entering a word; the proposed keyboard resulted in
a lower average error rate, although it resulted in a
longer average time length.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Af-
ter presenting related work in Section 2, we briefly
explain Japanese kana characters in Section 3. Next,
in Section 4, we present the results of the preliminary
experiments that we conducted to make the basic de-
sign of our software keyboard. In Section 5, we pro-
pose our Japanese software keyboard for tablets, and
describe its implementation in Section 6. Then, in
Section 7, we report the result of the experiment that
we performed to evaluate our keyboard. After dis-
cussing our work in Section 8, we describe conclu-
sions and future work in Section 9.
There has been research on problems with QWERTY
software keyboards. (Hasegawa et al., 2012) exper-
imentally compared a QWERTY software keyboard
and a QWERTY hardware keyboard used for typing
on a tablet, and showed that the software keyboard
had resulted in a higher error rate. (Kim et al., 2014)
reported that the QWERTY software keyboard was
difficult to use because it caused chronic static loads
to the users’ shoulders.
Researchers have been developing alternatives to
normal QWERTY software keyboards. (Findlater
and Wobbrock, 2012) proposed personalizing the lay-
out of a QWERTY software keyboard and integrat-
ing multi-touch gestures with the keyboard. (Fukatsu
et al., 2013) and (Hakoda et al., 2013) proposed soft-
ware keyboards for smartphones that enabled eyes-
free Japanese kana input. (Hakoda et al., 2014) pro-
posed a portrait-style QWERTY software keyboard
for touch screen devices. (Sakurai and Masui, 2013)
proposed a QWERTY software keyboard for tablets
that enabled Japanese kana input by using flick op-
erations. (Kuno et al., 2013) proposed a software
keyboard called Leyboard that could change its key
layout to get adapted to its user’s hands. In some
sense, these studies share the same motivation as our
work. However, we explore a different direction; un-
like these studies, we mainly investigate the simplifi-
cation of the key layout for tablets, and also, with the
aim of enabling touch typing, we do not adopt com-
plex gestures but use normal touch operations for our
software keyboard.
There also has been research on software key-
boards tailored to smaller touch screens than tablets
and smartphones. For example, (Shibata et al., 2016)
proposed a software keyboard called DriftBoard for
ultra-small touch screens like smartwatches. Such
research suggests that software keyboards should be
differently developed for different kinds of devices.
Apart from software keyboards, there has been
much research on key layouts other than QWERTY
(Noyes, 1983). For example, Dvorak is a popular al-
ternative key layout. Also, there has been research
on key layouts for Japanese text entry, e.g., (Shiratori
and Obashi, 1987). However, to the authors’ knowl-
edge, such research was typically limited to hardware
keyboards with similar physical structures to that of
QWERTY, and there is no research that showed the
effectiveness of such alternative layouts for software
Handwritten character recognition has been long
used for mobile devices including Japanese-capable
tablets and smartphones (Zhu and Nakagawa, 2012).
The use of this technology instead of or in combi-
nation with a software keyboard might be promising.
However, this direction is presently beyond the scope
of our research.
We briefly describe Japanese kana characters, which
we treat with our software keyboard. In general,
Japanese text uses two kinds of characters, i.e., Chi-
nese characters and kana characters. While a Chinese
character typically has a meaning, a kana character
does not; instead, a kana character is associated with
a speech sound. There are two kinds of kana charac-
ters called hiragana and katakana. Although they are
used for different purposes, they correspond to each
other; for each hiragana character, there is a corre-
sponding katakana character, and vice versa. Our key-
board treats only hiragana characters, and we refer to
them just as kana below.
There are approximately 50 basic kana characters,
which are further divided into 10 groups that are or-
dered, each of which typically consists of 5 charac-
ters. The first group is special because its 5 characters
indicate 5 vowels that are pronounced “a,” “i,” “u,”
“e,” and “o.” The other 9 groups are associated with
the basic consonants, “k,” “s,” “t,” “n,” “h,” “m,” “y,”
“r,” and “w.” A kana character in these 9 groups forms
the sound that combines a consonant and a vowel.
For example, the 5 characters of the “k” group are
pronounced “ka,” “ki,” “ku,” “ke,” and “ko.” This
grouping of kana characters is basic knowledge of the
Japanese language.
The “k,” “s,” “t,” and “h” groups have variants
called dakuon. Specifically, the dakuon variants of