To Know and To Learn
About the Integration of Knowledge Representation and Deep Learning for
Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
Francesco Setti
Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona, Italy
Fine-Grained Visual Categorization, Knowledge Representation, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural
Networks, Ontology.
Fine-grained visual categorization is becoming a very popular topic for computer vision community in the
last few years. While deep convolutional neural networks have been proved to be extremely effective in
object classification and recognition, even when the number of classes becomes very large, they are not as
good in handling fine-grained classes, and in particular in extracting subtle differences between subclasses of
a common parent class. One way to boost performances in this task is to embed external prior knowledge
into standard machine learning approaches. In this paper we will review the state of the art in knowledge
representation applied to fine-grained object recognition, focusing on methods that use (or can potentially use)
convolutional neural networks. We will show that many research works have been published in the last years,
but most of them make use of knowledge representation in a very na
ıve (or even unaware) way.
When we train a classifier, we want a machine to per-
form in few minutes, hours or days a learning process
that for a human being takes years or decades. While
the huge gain in speed is motivated by the computati-
onal power of a modern days computer, the assump-
tion that we are mimicking the learning process of a
human is mostly wrong. Indeed, the vast majority of
classification methods are driven only by data, which
is not the case of humans.
Our brain is able to generalize much better than
machines, that easily fall into overfitting problems,
and we are also able to identify inter-class connecti-
ons that are usually neglected in automatic processes.
More important, humans can learn to distinguish new
visual classes by means of non-visual knowledge, like
semantic information. Think, for example, to a child
that sees for the first time a duck, he is not able to
say it’s a duck, but still he can clearly say it’s “a bird
with a yellow flat beak”. Going back to his mother, he
asks her which kind of bird it was, only saying it had
a weird yellow flat beak; the mum’s answer is “If the
body was white, it’s a goose; but if it was grey with
a green head, it is definitely a duck!”. From now on,
the child is not only able to recognise a duck, but he is
also able to identify a goose without having ever seen
To extend the standard learning procedure, and al-
low it to handle this kind of situations, many diffe-
rent approaches such as transfer learning (Ding and
Fu, 2017), domain adaptation (Bergamo and Torre-
sani, 2010), and zero-shot learning (Lampert et al.,
2014) have been proposed. Eventually, all of them
implicitly embed some sort of prior knowledge into
the classifier, sometimes at a very na
ıve level (e.g. the
number of classes), while in other cases more com-
plex knowledge (like attributes or class taxonomy) are
also considered.
Standard image recognition problems are perfor-
med at a coarse-level, aiming to distinguish between
completely unrelated classes (e.g. birds, cars, and
chairs). Fine-Grained Visual Categorization (FGVC)
addresses the problem of recognising domain specific
classes (e.g. different species of birds), where visual
similarity becomes extremely high, and only few de-
tails allow to discriminate between two different cate-
gories. In such a task, objects belonging to different
classes may have marginal appearance differences,
while objects within the same category may present
larger appearance variations due to changes of scales
or viewpoints, complex backgrounds and occlusions
(see Fig. 1). High inter-class variance, in conjunction
with low intra-class variance poses a very tough chal-
Setti, F.
To Know and To Lear n - About the Integration of Knowledge Representation and Deep Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization.
DOI: 10.5220/0006651803870392
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Two species of gulls from CUB 200 dataset il-
lustrate the difficulty of fine-grained object classification:
large intra-class and small inter-class variance. (originally
appeared on (Zhao et al., 2017)).
lenge that is intrinsic for any FGVC problems. More-
over, in coarse-level object categorization, the back-
ground of an image often contributes significantly to
the classication. This is not the case of FGVC, where
in most of the cases background is shared across all
the classes (e.g. background of flying birds is al-
ways sky, no matter what is the species of the bird);
as a consequence, background is not that informa-
tive and it is usually a source of noise. FGVC stu-
dies have been conducted on motorcycles (Hillel and
Weinshall, 2007), aircrafts (Maji et al., 2013), flo-
wers (Rejeb Sfar et al., 2013), trees (Kumar et al.,
2012), dogs (Khosla et al., 2011), butterflies (Duan
et al., 2012), and birds (Berg et al., 2014).
Indeed, the biological domains are extremely
well-suited to the problem. The reason is that cen-
turies of biological studies lead to a biological classi-
fication (i.e. the Linnaean taxonomy) that dictates a
clear set of mutually exclusive subcategories.
