Installation Procedure: With knowledge of the dif-
ferent parts of the system, a program would be able
to guide the user through an installation. The user
should select various aspects of the pose estimation
in an intuitive way, potentially selecting on the screen
where the object is to be detected, whether a detec-
tion is correct and so forth. The system should also be
flexible enough to allow for easily adapting to small
changes in objects variants instead of starting the pro-
cess from scratch each time. Ideally, a database would
store already found solutions intelligently and would
match an existing task to earlier found solutions. This
gives a good starting point for a given problem.
We have shown an analysis of the current situation
of the applications of pose estimation in industry and
academia. Our results show that the average setup
time for pose estimation systems in the industry is 1–
2 weeks, and 2–3 weeks in academia. Despite many
improvements, there still exist many obstacles before
pose estimation can be installed with a reasonable
setup time. This currently limits the application of
vision systems to large production sizes.
The results indicate that in addition to the algo-
rithmic problems of pose estimation, the actual imple-
mentation of the system is still a challenge. In section
4, we proposed a scaling of the usability of vision al-
gorithms. These levels indicate how much time and
expertise it takes to set up a pose estimation system.
At the top level, the system can be quickly set up by a
non-expert, which is currently not possible.
To achieve this level of usability, the parameters of
vision algorithms needs to be condensed, both to re-
duce the number of parameters, but also to make them
more intuitive. There is also a need for a more effi-
cient framework for setting up pose estimation sys-
tems, guiding the user through the complete setup
from image acquisition to the final position. Here
the simulation of sensors and systems before setting
up costly hardware solutions could play an important
This paper shows that when evaluating the quality
of pose estimation systems, the aspect of setup time
might be an important criterion besides the percentage
of recognized objects and the pose accuracy.
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VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications