) that real-
world materials can be classified using synthesized
training data. In this work, we challenge the domi-
nant role of real-world images in the field of material
classification and methodically analyze how synthetic
data affects the results when applied as training sets
and used in conjunction with pre-trained CNN archi-
tectures. We use cross-dataset analysis in this sec-
tion to demonstrate how well the real-world and syn-
thetic training datasets perform in complex real-world
scenarios by employing real-world test datasets. The
synthetic data is generated using a different database
to the one used for training which will still fit within
our system’s aim: to train on one dataset and test on a
different dataset.
Training m linear SVM classifiers, we take into
consideration for our analysis only the classes that
are common across both the synthetic and real-world
data. For instance, in this type of scenario, if syn-
thetic data is chosen for training and a real-world
dataset such as FMD is chosen for testing, then only
the four common classes such as fabric, leather, stone
and wood, are selected to be included in the analy-
sis. The same would be achieved for when real-world
database is chosen for training and synthetic for test-
3.1 Material Databases
Three different real-world databases are used in our
experiments: 1) Flickr Material Database (FMD)
(Sharan et al., 2010), 2) ImageNet7 dataset (Hu et al.,
2011) which was derived from ImageNet (Deng et al.,
2009) by collecting 7 common material categories,
and 3) MINC-2500 (Bell et al., 2015) which is a
patch classification dataset with 2500 samples per cat-
egory. For synthetic data, University of Bonn dataset
(UBO2014) (Weinmann et al., 2014) is used for train-
ing purposes and tested against FMD, ImageNet7 and
MINC-2500 datasets. This synthetic dataset consists
of 7 material categories with 12 different item sam-
ples per category. Each material sample is measured
and consists of 151 diverse lighting directions and 151
viewing direction of the of it resulting in 22,801 im-
ages per category and 159,607 images in total. As ev-
ident, all three real-world databases consist of neither
the same number of images nor categories between
them. For this specific reason and in order to keep the
tests on a common base, we consider the first half of
the images enclosed in each database category as pos-
itive training samples and the other half for testing.
Regarding negative training samples, for a category,
the first 10% images of the remaining classes from
the dataset are collected together. Generating the neg-
ative training subset this way means the category still
has images from the same dataset, but they will be dif-
ferent from the evaluated category. Finally, a dataset
containing 1414 random images is utilized and kept
constant as the negative test data of our system for all
the experiments that follow. In total, 14 different vari-
ants of the baseline CNN architectures with different
data augmentation strategies are compared on FMD,
ImageNet7 and MINC-2500.
3.2 Cross-dataset Analysis with
Real-world Images
Results for three different cross-dataset experiments
are given in Table 1: 1) Training on FMD and test-
ing on ImageNet7 2) Training on FMD and testing
Material Classification in theWild: Do Synthesized Training Data Generalise Better than Real-world Training Data?
Table 2: Material classification results using synthesized images.Training is performed using synthesized data from (Wein-
mann et al., 2014). Bold font highlights the leading mean result obtained when tested on databases of real-world images
(FMD, MINC-2500, ImageNet7).