Deep learning techniques, and in particular deep
neural networks, have received more and more atten-
tion for visual classification since 2012, when Alex-
Net (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) won the ILSVRC com-
petition. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are
by far the most common type of deep networks in
computer vision. CNN is a type of feed-forward ar-
tificial neural network in which the first layers are
convolutional, i.e. the weights are entries of filters
(or kernels) used to perform bi-dimensional convo-
lution and each neuron processes data only for its
receptive field. There are a huge number of vari-
ants of CNN architectures, but most of them are vari-
ants of 4 seminal works: AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al.,
2012), VGG (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014), Incep-
tion modules (Szegedy et al., 2015) and ResNet (He
et al., 2016). The core of the deep learning technology
is that features are not designed by human engineers,
but instead learned from data using a general-purpose
learning procedure. This means the information is re-
trieved from data in a purely automatic way, with li-
mited possibility for the designer to encode his know-
ledge into the machine.
As noted by (Berg et al., 2014), prior knowledge
can dramatically improve the performance of classi-
fication systems, in particular for fine-grained clas-
sification. As an example, a spatio-temporal prior
is attractive for bird species identification, because
the density of bird species varies considerably across
the world and throughout the year, due to migration;
based on this observation, a system that can inte-
grate images with information about location and date
of acquisition would lead to better classification re-
sults. Unfortunately, in most of the public bench-
marks only images and labels annotation (with or wit-
hout bounding box location) are provided. Neverthe-
less, many research works managed to embed vari-
ous types of prior knowledge into visual recognition
methods. Some foundational works analyse the po-
tential of using ontologies in computer vision (Po-
rello et al., 2013; Town, 2006), and in the recent
years these technologies have been applied to inter-
net image search (Cheng et al., 2015; Setti et al.,
2013), video-surveillance (Xu et al., 2015), video in-
dexing (Benmokhtar and Huet, 2014), and remote
sensing (Andr
es et al., 2017). Surprisingly, despite
ontologies are widely used for the generation of data-
sets (e.g. ImageNet is heavily based on WordNet, a
semantic ontology), very few works explicitly adopt
this formalism, while in many papers the ontological
rules are informally used.
The goal of this paper is to analyse which kind of
prior knowledge is used in the state-of-the-art appro-
aches and how it is included inside the classification
procedure. We will show that many different sour-
ces of information have been used in the last years,
often in an implicit (or even unaware) way, and that
formal knowledge representation methods are rarely
Several different types of information can be used to
build a knowledge base. In particular, when structu-
red information is already available in the literature
of relevant domains (as in the case of biological data),
it is possible to use formal logics to define a set of
relations between classes and different entities. For
instance, the easiest relation that is usually included
in all the ontologies is the “IS A relation, which al-
low to specify a hierarchical structure (i.e. a taxo-
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
nomy) of classes. Other common relations are the “IS
PART OF”, that is tightly related to all the part based
methods for image classification, and the “HAS CO-
relations that are linked with attributes reasoning. In
the following we will present the most common ad-
ditional information that are used in image classifica-
Hierarchy of Classes
A hierarchical taxonomy is a tree structure of classes
for a given set of objects; it can be formalized as a
directed graph where nodes represent classes and ed-
ges represent parent-child relationships. This repre-
sentation is at the base of the popular computational
lexicon WordNet (Miller, 1995), and thus of the very
popular large scale visual classification dataset Ima-
geNet (Deng et al., 2009).
Hierarchical models explicitly represent category
hierarchies that admit sharing the appropriate abstract
knowledge across them via a prior abstracted from re-
lated classes. The basic idea is that a hawk is visually
more similar to instances of the class bird than any ot-
her class like car or dog. Many different approaches
have been proposed, spanning from compound archi-
tectures (Salakhutdinov et al., 2013) to multi-task le-
arning (Fan et al., 2017) to cascade classifiers (Wang
et al., 2015b; Wang et al., 2015a).
The knowledge of class hierarchies is often used
in combination with attributes (Akata et al., 2016; Al-
Halah and Stiefelhagen, 2015; Romera-Paredes and
Torr, 2015). Alternatively the graph can be used to
combine the response of multiple one-vs-all classi-
fiers in terms of conditional probability (Deng et al.,
2014; Rohrbach et al., 2011), or to combine different
network responses in an ensamble of networks appro-
ach (Wang et al., 2015b; Wang et al., 2015a).
