device, these basic dimensions serve as input for a
numerical model, used to optimize the distance
between the electrodes, the thickness of the
dielectric and the electric potential and frequency to
be applied.
Preliminary results are promising, predicting the
satisfactory behaviour of a chip where the distance
between electrodes could be optimized to 10m, for
a dielectric thickness of 10m. Under these
conditions, the chip can transport droplets of the
order of 0.65mm diameter (thus allowing the
manipulation of biological flows containing cells)
for imposed voltages up to 70V and imposed
frequencies as low as 9Hz. These values are
significantly lower than those achieved in the
preliminary design stages, which could reach
imposed voltages of the order of 230V.
The authors are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência
e a Tecnologia (FCT) for partially financing this
research through the project UID/EEA/50009/2013,
and for supporting F. Jacinto with a fellowship.
A.S. Moita also acknowledges the contribution
of FCT for financing her contract through the IF
2015 recruitment program and for partially financing
this research through the exploratory project
associated to this contract.
Finally, the authors acknowledge the
contribution of Prof. Susana Freitas and her team
from INESC-MN for the microfabrication of the test
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Design, Test and Fabrication of a Droplet based Microfluidic Device for Clinical Diagnostics