Image Aug. MINC-2500 ImageNet7 FMD
Training Testing mAP mAP mAP
(a) CNN F (C) f s 94.99% 95.41% 78.76%
(b) CNN S (C) f s 94.56% 95.61% 78.23%
(c) CNN M 93.36% 95.76% 74.72%
(d) CNN M (C) f s 95.16% 95.19% 77.30%
(e) CNN M (C) f m 95.10% 95.11% 76.79%
(f) CNN M (C) s s 95.62% 96.17% 79.26%
(g) CNN M (C) t t 95.52% 96.20% 78.95%
(h) CNN M (C) f 94.24% 94.06% 70.91%
(i) CNN M (F) f 93.43% 95.64% 74.25%
(j) CNN M GS 91.58% 93.32% 63.17%
(k) CNN M GS (C) f s 94.77% 93.48% 70.34%
(l) CNN M 2048 (C) f s 95.42% 95.06% 77.01%
(m) CNN M 1024 (C) f s 94.89% 94.81% 69.84%
(n) CNN M 128 (C) f s 95.25% 93.49% 63.53%
Figure 1: Increase in Mean average precision (mAP) of the material classification pipeline when UBO2014 database is used
as training dataset and testing is done on MINC-2500, ImageNet7 and FMD as compared to the results obtained when training
and testing datasets are both generated by using the same database of real-world images (e.g., training on FMD and testing on
on MINC-2500 3) Training on MINC-2500 and test-
ing on ImageNet7. Considering the fact that FMD
dataset is quite small, with only 100 images per ma-
terial class, it performs better when used for training
with reduced feature dimensionality per image, also
observed in Zheng et al (Csurka et al., 2004). In Table
1, with FMD as training database, the material classi-
fication pipeline performs best in testing the overlap-
ping categories with ImageNet7 when Medium CNN
architecture is used with 128 feature points per im-
age extracted. The crop and flip augmentation and
sum pooling collation is also used in this configura-
tion and an accuracy of 82% is achieved across the
metric used. For FMD as training and MINC-2500
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
as testing database, the material classification pipeline
achieves the best accuracy in testing the overlapping
categories when CNN-M architecture is utilised with
2048 feature points per image extracted. Crop and
flip augmentation and sum pooling are also used and
the resulting accuracy is 76% across the metric
used. It is evident from Table 1 that the performance
of the system increases when MINC-2500 is used as
training database and overlapping categories of Ima-
geNet7 are tested. This is due to the fact that MINC-
2500 database enables the use of more images for
positive training. When testing the overlapping cat-
egories with ImageNet7. In this case, the highest ac-
curacy is again achieved when CNN-M is used. How-
ever, only flip is used as augmentation and no colla-
tion is utilised with this CNN architecture as opposed
to the above two cases. The resulting accuracy of the
system is 90%. This is the case of finding the best
balance before over-fitting occurs. Finally, the result-
ing average across all three experiments is 82%.
3.3 Cross-dataset Analysis with
Synthesized Images
By using the UBO2014 database (Weinmann et al.,
2014) for training, there is considerable increase in
performance of the material classification pipeline as
compared to when trained on databases with real-
images as shown in Table 2. In the case of us-
ing UBO2014 for training and MINC-2500 for test-
ing, there is a 19% increase in performance, com-
pared to when FMD was used for training, giving
an accuracy of 95%. Testing on ImageNet7 also
gives UBO2014 the edge over FMD and MINC-2500.
When comparing with FMD as test database, the in-
crease in performance is quite significant at 14%.
This can be attributed to the fact that FMD is a small
size real-world dataset that provides limited training
and testing data, whereas UBO2014 covers a large
fraction of viewing and illumination conditions on
material appearance as well as the intra-class variance
of the materials. This outlined reason for the signif-
icant increase in performance shows the importance
of the amount of training data as well as the necessity
of having bigger defined existing real-world datasets.
When comparing UBO2014 training to MINC-2500
training, an increase in performance of 5% is also
observed which gives the synthetic data a better gen-
eralization in all tests and classes of materials for the
datasets we used. Finally, Fig. 1 shows the increase in
mean average precision (mAP) of the material classi-
fication pipeline when UBO2014 database is used as
training dataset and testing is done on MINC-2500,
ImageNet7 and FMD as compared to the results ob-
tained when training and testing datasets are both gen-
erated by using the same database of real-world im-
ages (e.g., training on FMD and testing on FMD). It
is thus clear from Fig. 1 that training with synthetic
data can even surpass the performance that is achieved
by training on the same database of real-world images
on which it is tested.
We have done rigorous investigation of the effects of
training data type for the task of material classifica-
tion in the wild utilizing pre-trained CNN architec-
tures. Our cross-dataset experiments have demon-
strated that synthetic training data generalises bet-
ter for material classification than real world train-
ing data. It seems that synthetic data is a promis-
ing approach to overcome the dataset bias problem
of datasets collected from real images. It will be an
interesting future direction to investigate if synthetic
data can be combined with real images to improve ac-
curacy and generalisation abilities of CNNs.
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ing and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC
[EP/R02572X/1 and EP/P017487/1] and the UK Eco-
nomic and Social Research Council [ES/M010236/1].
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