Visual attributes are mid-level semantic properties
that are shared across different categories. They are
at the same time semantic (human-understandable)
and visual (machine-detectable). This allows to in-
struct the classifier to consider specific features that
are known to be discriminative between two classes,
and to recognise novel unseen categories by levera-
ging visual attributes classifiers, learned on known ca-
tegories, and a semantic description of the new class.
While early works required a precise manual annota-
tions of attribute-class relations (Lampert et al., 2014;
Farhadi et al., 2009), recent studies rely on informa-
tion mined from textual sources, often in connection
with semantic embeddings such as distributional word
vector representations (Akata et al., 2016; Demirel
et al., 2017; Gan et al., 2016; Qiao et al., 2016).
Attributes have been proved to be extremely po-
werful in large-scale coarse-level image classifica-
tion (Ouyang et al., 2015), but can also be benefial
in case of fine-grained object recognition (Branson
et al., 2010; Yu and Grauman, 2017). The main pro-
blem with fine-grained classes is that discriminative
features are usually very few and very localized, ma-
king the attribute detection extremely challenging. On
the other hand, in this scenario structured prior know-
ledge is usually available from specific studies (e.g.
accurate description of distinctive features of each
bird species).
As a matter of method, attributes can be used
as privileged information during training time (Shar-
manska et al., 2013), in an active (Kovashka et al.,
2011) or multitask (Chen et al., 2017) learning, or
with humans in the loop (Kovashka et al., 2015).
The key advantages of exploiting part representations
for object classification is that parts have lower intra-
class variability than whole objects, they deal better
with pose variation and their configuration provides
useful information about the aspect of the object.
In general, semantic part-based models treat an
object as a collection of parts that models its shape
and appearance. This facilitates fine-grained catego-
rization by explicitly isolating subtle appearance dif-
ferences associated with specific object parts. Traditi-
onal works follow a framework based on three steps:
first, parts are detected and localized inside the image,
then, parts are aligned to generate a pose-normalized
representation of the object, and lastly a classifier is
applied to perform categorization.
Part-based methods can be grouped into two sets,
considering wether or not a part has a semantic mea-
ning. In the first case, a part is any patch that is dis-
criminative for the object class recognition (Endres
et al., 2013; Felzenszwalb et al., 2010; Juneja et al.,
2013), typically discovered from training images au-
tomatically, without human supervision. In the lat-
ter, parts are semantic concepts (e.g. ‘head’, ‘beak’,
‘wing’) that are easily interpretable by humans (Bran-
son et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2013;
Zhang et al., 2014). While the first approach is unable
to handle new classes (zero-shot learning) and genera-
tes models that have no meaning for humans, existing
works on semantic part detection require part location
annotations in the training images, which are very ex-
pensive to obtain. To overcome this problem, (Mo-
To Know and To Learn - About the Integration of Knowledge Representation and Deep Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
dolo and Ferrari, 2017) propose to learn part models
from images collected by web search engines; this
work requires only a list of parts forming the object,
then it collects images from the web and employs an
incremental learning strategy to gradually move from
parts to whole objects, learning in the meanwhile the
spatial arrangment of the components.
Part knowledge is usually exploited in the de-
sign of the network architecture, applying parallel
networks to identify different body parts that are fi-
nally composed in a last bank of fully connected lay-
ers (Branson et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2016).
Prior knowledge can be used to learn a classifier either
at a data level, at an architectural level, or at a proce-
dural level. In the first case, semantics and structu-
red knowledge about the domain can be used to auto-
matically generate training data. In the second case,
the provided information are directly included into the
deep network in a sequential (or hierarchical) or in a
multi-task approach. In the last case, prior knowledge
is used as privileged information for learning a model
that won’t use it in the testing phase.
Training Data Generation
A good training set has to be sufficiently informative
to capture the nature of the object under analysis, but
at the same time has to be generic enough to avoid
overfitting and to cope with new instances of the same
class. The task of generating these data is very time
consuming and error prone. To overcome these pro-
blems unsupervised and weakly supervised methods
have been proposed, while on the other hand resear-
chers also tried to automatize this annotation process.
