Segmentation of Cell Membrane and Nucleus
by Improving Pix2pix
Masaya Sato
, Kazuhiro Hotta
, Ayako Imanishi
, Michiyuki Matsuda
and Kenta Terai
Meijo University, Siogamaguchi, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Keywords: Semantic Segmentation, Generative Adversarial Network, Pix2pix, Cell Membrane and Cell Nucleus.
Abstract: We propose a semantic segmentation method of cell membrane and nucleus by improving pix2pix. We use
pix2pix which is an improved method of DCGAN. Pix2pix generates good segmentation result by the
competition of generator and discriminator but pix2pix uses generator and discriminator independently. If
generator knows the criterion for classifying real and fake images, we can improve the accuracy of
generator furthermore. Thus, we propose to use the feature maps of the discriminator into generator. In
experiments on segmentation of cell membrane and nucleus, our proposed method outperformed the
conventional pix2pix.
In the field of cell biology, cell biologists segment
cell membrane and cell nucleus manually now.
Manual segmentation takes cost and time. In
addition, the segmentation results become subjective.
Therefore, an automatic segmentation method is
desired. In recent years, segmentation accuracy is
much improved by the progress of deep learning.
Thus, we can develop an automatic segmentation
method with high accuracy now.
The effectiveness of encoder-decoder
convolutional neural network (CNN) such as the
SegNet (Vijay Badrinarayanan et al., 2017) and the
U-net (Olaf Ronneberger et al., 2015) for semantic
segmentation is reported. At first, we tried to use
encoder-decoder CNN for segmentation of cell
membrane and cell nucleus. However, segmentation
accuracy is not sufficient. Therefore, we tried to use
pix2pix (Phillip Isola et al., 2017) which is the
improved version of Generative Adversarial
Networks (GAN) ((Ian Goodfellow at el., 2014),
(Emily Denton at el., 2015)). Since pix2pix can train
the transformation between input and output images,
we can use it for segmentation (Masaya Sato et al.,
Pix2pix consists of generator and discriminator.
Generator produces an output image from the input
image. Discriminator classifies whether the output
image of the generator is real or fake. Two networks
are adversarial relationship. Pix2pix generates the
good segmentation result by the competition
between generator and discriminator in comparison
with the encoder-decoder CNN. However, the
accuracy of cell membrane is still low. Further
improvement is required.
In this paper, we try to improve the generator in
pix2pix. The goodness of the generator is evaluated
by the discriminator. Thus, knowing the important
features in discriminator is important for improving
the generator. For example, cell membrane is not
broken. If discriminator judges real and fake images
by using the knowledge, the information is effective
for generator to generate good segmentation result.
Thus, we use the feature maps of discriminator in
generator. Concretely, we concatenate the feature
maps of discriminator with the encoder part of the
generator. Generator can learn how discriminator
judges real or fake and use the information to
improve the accuracy.
In experiments, we used 50 fluorescence images
of the liver of transgenic mice that expressed
fluorescent markers on the cell membrane and in the
cell nucleus. 40 images are used for training and
remaining 10 images are used for evaluating the
accuracy. Ground truth images are made by human
experts. Therefore, the number of images is small.
Sato, M., Hotta, K., Imanishi, A., Matsuda, M. and Terai, K.
Segmentation of Cell Membrane and Nucleus by Improving Pix2pix.
DOI: 10.5220/0006648302160220
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 4: BIOSIGNALS, pages 216-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-279-0
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