Also a method were proposed to treat the un-
aligned lines generated by the proposed algorithm.
These lines were considered and treated in this work
as noise. Based on empiric analysis the technique de-
veloped prove itself a promising strategy to solve the
problem. It suggest future works in order to analyze
effectively the denoising algorithm proposed and as-
sess quantitatively their effectiveness.
Another interesting byproduct of the proposed ap-
proach is the possibility of parallelization. Each win-
dow is independent from one another making it ideal
to be implemented as a divide and conquer approach.
Considering that in production the size of the imaged
fields can be really large leading to possibly gigabytes
of image data, the post flight processing can take con-
siderable time. By parallelizing the process, the UAV
companies doing agricultural survey are enabled to
deliver the final processing result in a fraction of the
usual time.
The authors would like to thank the company Sensix
oes em Drones Ltda (http://sensix.com.br) for
providing the images used in the tests.
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Plantation Rows Identification by Means of Image Tiling and Hough Transform