In (Setti et al., 2013) WordNet is used as knowledge
base to identify a set of words semantically related
with the target class label, these are then filtered to
remove all the words unrelated to visual specificati-
ons, and lastly used to query a web image search en-
gine. This work has been extended in (Cheng et al.,
2015), where Google N-grams is used to retrieve also
statistics about the frequency of appearance of rela-
ted words in a text corpus, and improve the seman-
tic filter. (Movshovitz-Attias et al., 2015) exploits an
ontology of geographical concepts to automatically
propagate business category information and create
a large, multi-label, training dataset for fine grained
storefront classification. A classifier based on Goog-
LeNet/Inception Deep Convolutional Network archi-
tecture is then trained on 208 categories, achieving
human level accuracy.
Network Architecture
The key idea of (Rohrbach et al., 2011) is to take ad-
vantage of the structured nature of the object category
space to transfer knowledge between classes; speci-
fically, they uses the structure of WordNet to build a
class taxonomy, then classifiers are trained for both
leafs and inner nodes, and finally knowledge is pro-
pagated throughout the graph in terms of conditio-
nal probability. Despite this work is experimented
by using Bag-of-Words features, there is no theore-
tical obstacle to using CNN features. In fact, (Al-
Halah and Stiefelhagen, 2015) uses a similar appro-
ach with CNN features; they also transfer attribute la-
bels across classes, learn the attributes that are most
discriminative between similar categories, and select
the best attributes to share with a novel class.
(Deng et al., 2014) introduces Hierarchy and Ex-
clusion (HEX) graphs as a standalone layer that can
be used on top of any feedforward architecture for
classification. Differently from the standard taxono-
mies mentioned so far, HEX can capture three seman-
tic relations between two labels applied to the same
object: mutual exclusion, overlap and subsumption.
In (Wang et al., 2015a) an ensemble of networks ap-
proach is used to build a cascade classifier able to re-
cognize classes at different levels of granularity (e.g.
bird, woodpecker, and acorn woodpecker), each one
focusing on different salient regions that are learned
during the training phase.
(Akata et al., 2016) introduced a framework ba-
sed on modelling the relationship between features,
attributes, and classes as a model composed of two
layers: one mapping images (i.e. features) to attribu-
tes, and the second mapping attributes to class labels.
(Romera-Paredes and Torr, 2015) extends the appro-
ach by forcing the weights of the second layer to be
formalized by an external knowledge base, instead of
learned from data.
Privileged Information
Privileged information is a type of information that is
only available during training. A number of informa-
tion can be treated as privileged such as text, attribu-
tes, and bounding boxes of object parts.
Textual information is used by (Sharmanska et al.,
2013), where the meaningful data are manually defi-
ned by the designer according to the specific problem;
this operation is time consuming and the knowledge
acquired is hardly transferable to new problems. On
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
the contrary, (Chen and Zhang, 2017) learns a label
embedding model to define the visual-semantic misa-
lignment between image features extracted by a CNN
and class labels; this is then used to compute the cost
function to learn a SVM classifier. This system is
completely automatic and can be easily extended to
new classes by simply adding data, but it only uses the
CNN as a feature extractor, without any interaction
between privileged information and the network it-
Indeed, this pipeline of using CNN for features
extraction and SVM for classification is very com-
mon for learning using privileged information. This
is mostly due to the fact that privileged information
in SVM has been widely studied and SVM+ (Vapnik
and Vashist, 2009) is a well established leraning pa-
radigm. This pipeline applies not only to text data,
but also to attributes. (Sharmanska and Quadrianto,
2017) proposes two different methods to use seman-
tic attributes as privileged information, showing that,
even in the era of deep convolutional neural networks,
semantic attributes are useful when dealing with chal-
lenging computer vision tasks.
In this paper we reviewed the state-of-the-art in kno-
wledge representation applied to fine-grained object
recognition, with a particular attention to those met-
hods that use convolutional neural networks for clas-
sification or feature extraction. Despite many rese-
arch works have been published in the last years, only
few of them are actually aware of the power that for-
mal knowledge representation has in this kind of task,
while most of the researchers use these prior know-
ledge in a very na
ıve way. We believe that more at-
tention should be payed to this topic, also taking in-
spiration from current research in different fields like
formal ontologies and natural language processing.
This work is funded by the EDGE Company
the Bird Concentration Monitoring System project.
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VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications