neighbors for bilinear interpolation. A possible
speedup for motion detection applications consists in
warping first at a lower resolution, and/or with the
nearest neighbor pixel, and to apply warping at full
resolution only where differences with the reference
are significant at low resolution.
According to Table 1, if we target an application
with 2 Mpixel image sequences, 60 ms (or 80 with
pre-processing) are likely to be needed for all the
processing steps. At a rate of 10 images per second,
40 ms (or 20) are left to handle moving object
detection and tracking, a task possibly helped by the
available regions extracted for image registration.
We presented a feasibility study for real-time image
registration that exploits fast image segmentation
into regions based on pixel connectivity along and
across horizontal segments. These segments form a
compact representation of the regions, appropriate
for the fast extraction of classical features such as
the area, the centroids and the 2
order moments.
According to preliminary tests, video sequences
of 2 Mpixel images can be registered at 3 Hz. Based
on the discussion about identified slow operations,
the same sequences are likely to be registered and
analyzed for object tracking at 10 Hz.
Some refinements and improvements mentioned
in the discussion of section 5 are our future concern.
We will first finalize the segment-based region
extraction algorithm. We will then analyze the
potential of additional region features and adapt
region matching accordingly. We will look for
another model fitting algorithm, directly callable
from C. And finally, we will test other sequences,
and evaluate the influence of parameters.
We would like to thank the Belgian MoD and in
particular the Royal Higher Institute for Defence for
supporting this research.
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Real-time Image Registration with Region Matching